
Library of Heaven's Path Chapter 21 to 30

ZX told Wang Ying to relax and that he has called her here only for her treatment. She did so. ZX started using acupuncture therapy on her and pierced her Zephyr acupuncture. Wang Ying had some idea of acupuncture points so she was surprised as only Fighter-5 dan Dingli cultivators are capable of performing operation on this Zephyr Point. She heard that her teacher is just at Fighter-3 dan Zhenqi Realm as per the rumors of his being trash. Soon after professional looking operations through needle she felt that her blocked Zephyr Point is getting unblocked. She also noticed that a superior zhenqi is entering her body which can only be possessed by someone cultivating Saint or God level cultivation technique. Even in whole Tianxuan kingdom nobody possess such superior zhenqi not to mention the trashiest teacher in this academy is possessing it. Soon ZX was done with her leg. She felt very relaxed feelings in her leg which she had never experienced in her life before. She felt as if she broke through some shackles bound on her leg. All this is achieved just by an acupuncture performed by ZX. She was slow witted but thanked teacher after digesting information that ZX has really performed a miracle for her. She knelt on floor too with heartfelt thanks and believed that ZX is really good teacher but just keeps low profile. ZX entrusted her with task to call Liu Yang over as he is done with her and that she can come see him if any problem arise in future.

Outside Liu Yang was telling everyone that he will withdraw from teachings of ZX and was asking them if they are with him too? Fatty Yuan Tao said cowardly that he want to withdraw too but he is afraid of making ZX angry. Liu Yang told what's there to be afraid, he doesn't want to go berserk with his teachings as he has done with one of his past students. Zheng Yang wasn't aware of the news about ZX making a student berserk in past so he asked about this stuff from Liu Yang. Liu Yang bragged that if he doesn't believe him then just wait for Wang Ying to come out from the room and they can all see that her face will be awful. She will be feeling as if scammed. Suddenly door opened and Wang Ying came out with excited looks instead. Everybody was confused as her facial expressions seems to be saying that she has reaped some great reward inside. Then she broke their stupor by calling Liu Yang to go inside as per the order of ZX. Liu Yang went in but still was not convinced with ZX even after seeing that his assumption was wrong for Wang Ying. He was determined to withdraw from teachings of ZX today. He greeted ZX but his tone was not respectful. ZX started revealing about his techniques and the extent to which he has cultivated them, which was known only to him. He was even hiding one of those techniques from his family members but ZX revealed it to him as if he is some omniscient sage. He also revealed about a hidden injury in his right arm. Then ZX revealed to him flaws in his technique and the side effects caused to him due to wrong training. In future he will become cripple by continued usage of this technique. Liu Yang was dumbfounded and felt as if he is standing naked in front of ZX. He knew everything about him. He immediately believed every word of ZX and knelt down. He begged to save him from getting crippled. All his arrogance and disbelief in this trash teacher has vanished in thin air now. Now he believed that this teacher is a master among experts too. ZX provided him temporary solution to stop practicing his current technique of Dragon Inch Fist and only focus on raising cultivation through other technique. As for injury in his right arm he will find cure for him later himself too. Then he told him to exit and call for Zhao Ya next. On Liu Yang appearing outside, Fatty Yuan Tao asked whether he has withdrawn but he shamelessly spoke that why should he withdraw and phrased "He who teaches me for one day is father of my life." Moreover he blamed others for thinking about withdrawing from his tutelage shamelessly too. Every one was cursing him in heart and called him thick skinned.

Zhao Ya was convinced by the changed attitudes of Wang Ying and Liu Yang that this teacher is really capable so she went in and greeted ZX politely and immediately asked for cure of her problem. ZX told her that she is actually not sick but possessed a Pure Yin body, a body desired by countless women. The yin energy in her body was overpowering and if it was directed correctly, her cultivation would soar rapidly. But problem is in the wrong cultivation technique as nobody in her clan noticed her body type and gave her pure yin type cultivation technique itself which worsened her situation. If it continued then she will be possessed by lust. ZX revealed about her cultivating White Jade Pure Maiden Skill which is also not suitable for her. Zhao Ya was in state of disbelief hearing this because apart from Bai family nobody knew existence of this skill. After impressing her with his abilities ZX told her that he will later find a suitable cultivation technique for her so she should leave and send Zheng Yang in. Problem was not solved but she was made aware about the cause so she was happy and thanked ZX and then exited the room.

Outside the classroom, a tall youth named as Wang Tao arrived along with Uncle Liu who informed him that his sister is taken in as disciple by ZX. Wang Tao recalled and remembered this ZX to be the one who scored zero and is the trashiest teacher in whole school. He declared to teach ZX some lesson for scamming his innocent sister Wang Ying. Tianxuan City is capital of Tianxuan Kingdom and Wang family is one of the four great families of this city. He felt it as insult for his family that her sister fell for tricks of a swindler teacher. As he himself was one of the top genius student in this academy he will become laughingstock for others knowing that his sister is taken by the trashiest teacher in academy. He went towards classroom. Outside the classroom he saw mummified Yao Han. He greeted him by addressing him as young master. He recognized him to be from four great families. But Wang Tao couldn't recognize him so he asked about his identity. He introduced himself to be Yao Han from Baiyu family. Wang Tao was shocked to see his appearance and asked for the reason of his disfigured face. He again used lousy excuse of injuring himself in middle of training and instead asked for reason of Wang Tao's visit here. He told about the deeds of her younger sister Wang Ying acknowledging ZX as her teacher and that he is here to teach him some lessons. Both of them exchanged information regarding misfortune of the two young mistress from the their respective families and both of them came to conclusion that this ZX is glib tongued, vile, scourge and scum among the teachers. After all sorts of bragging Wang Tao kicked the door and went inside classroom.

Zhang Xuan has finally gone through individual situations of all five students. He explained few flaws in spear arts to Zheng Yang and provided its solutions which soared his strength once more and he was rejoiced by it. For Fatty Yang Tuo he simply gave him basic Hongtian Nine Dan Formula as he has never cultivated proper technique or battle arts before. He modified this cultivation technique by reducing lots of flaws inside it making it really effective than any other basic manuals. Yuan Tao was overjoyed by it recognizing it as totally new technique and just like others acknowledged him as accomplished teacher. Suddenly with a bang Wang Tao entered the room and ordered ZX to immediately withdraw Wang Ying from his tutelage. His eyes were red in anger as if he is ready to murder someone today. Wang Ying rushed forward and stopped her brother from interfering in her business. Wang Tao ignored and pushed her aside and gave ten seconds to ZX to withdraw her sister from his tutelage. He shot his intimidating aura towards ZX too showing his mighty strength of Fighter 4-dan Pigu Realm. ZX remained indifferent and told him to get out as he is in midst of conducting his lessons. Wang Tao remained disrespectful and called him trash and even shouted on ZX that even if he beat hell out of him today then at the most he will be reprimanded by his elder teachers only. Wang Ying face paled after watching her elder brother's disrespectful action but she was helpless against him as his cultivation level is on par with teachers. ZX repeated and ordered him to scram. Wang Tao felt dishonored to be ordered to scram by a trash teacher. He was about to retort but his eyes met with ZX and he shivered in fear with the aura emitted from his eyes. He was surprised to see that a Fighter 3-dan Zhenqi realm trashiest teacher can give out such horrifying aura?? But he was still considerate towards his prestige more and spoke that ZX is courting death. He unsheathed his sword. Seeing the strike of sword with might of 500 kg approaching ZX, Wang Ying face turned ghastly white. She felt that its impossible to dodge this attack for ZX at his realm of Fighter-3 dan. She shrieked and closed her eyes subconsciously. But she heard the surprised comments of others, "How is it possible?" ZX stopped attack and was holding sword with just two fingers. Wang Tao was also shocked and said, "Impossible". He thought it to be coincidence and tried pulling the sword from two fingers but it didn't budged even an inch. He heard a voice saying him to scram and before he knew what happened he was sent flying outside classroom. ZX told students to continue studying after casually throwing him out. All students were dumbfounded by strength of their teacher and started discussing that was ZX hiding his strength? All students now believe that ZX has been just acting low profile his whole life but actually he is the best teacher of the world instead.

Outside classroom, two butlers were discussing and expecting mighty defeat of ZX by the entry of Wang Tao inside the room. They also heard shouting by ZX and were very hopeful that their mission will be successful this time. Yao Han came to door to take in a peek about happenings inside with very hopeful mind. But door suddenly opened and slammed right on his face. And then head of Wang Tao crashed with his face and this epic clash broke his two remaining teeth. Yao Han spurted out a mouthful of blood because he was already injured. Old Liu realized that the one who came out flying was his young master so he rushed to help him. Wang Tao would have severely injured if not cushioned by Yao Han. He stood up angrily and started cursing. But he didn't dared to approach classroom anymore. Yao Han controlled himself and asked Wang Tao whether he has exposed true colors of that teacher inside or not? Wang Tao coughed but didn't revealed about his getting whacked and lied that his sister stopped him from doing anything rash inside and pushed him outside. Wang Tao suggested to wait for ZX to finish his classes. Yao Han was confused but didn't asked much and changed the topic. He asked him if he know about any female teacher with name 'Bi'? Wang Tao revealed that there is one beautiful teacher named as Shen Bi Ru and even Zhang Xuan wants to court her as per rumors. Yao Han eyes brightened and asked if there is anybody else too who is courting this Shen Bi Ru? He replied that there are countless such teachers but most popular of them is grandson of Elder Shang Chen named as Shang Bin. Yao Han was happy to know this info and he just need to confirm one thing now that whether Shang Bin has any encounter with ZX yesterday or not, then this will prove that the suspect Shang Bin is surely his assailant last night.

Shang Bin has just come out of classroom after teaching his students and met Cao Xiong who came towards him and requested Shang Bin to use powers of his grandpa as incharge of Education Bureau to get his student Liu Yang back from some other teacher who used deception to snatch his student. But Shang Bin refused as if the student has willingly approved the other teacher then its impossible to transfer the student back to another teacher even by interference of Education Bureau. Cao Xiong confidently said that the student has not willingly joined and he can guarantee that. Shang Bin continued and told that if teacher refuses to hand over his student even then Education Bureau can't interfere. Then he asked about name of the teacher who coaxed his student. Cao Xiong revealed it to be Zhang Xuan, the trash teacher. Shang Bin was enraged hearing this name. He was convinced that no student will willingly join his tutelage after knowing his worst reputation only. He told Cao Xiong that there's no need to call his grandpa for this puny task and he will deal with ZX himself. He was confident that even if ZX refused to hand over the student to them by words then he can simply cripple him as he is just trash teacher and nobody will stand for him. In front of Shen Bi Ru he suppressed his anger and didn't attacked to show his calm image to Shen But Ru but now he got excuse to vent out his frustration from yesterday. Cao Xiong thanked him and both of them started moving towards ZX's classroom.

Shang Bin saw Wang Tao outside and scolded him that why is he not training with his grandpa? Wang Tao greeted him by addressing him as Shang bin laoshi and told that his sister is duped by ZX and that he intends to take her back. Yao Han heard the name 'Shang Bin' clearly and his eyes showed a glint of anger. Shang Bin now got another excuse and declared in front of crowd to teach ZX a good lesson today. Shang Bin was however surprised to notice that Wang Tao himself hasn't barged in and is waiting outside instead? He asked for the reason for his waiting and Wang Tao made excuse that there is a academy rule prohibiting entry in classroom amidst of lessons. Now he noticed Yao Han too and Wang Tao introduced him as the butler of City Lord of Baiyu Family. Then Shang Bin declared that indeed there is such rule in academy but in current case it doesn't matter and everybody is allowed to follow him while he teach that immoral teacher some lessons. Everybody followed his lead and walked towards classroom.

ZX was teaching his students and all of them were immersed in teachings as if they are being enlightened. They never experienced such wonderful lecture in their whole life. Zhao Ya's father was best lecturer in entire Tianxuan Kingdom but she felt that in front of ZX his father is just like frog in a well. Everybody was convinced and were considering them fortunate to have joined under tutelage of this king of teachers. Suddenly door opened and few men arrived. Shang Bin charged him with accuses of coaxing Wang Ying, Zhao Ya and stealing Liu Yang from Cao Xiong. ZX simply replied that he is in middle of lessons and whatever they have to say can be listened later when he is done with his lessons. Cao Xiong stepped up and mocked him that he doesn't even know basics how can he preach lessons to students? Zhang Xuan told him to get out and that he is not welcome here. Shang Bin again stepped up and threatened ZX to obediently withdraw all students from his tutelage or he has to spend his rest of life on wheelchair. ZX reminded him about college rules. But he mocked that those rules are for general humans but for a trashy teacher no one will stand up. ZX harrumphed and revealed about his encounter with Shang bin yesterday and that he is here for intentionally seeking trouble with him. He also warned him that his despicable actions will displease Shen Bi Ru. (His main motive was to provide hints to Yan Hao about his assailant last night)

He was happy that ZX really knew about his true motives of thrashing him today. He made his move to attack ZX, but before that Yao Han had made his move too whose eyes are red with endless anger. Shang Bin was bewildered seeing Yao Han dashing towards him. And soon a fist smashed his face. He felt his world going dark. He shouted that he will make Yao Han suffer for his action. But Yao Han was sitting on his body delivering one punch after another making him pig head. He was blinded by his rage from last night's thrashing by ZX. Cao Xiong and Wang Tao shouted him to stop but he didn't listened. They were flabbergasted by sudden turn of events. Even students were staring at each other not knowing what's happening here. Earlier students had planned to stand for Zhang Shi but before they could interfere other side started fighting among themselves. Only ZX knew what exactly is happening here.

Shang Bin was in shock and he asked butler Yao Han that why is he doing this to him while spurting out blood with every landing fist. For Shang Bin it was his first time meeting with Butler Yao Han, then how could he had offended him? Yao Han accused him that he is trying to be ignorant and he should be knowing reason while continuing his punching. Seeing situation going out of control Cao Xiong and Wang Tao pulled both of them apart. ZX retorted both of them to resolve their issues outside his classroom or he will call Education Bureau. Hearing this Shang Bin moved out first. Soon Cao Xiong followed him and exited. Zhao Ya came over and asked Uncle Yao Han for reason of losing his temper. He didn't respond as he can't reveal that last night he went to castrate ZX and then got thrashed by someone. ZX asked remaining people to let him teach his students now and that they should leave now. Yao Han, Wang Tao and Old Liu left the classroom yet again.

Shang Bin was cursing outside. Cao Xiong suggested that Yao Han must be accomplice of ZX or otherwise there is no reason for him to whack him this seriously. Shang Bin agreed with Xiong's theory and pledged to take revenge from both ZX and Yao Han now. Shang Bin told Cao Xiong to apply for an 'Enlightenment Will Trial'. Under this trial for students allocation, a student will undergo the trial and Enlightenment Will Tower will reflect his true thoughts in form of confidence meter. If meter says that student is unwilling to join his current teacher then teacher will be punished. If the person who applied for trial is found guilty then he will receive equivalent punishment. Shang Bin further told him to ask for maximum punishment possible while applying for the trial.

Finally ZX's class was over and everybody came out of class with satisfied looks. But Wang Tao grabbed Wang Ying and urged her to go back to clan. She asked why? Wang Tao said that she refused his advice and acknowledged the worst teacher, so he complained to father and he wants to see her for explanation. Wang Ying was frightened on mention of her father name. He is current head of Wang Clan, Wang Hong. Wang Ying spoke up that ZX is not the way everybody else puts up and instead his lectures are really good. Wang Tao told her to speak same to father and pulled her towards Wang Clan's building which was in the same city as Hongtian Academy. They entered and Wang Hong immediately punished her daughter to kneel down and admit her mistakes after telling her about the information about the bad reputation of her teacher as per rumors. She gathered her courage and knelt down but didn't admit to withdraw from lessons of Zhang Shi. She explained that Zhang Shi keeps low profile that's why he scored zero in Exams and rest of all rumors about him are wrong and nonsense. Wang Hong tried to scare her by saying that she won't be allowed to step inside Wang Clan if she doesn't change her decision but Wang Ying didn't agreed to her father. Some elders reprimanded her by bragging about Lu Xun who taught Wang Tao for one day and improved his strength by 40 percent.

She started speaking about how Zhang Shi treated her legs which nobody in the clan was capable of, and after receiving pointers from him, she achieved one fold improvement in her strength rather than merely 40 percent improvement as in her brother's case. Nobody believed her and thought that she is lying. She sent a kick towards Strength measuring Rock Pillar and showed everyone a might of 205 kg behind her leg which should be impossible with her injured leg before. All the elders who were earlier ganging up to reprimand her and bragged about puny 40 percent improvement by Lu Xun were dumbfounded. Then she striked again with fist and this time 120kg might was shown. Everybody remembered that before leaving for academy she can exert a weight of 53 kg only behind her punch. Wang Hong stood up to check cultivation of her daughter and was surprised to see that she is still in Juxi realm primary stage, however might in her punch shows power equal to Juxi realm pinnacle stage cultivator. She is way too formidable now. She credited Zhang Xuan laoshi's guidance for all her improvements and healing of her leg too after seeing the stupor of everybody. Even a fool will believe now about the miracles done by ZX. Wang Hong couldn't resist asking Wang Ying about contents of his lecture. She said that it was too profound for her so she understood only one tenth of it, and she spoke it clearly in front of everyone. All elders present were impressed by the lecture even though it was incomplete as Wang Ying remembered only 1/10th of the lecture. Wang Hong went into frenzy in praises of ZX. Wang Ying helped in calming him down. Now he asked Wang Ming if Zhang shi is still recruiting students as he want Wang Tao and Wang Yan to learn from him too. He even showed his own desire to become his student too. One of the elder objected and said that it will defame their clan if their head will go under a low level teacher. Wang Hong said that he doesn't mind resigning as clan head or elder too. Everybody in hall went speechless including Wang Ming, Tao and Yan.

After his lectures ZX went to compendium pavilion to read more books on battle techniques so as to enhance his own knowledge. He has to suggest new cultivation techniques for some students. He has to prepare for content of his next lecture too. This time Elder Mo stopped him from entering pavilion and reprimanded him for his yesterday's behavior. Meanwhile Shen Bi Ru arrived and Elder Mo let her get inside. ZX didn't showed any signs of attractions towards her beauty this time which surprised Shen Bi Ru. Earlier she knew that ZX (original one) adores her. ZX asked Elder Mo that why can Shen Bi Ru go and he is not allowed? Shen Bi Ru heard this and suggested Elder Mo to allow ZX inside the pavilion. Elder Mo didn't refused her request and let ZX enter the pavilion. ZX thanked Shen Bi Ru and went ahead. Shen Bi Ru followed him. ZX thought that probably next time he won't be allowed entry in this pavilion so he should copy all books at one go. ZX didn't linked reason for denial of his entry with his strange behavior of flipping of books. Sound of footsteps and flipping of books echoed in whole pavilion. Elder Mo was enraged by this again and decided to teach him a lesson when he leaves. Earlier Shen Bi Ru didn't mind ZX's behavior but soon it became more and more troublesome for her to concentrate with continuous flipping and footsteps sounds. She stood up to check out situation with ZX and thought that this must be the reason for Elder Mo to deny him entry. Even after watching her ZX didn't stopped and continued even with higher pace. She thought that he must be trying to make a ruckus to attract her attention. She got angry at this and asked Zhang shi that what is he doing? He replied that he is reading books unaware about the assumptions made in her heart. She reprimanded him openly that if he is trying to attract her attention then he should stop as she won't fall for such petty tricks and will be irritated by him instead. ZX didn't mind much and responded only with, "Oh!!Alright", and resumed his Operation Flipping Books. In his heart he was cursing her self-important behavior. His eyes has seen all types of beauties in the modern digital age in his previous life, so how can he be interested in an ordinary beauty of ancient times like hers. Now Shen Bi Ru told him to leave if he still intends to continue with his show. But he was not effected at all. She again came forward to reprimand him. ZX asked her, "Are you sick? You read your own stuff while I'll read my own. If you are really bored, you can squat by a corner and draw circles. Don't bother me here!" He was irritated by this woman's nagging continuously. Her face flushed red from anger. Just as she was about to reprimand the other party, she realized that the young man had gone back to flipping through the books again. She still felt that he is putting up show to attract her and decided to reveal his true colors. She waited for ZX to be bored of his repetitive activity but he was not tired or bored even after seven or eight hours. Now she thought that ZX's cultivation must have gone berserk and that's why he has become insane???? By this time ZX was done with all books. Not even a single one was spared by him here as he was afraid of getting no entry here again. He merged many books and found a cultivation for Zhao Ya too. He gained a certain level of understanding towards the cultivation technique, battle technique, pills, equipment forging, formations and similar stuff. He felt hungry after so much work so he decided to exit the pavilion but saw angry Shen Bi Ru glaring towards him. But he wasn't bothered and continued walking towards exit. This time he was stopped by Elder Mo. Elder Mo had a single thought in his mind that this man is a troublemaker. ZX still wasn't aware of the Elder Mo's intentions and asked how has he become troublemaker when he was reading so seriously there? He even thought Elder Mo is being unreasonable and thinks other teachers are studying while he is making trouble??? Shen Bi Ru shouted on him that flipping of books is not reading seriously and that he should be making notes of what he has read. ZX now knew the reason of their irritation towards him but he still reprimanded her that who says that reading must involve making notes??? Elder Mo started lecturing about books being written by blood and sweat of years of experience of ancestors and should be respected and his behavior was really disrespectful. ZX wanted to explain but thought against it as he can't reveal about his Heavenly Library, "I… Fine, if you insist that I'm creating trouble, then just take it to be so!" Shen Bi Ru again stopped his path to test if he really read those books or not. She said that he was reading a particular book and she needs his consultation from it. She was still believing that he was here for her so was hell bent on exposing his facade. ZX didn't denied her request and asked her to hurry up and ask her doubts. She was further enraged by his attitude. She suppressed her anger and asked her question which was about herb and medicines. ZX mocked her as she recited the question wrongly and replied it using his library and even helped her correct her question. She had intentionally wrongly phrased the question so that ZX will make fool out of himself but what happened was vice versa. She was surprised. ZX brought her out of her stupor by asking if she has anymore questions? She said yes. This time question was on subject of metal refining. This question was something that she didn't understood herself too in the beginning and clarified it later by consulting a master blacksmith later. Elder Mo was earlier surprised to see correct answer from ZX but this time he felt no hope for ZX as question seemed really difficult. But ZX replied it correctly again and mocked them saying it to be very easy. He even showed expression of disdain. Elder Mo and Shen Bi Ru almost fainted with astonishment. But Elder Mo found a problem in statement of ZX and pointed it out but ZX again mocked him that he is phrasing words incorrectly and that he should check it himself in a particular book. He even told them the location of book and told the page number where they can find the correct answer along with name of author and title of the book. Both Elder Mo and Shen Bi Ru checked that everything ZX told was truth. They were flabbergasted.

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