
Nothing out of the Ordinary

Penulis: ZephyrVII
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What is Nothing out of the Ordinary

Baca novel Nothing out of the Ordinary yang ditulis oleh penulis ZephyrVII yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. It all happened that fateful day. The day I went and screwed up. The day that changed history forever. A day that me and five others will never be able to forget.(Dropped)...


It all happened that fateful day. The day I went and screwed up. The day that changed history forever. A day that me and five others will never be able to forget. (Dropped)

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Chicago 1990

Một chàng trai người Trung Quốc trong lúc mơ hồ không rõ nguyên nhân đã xuyên không vào thân thể của cậu bé Alexandre Tống, một cậu trai mười lăm tuổi, mồ côi, sống nhờ nhà dì tại Chicago. Hoàn cảnh của thân thể mà Tống Á xuyên không cực kỳ bi thảm. Đầu tiên chính là nghèo đói, gia đình của dì hắn chủ yếu sống nhờ vào món tiền trợ cấp vốn dĩ vô cùng ít ỏi. Câu chuyện về những kẻ khi xuyên không không cần lo về vấn đề tài chính lại không hề xảy ra với hắn. Hiện tại, trong túi quần của hắn chỉ có ba đồng hai lăm xu, chỉ dám dùng để chuẩn bị cho tình huống khẩn cấp thì lấy ra gọi điện thoại công cộng. Nơi gia đình hắn ở là phía Nam thành phố Chicago, mảnh đất của sự nghèo khó, súng ống, thuốc phiện, bang phái, báo thù chém giết lẫn nhau. Tống Á cứ tưởng rằng hắn sẽ lớn lên trong những ngày tháng thiếu thốn đầy nguy hiểm như thế. Nhưng rồi đến một ngày hắn bỗng nhận được “thiên khải”. Bằng sự không ngoan, hắn đã sử dụng “thiên khải” để giúp mình trở nên nổi tiếng, đưa cả gia đình ra khỏi khu vực miền Nam Chicago và vươn lên, chiếm lĩnh toàn bộ thị trường âm nhạc nước Mỹ.

Tề Khả Hưu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
698 Chs

The Supreme Ghost King

A young man who seemed like 25 years old was sitting on a sofa and was drinking beer. He was watching another young man who seemed like 22 years old. The 2nd young man was binding a rope on a fan. He was very calm. His eyes were blood red and had a look like a savage predator. "I wish we will be successful this time. There is no other option. Only death can free a man from his immense pain. If there is any god, please listen to me. Bless us to be successful." The 1st young man knelled down and closed his eyes. He cupped his 2 hands and started to pray. Booooom A wile later the 1st young man heard a noise. He didn't opened his eyes but his face seemed like he was very disappointed. "Huh. This time is also a failure." He sighed and stand up. sat down on the sofa and started to drink whiskey. Previously he was drinking a beer but after being disappointed he started drink whisky. "Fucking idiot. This was your 5th attempt. When are you going to die?" The 1st young man was shouting in frustration. "Hey, how do you know this is my 5th time?" The 2nd young man was startled. He turned his head toward the 1st young man. "Are you talking to me? He is talking to me." The 1st person lost his composure. He started to jump on sofa like a child. He became so much excited that he seemed like a child who got his long waited dreamed toy. Two Young man Wasim Sheikh and Aniurdh Shararma. Anirudh wanted to suicide and Wasim wanted that Anirudh could be successful in his attempt. Why he wanted such thing? Let us see further in the stroy. ...... ==== Hello guys, This is an original story by me. But the cover photo was from google. When I get an actual cover photo I will remove it. I am not native in English. So sometimes there will be some mistakes. So guys if you find any mistakes then please let me know, it will be very helpful. I hope that you will enjoy the story. If you enjoy the story please don't forget to leave behind your kind feedback. I will accept both type of feedback (Neg and pos) positively.

AnOrdinaryCitizen6 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


"If there are infinite dimensions, then there would be infinite alternate realities and if there are infinite alternate realities, we would exist in almost all of them that would make all of us omnipresent" ~ Stanley Victor Paskavich. In the distant future mankind has achieved a multitude of technological milestones, created a method of FTL known as ‘Millennium Drives’ and have been discovered by intelligent life from outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. Unbeknownst to the mortal realm a young woman from another realm has risen from the ashes of her tyrannical ‘Overlords’ and will soon leave her mark upon the universe. Centuries in the future within a realm unknown to mortals, a malicious war wages on between the Celestial kingdoms of Paradia. There are the oppressive God Collective; descendants of an ancient Celestial race who are committed to purging the Five Realms of the self-righteous and divine Goddesses. Both factions have not openly declared war upon another, but instead have initiated multiple proxy wars against each other. These proxy wars have been fought by the Monoliths; a Celestial hive mind race that numbered somewhere in the billions with a strong warrior culture, they pledged their loyalty to the God Collective. The Goddesses were too passive to raise an army of their own, instead they relied on a secret order of Mystics they had trained. These Mystics were few in number but were tactically superior to the Monoliths who unlike the Mystics couldn’t harness the power of the Ember; the Ember was a living cosmic essence that resided within the Realms and was responsible for mortals and celestials possessing supernatural abilities. After a millennium of war and casualties in the hundreds of millions, the Collective and Goddesses called a cease fire and signed a treaty which stated the two sides would govern over Paradia together. The Goddesses were reluctant at first, but after concluding that the Collective’s military was exhausted and with their own forces dwindling, they signed. The Goddesses chose to sign the treaty because two of their council members had foreseen events within the future that would cause war to plague Paraida again. Only this time they would have an army led by a mysterious warrior whose face was shrouded in darkness, with neither council member able to identify them. So, the Goddesses stayed vigilant as they ruled Paradia alongside the Collective as they waited for their time to come. That time would come almost two thousand years later during a time of relative calm throughout the realms. Over the millennia the Collective used their armies to oppress the populace of their respective kingdoms. This oppression came in the form of stringent workforce directives, children being enforced into hard labor conditions, an increase in taxes and fear being used to break the will of the citizens. But all of this would be unseen by the Collective as their greatest threat had just been discovered. Viennashal Iminz, a Goddess of the High Council and supreme ruler of Galaxia Prime has been keeping her daughter Alicia hidden away within the kingdom for years unbeknownst to the Collective, but this young Celestial has the blood of mortals coursing through her veins. Viennashal attempted to keep her daughter’s existence a secret, but the Collective had spies everywhere. With her daughter’s existence now known Viennashal will stop at nothing to guarantee her daughters safety; even if it means going to war. Because if the visions were true than her offspring would be the undoing of the Collective.

Akeem_Moses · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Warning 21+ Bijaklah dalam membaca, cerita ini akan ada kekerasan di dalam hubungan percintaan, serta hubungan rumah tangga. Seorang gadis memiliki seorang sahabat bernama Alendra Putra yang selalu setia menemani hidupnya yang kesepian. Tapi, sayangnya, Alendra sangat kecewa dengan seorang gadis yang selama ini di anggap sebagai sahabat baik nya sendiri. Dan, itu semua hanya karena ada satu hal tragedi yang membuat Alendra merasa bahwa gadis itu benar-benar memalukan dan sangat menjijikkan. Wanita itu berusaha menjelaskan bahwa hal itu semua sama sekali tidak benar. Namun, Alendra lebih mempercayai bukti itu dan pada akhirnya ia sangat membenci Maya. Ketika Maya telah dikeluarkan dari kampusnya ia merasa sangat terpuruk, ditambah lagi dirinya diusir oleh keluarganya sendiri dan kehidupan Maya semakin di persulit ketika dirinya tidak sengaja melepaskan seorang laki-laki yang memiliki hipersex dan pada akhirnya Maya seolah-olah seperti gadis yang tidak memiliki masa depan oleh laki-laki itu. Tapi, Alendra sama sekaki tidak menyadari kesalahan nya sendiri yang juga jelas memalukan dan sekaligus menjijikkan seperti ia menganggap Maya sebagai seorang wanita yang tak layak untuk hidup di dunia ini. Dimana Alendra sendiri, malah menyukai seorang perempuan yang juga sudah bersuami. Akankah kedua orang itu bisa menemukan cinta yang sebenarnya? Yuk simak kisah perjalanan untuk menemukan cinta Alendra dan Maya disini.

Yunike021 · Realistis
230 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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