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A group of well known serial killer hackers enter the realm of the Entity. Spreading their well known knowledge of how to kill and the technology that they use, giving these killers their own terror as they bring the popular killers and survivors down onto their knees as they begin their terror onto the realm of death and trying to survive...

Blazing_Glory · Derivasi dari game
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Character Sheet

New Killer: The Hackers

Members in the group: 10


Canadian region: Noah Tremblay (Race: Indian; Gender: Boy)

American region: Ezra Johnson (Race: White; Gender: Boy)

Mexican region: Guadalupe Sánchez (Race: Hispanic; Gender: Trans-Girl)

South American region (Venezuela region mainly): Ademir Oliveira (Race: Hispanic; Gender: Boy)

African region: Hibo Bankole (Race: African; Gender: Girl)

Northern European region: Väinö Korhonen (Race: Roma; Gender: Agender but born with a male body)

Southern European region: Dominik Symanski (Race: Polish; Gender: Bigender but has a body of a man)

Russian region: Annika Turgenev (Race: Russian; Gender: Girl)

Asian region: Bian Pham (Race: Vietnamese; Gender: Gender Expression but has a body of a woman)

Australian region: Oliver Bridges (Race: Australian; Gender: Boy)


Noah: 20

Ezra: 22

Guadalupe: 20

Ademir: 17

Hibo: 16

Väinö: 14

Dominik: 20

Annika: 21

Bian: 18

Oliver: 20


Ezra was always abused as a young boy and always had a hard time getting friends due to out lashes during school. Being told that he would never go to college in the US without doing a sport while forced to not eat if he doesn't join a sport at his town's high school Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. After joining his football team, Ezra immediately became a fast runner, but as soon as he started playing football, Ezra broke his ankle...

Ezra's father would Ezra till blood came out of his nose after he recovered from having a broken ankle. Once he turned the age of 18, Ezra came across a social media platform that allowed him to speak with people across the globe. He created an account underneath the name of Hanks_Sucks_89. Ezra didn't want to spend anytime with anyone until he got a friend request from 5 people immediately. He clicked on accept as he notices that the people who sent him a request asked him if he wanted to join their group. He replied with: Yes.

Ezra met his new friends Noah, Guadalupe, Dominik, Annika, and Oliver. All of them lived in different parts of the world. They would call each other through the social media platform which they use to contact and first met from. Noah is from Canada, Guadalupe is from Mexico, Dominik is from Poland, Annika is from Russia, and Oliver is from Australia.

Ezra and Annika hit it off and became a couple after a year of getting to know each other. They would visit each other once or twice every winter, a month for summer, and 2 weeks in autumn so that they can keep their relationship from being to shallow.

Another year went by and Noah introduced Ezra to the rest of the crew. The rest of the crew happened to be younger than him. At least in high school or middle school still. Ezra has met Ademir who lived in Venezuela, Hibo who lived in Tanzania, Väinö who lived in Finland (who happened to be the youngest out of the crew), and Bian who lived in Vietnam.

Ezra found out that each of the members from this crew all went through some sort of trauma minus Väinö who doesn't like their parents due to them not understanding them at all. He came up with an idea one day and began to ask each of the members if they have ever hacked before which they all replied with yes. After replying with yes, Ezra began to construct crimes that each member can do regarding their age and size. The ones who happened to have an easier time sneaking in and out of stores was Väinö and Bian. Those 2 can hide their identities without care.

Each member would steal from local food markets, gas stations, cars, retail stores, and sometimes homes. Till one day, Noah suggested murdering which Ademir quickly agreed. Soon every member began to agree minus Annika, Hibo, and Bian. Those 3 had to be convinced by Ezra, Ademir, and Guadalupe in joining to kill people who cause them harm.

They would use their hacking skills to cover their tracks of ever being in a specific store or building, use their skills to hack into banks to steal money, get weapons, ammo, dangerous toxicants that would be hazardous to consume, and hack into websites to spread their propaganda.

Till one day, each of the members found an article about a cave with a giant glow in it. Väinö thinks that it might be bucket loads of goods which each of the members of the crew agreed in meeting up with each other in order to go into the glow...


Robot Eyes: Allows the killer to see the aura of a survivor run away when a generator finishes and running up to an exit or the hatch. Seconds is 20. Meters is 16.

Tainted Scars: Each time a pallet is dropped onto the killer, the killer won't be stunned for 2 pallet drops. Cooldown is 16 seconds.

Slow Down: Decreases time for survivors to work on generators and open up exits. Making it harder for the survivor to complete.

New Survivors:


Joseph Markhill (Race: White; Gender: Male)

Timothy Rains (Race: Asian; Gender: Male)

George Williams (Race: Irish; Gender: Male)


Joseph: 18

Timothy: 34

George: 42



A victim of murder. He lost his mother, grandfather, and cousins at the age of 9. He spent 6 years in preparing for a next attack from the next killer who dares to try and take another life that Joseph values while trying to attend school. He had excellent grades and had some great friends, but that didn't stop him from preparing for survival...


Young Heart: Allows the survivor to get an early warning of when the killer is nearing their location. Cooldown is 13 seconds.

Sight: Reveals where the killer was last standing. Cooldown is 45 seconds.

Faint Hearing: Allows the survivor to not make much sounds when running and healing. Cooldown is 29 seconds.


A generous man who lost his wife due to Ezra's murderous attacks. He lost his kids at the age of 29 because of him going mad...

His childhood was mainly about him being a good kid. Getting good grades, joining his local school's political team, playing the violin, and even being class president a few times. Timothy always proven to be smart in every school and grade that he goes into. He helped tutor his fellow classmates, participated in school events, and even tried to play sports. His parents never once harmed Timothy nor even yelled at him.

Timothy always had a normal life until Ezra took his wife's life...


Unforgiven Desire: The survivor has a 14% chance of getting off the hook. Cooldown is 5 seconds.

Cherished Racing: Allows the survivor to not make any sounds while vaulting through the windows and pallets. Cooldown is 56 seconds.

Never Die: Gives the survivor a chance to escape of the killer's grasp before getting hit a second time. Cooldown is 70 seconds.


An Irish explorer who wants the best for his fellow explorers. George has learned to live through many dangerous explorations. He never gives up without his trusty beer canteen. Even though he gets drunk during his explorations, George happens to stumble upon greatest achievements!

George has met Timothy on one of his explorations. Almost getting the man drunk until George has left him alone...


Drunken Runner: Allows the survivor to drunken the killer by injected beer into their arm. Cooldown is 80 seconds.

Happy Exploration: Gives the survivor lighter footsteps when running away from the killer. Meter is 5.

Tip-Toes: When the survivor is crouching, their footsteps are not heard and they remain silent. Cooldown is 10 seconds.

I hope you guys enjoy this story. I am putting work into this since I love the Legion from DBD as much as I love Michael Myers, Demogorgon, Ghost Face, Leatherface, and Freddy Krueger. As well as the Plague and the Oni (I will eventually make a story on them).

Enjoy this crappy story!!!

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