
Novel's Regressor

In the wake of profound loss, he masked his pain with a false sense of security, leading him to a solitary existence filled with regret. As he entered death's embrace, he found unexpected liberation, only to awaken in a mysterious world as a starved child. However, he soon discovers that the world he's reincarnated in is none other than the world of his favourite novel...?

Solocord · Fantasi
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2 Chs

The Rebirth [2]


A loud groan escaped from my mouth, whilst laying on the muddy pavement.

With a sudden jolt, my torso jumped upright. Opening my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness, with two cobblestone walls encompassing me.

Impulsively, I quickly scanned my surroundings and quickly realised that the environment was unfamiliar. My heart rate rose uncontrollably, causing my senses to be on high alert. I was certain that just moments ago, I had experienced my very own demise.

"What? How am I alive? Was it all a dream? I could have sworn I died!"

Looking at my body, I realised that I was much slimmer. In fact, it had barely any flesh on it; it was famished. My body had been underdeveloped and much younger than my own? My body looked no older than 13, but it was hard to tell from how starved I was.

The body I resided in was not my own. I was bewildered.

Suddenly, a thought came to me, 

"Have I been reincarnated?

I quickly gathered myself and regained composure, analysing the current situation in depth. 

Gazing up at the sky, I noticed 2 moons orbiting the planet, which assured me that this was not Earth.

I appeared to be in a medieval-esque valley, which was extremely moist. The only source of light was a distant glow marking the valley's exit; the rest barely allowed light to penetrate through.

Vines surrounded the walls which encompassed me with urine painted on it. The stench was extremely overpowering, making me slightly gag.

I wondered, "Why am I here?"

Puting the fact that the current body I'm in is starved and the fact that I'm an alley together, I could deduce that I am of the lowest standing - an impoverished child.

A sudden wave of sadness flooded my mind. I thought to myself,

"This is even worse than my past life! What the hell did I do to deserve this?"

However, despite that, I decided to stand up and walk sorrowfully towards the exit of the alley.

Immediately after I exited the valley, the beaming sun momentarily blinded me. After I quickly adapted to the beaming light, I hastily scanned my surroundings.

A large exalted statue painted in gold could be seen a fair distance across me with medieval buildings surrounding it in a circular manner. There were pathways leading to alleyways, and buildings. I realised that I was currently in the town square.

The formation evoked a sense of deja vu, it felt like I had seen it somewhere before, but before I could dwell deeply on the matter, I couldn't help but notice people occasionally passing by dressed in mage-robes or armour and entering the various routes in the town square.

Suddenly, a realisation crashed upon me,

"Wait! Doesn't mage-robes mean magic exists in this world?"

I was ecstatic at the idea of magic being a possibility, but I couldn't be sure - For all I know, they could just be weird cosplayers.

Nevertheless, I decided to walk further down the town square, on the route leading to a huge building in the distance which towered above all others.

As I walked, someone rushing towards the huge building in the distance shouted the words,


The people seemed to be gathering around the large building which was a little further down the route that I was walking on. 

"A fight?", I asked myself.

As I reached the location where a crowd had been gathering, I noticed an iron-clad man with wavy black hair wielding a sword, angrily staring at a man who had been dressed in a mage-robe with a staff in his hand.


Fire in the form of a ball emerged from the mage's staff aimed towards the iron-clad individual brandishing a sword. No-one dared to get too close as their life would be forfeit. 

As the fireball inched closer to the iron-clad individual, loud gasps could be heard as everyone held their breath, expecting the worst.


The iron-clad individual swung his sword, parrying the fireball back to the mage who quickly dispelled it with a burst of water.

I stood there, in awe of the fight that had been occurring before me with a large grin on my face.

It was confirmed.

This world did indeed have magic!