
Not My World -error-

When enigmatic gates open, the world faces a mysterious threat. In a realm of desperation and chaos, glimmers of hope emerge as whispers of the ‘Prophet’, who could stand up to defend humanity. As the past collides with the future and the fate of the world hangs in the balance, how will this epic battle between light and darkness unfold?

CrestCrossError · Fantasi
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Username: Edward Ember

Edward Ember - a young man whose destiny became intricately linked to the enigma of the "gates." And his father's name, Richard Ember, shone like a star in the firmament of scientific exploration. Richard was one of the first heroes to venture into the mysterious gates, and his fate remained suspended in the air like an unspoken question.




In a concealed, hidden from human eye laboratory that housed priceless secrets of research, Edward Ember and his father, Richard, immersed themselves in the whirl of molecular mysteries. Here, amidst monitors curved under streams of data and an array of laboratory contraptions, they unlocked the portals to the realm of human biology, unraveling genetic paradoxes and cellular enigmas.


Their toil was directed towards unveiling the secrets of life at its most fundamental level. Merging their intellects, they investigated the interplay of genes, striving to unlock doors to comprehend evolution and origins. Edward remained steadfastly following in his father's footsteps, eagerly inhaling the spirit of science like an atmosphere and surmounting scientific barriers on the path to discoveries.


Richard, his father, who vanished during the initial expedition, was a guiding example for Edward. It was his father's audacity and resolve that spurred the young scientist on. He knew that past endeavors had been pivotal, and with each blunder, he edged closer to understanding what lay beyond the "gates."


Day and night, Edward sought answers, turning to science and introspection. He carried the hope to decipher mysteries, but also the burden of those who had ventured to explore before him, only to disappear. He knew that his father had become the first casualty of the uncharted realm, yet his father's destiny became a wellspring of inspiration in Edward's quest for understanding.


The laboratory became his sanctuary; his hands boldly sought the path to understanding, while his eyes sparkled with anticipation and hope. Despite previous setbacks, he overcame hurdles and honed his knowledge. In a world of riddles and the unexplored, Edward pressed onward, poised to unveil the veil shrouding the "gates."


Edward felt his father's legacy, like the breath of the past generation upon his shoulder. Every step, every decision, served as reminders of Richard Ember's grand pursuits. Driven by a passion for exploration, Edward pursued his father's path, yet the truth behind the "gates" remained a barrier separating the past from the future.


A young scientist who had reached heights in his field remained steadfast to his convictions. At an age(30) when many seek tranquility, he continued to submit applications for journeys to the "gates." In his eyes, persistence flickered, illuminated by the flame of hope for a new understanding. Dozens of applications could be labeled as failures, but he saw in them only opportunities to find answers to the questions that plagued humanity.


/Fate awaited him - an unexpected turn of events he had never anticipated/

While he continued to stride towards his goal and fight for it, the British government had long since made its decision. It was HE, who became the next candidate for immersion into the world beyond the gates, and his determination was the key to the long-awaited comprehension.


His mother and brother stood as living witnesses to the dramatic saga of the Embers. The parting with his mother was more bitter than tears. His brother Joseu-tin (integrated British-Korean name Justin), stayed at home, unable to watch, perhaps, the last moments of his brother's life.

Edward looked ahead...

His eyes blazed with determination...

He bade farewell not as one departing, but as a warrior stepping into battle, ready to fight for the truth.


The anxious gazes of his mother briefly merged with the crowd, only to dissipate like a gust of wind. Edward entered the ominous darkness, which concealed not only perils but also the potential to find answers.




Standing before the gates, he sensed a moment of eternity. In the silence, saturated with anticipation, he drew in a breath and crossed the threshold. In an instant, akin to the flicker of lightning, the darkness absorbed him. But as the gates swung open anew, and Edward reappeared on the stage.


..the world acquired a new hero..


Emerging from the shadows, he resembled a figure from epic legends. Clad in steel armor, sword in hand, he stood on the precipice of two realms. His muscles, as unyielding as stone, attested to his might, while his eyes, agleam in the darkness, reflected a newfound understanding.


He became the lone individual whose hand pierced the veil of the "gates," and the solitary one who returned, displaying his countenance. His mother's gaze once again met his, yet now her eyes held undeniable greatness.


Edward Ember - a name that reverberated like an echo of legends, had now transmuted into a living legend, fusing the determination of the past with the hope of the future.