Not Quite Ready is a world building novel. Jemman doesn’t always win, she isn’t always right and she certainly isn’t always the best. Despite her youth and poor start, watch her become something great. Not Quite Ready is not a typical romance. Jemman is not trying to win a man. Yet, despite this she is what many men want and more men need. A woman who is able to love deeply but always walk her own path.
"Do you, Suzanne May take Jonathan Fen to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Susie looked up at the minister. She'd just moved to Sydney and was getting married in a large church looking over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Her Dad was there, smiling, though to be honest, it looked a little forced. Her Mum was definitely not smiling.
Looking over at John Fen's dark, warm looking eyes she took a deep breath. "I do not want to marry his man." Handsome face, ugly heart.
Unfortunately, she only said it to herself.
"He's unkind and just wants me as a wall flower."
"He's using my father's huge debts to buy me."
"I'd rather die than marry him!"
These were her thoughts.
"I do." She said in a strong, confident voice.
"And do you...".
She zoned out as the priest asked for John's promises.
"I would do anything rather than marry this man." Susie shouted this to the heavens with every fibre of her being.
"I do." His smug words were only slightly more disgusting than his smug, handsome face.
"Then with the power invested in me... I now pronounce you..." The ministers deep voice came to a contented climax.
"It's too late." Her heart screamed even as she was glad to save her parents.
But for once, the heavens listened.
Her body heard, "man and wife", but her soul and her spirit were long gone.
As she felt her real self disappear she realised that John had never really wanted her soul and she'd never really cared about her body.
Susie didn't have another thought, at least not for a long, long time.
Whatever happens it can't be worse.