
Not Everything is as It Seems

What if someone told you, that everything you knew about your life was a lie? Your mother, your father, and even yourself? Just like that, the life of Kimberly was changed. A sudden friend requests, send her world into chaos. Lies unravelled and a new world revealed. Her 18th birthday was nearing and something was brewing up. What secrets will she find in the chaos and what does the guy with hunting amber eyes want? Would she be able to stay away, or will curiosity get the best of her? Follow the story of Kimberly as her world changes while she explores what she is capable of.

sabaa_bader · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter SIX


She shook her head and attempted to leave, but I could not let that happen. She was standing in the way of me getting closer solve a mystery that kept growing.

I took hold of her hand, pulling her along with me upstairs. The urge to let go was unbearable. It was as if an electric surge had gone through my arm. The sudden sensation kept moving up my arm and filled my body with warmth and a feeling of being whole. I had been tortured before, but this was by far worse. It felt like it was tugging at my soul.

I could not quite understand what was happening. But I needed to get a hold of myself, so that I could keep my focus. That became an impossible task. I made the mistake of looking into her dark brown eyes, which made me almost forget what I came for. I had asked her a question, but it didn't seem like she had heard me. So I came closer and asked again, "can you hear me now?" She seemed surprised at how close I was. She started her sentence with a stutter. "I..I...I yees I can hear you."

"Good, then you might be able to answer me, where did you find this?" I asked and showed her the picture. It her took a while before replying, "I was in the forest and I found it near the river". My eyes lid up, must have been the same forest, where we had tried to trace him. Emphasis on tried, as it had been a needless. We could not find anything that could lead us to him. The oy had vanished with no traces .We had been quite frankly baffled at the lack of traces there had been.

Will she willingly though give it me or will this become a headache?, I thought to myself. I tried being nice and pleaded "it is of value to me could you give it here?" " I thought I had gotten through to her, but all of a sudden she seemed like she was backing away. I don't think she was hearing me any more.

I was starting to get irritated, looked at her in confusion and rudely said, "come on, give it here."

She retorted with a question "why is it of value to you may I ask?" my blood was boiling, this girl was getting on my nerves. I tried to calm myself down and said "you, my lovely, wouldn't quite be able to comprehend the meaning of it" I was satisfied with myself as I didn't lash out quite yet, but she was testing my patience. What she said next caught me off guard, "finders keepers" as she said that she ran for it. In this situation, the crowd was of use to her as I could not smell her through the crowd. There were too many people and it was reeking of alcohol and sweat. I ran outside but surprisingly she had gotten far. I balled my hand into a fist in anger. I looked for Sam and as if he knew it already, he came straight to me. "So, did you get it? " I looked at him annoyed, "does it look like I have it?"

He laughed, "Aww, poor row, your date didn't go well I see" I knew if I told him of that sensation and feeling that I felt earlier he would laugh at me, so I let it go. "Can you try doing a tracing spell?"

"Sure" he replied. It kind of always amazed me how intricate and colourful the spells looked. Footsteps appeared on the pavement and led us to where she was. We decided to take another route to surprise her.

Sam suggested to teleport us to a nearby building and wait up there. There I heard a sudden commotion towards the alley side of the building. The sound of metal clattering against the bricks. I stepped closer to the edge, there she was mere centimetres away from my face. All of a sudden, she was falling, but I caught her in time before she fell. Her touch made me shiver and I just wanted to let go. What was this feeling? I quickly put her down and let go. I was fuming with anger, and she had nowhere to escape. "will you just give it here, so I can be on my way?" I said with an irritated tone. How could someone be this daft? And not only that she follows my question with another question. " Why are you being so persistent? , Why can't you just let it go? Not like a tooth could mean that much." it was becoming bothersome, and she didn't make it any easier, so I tiredly said.

" They have significant power the emotions and energy a creature creates through its life, get stored in the body" it was the last attempt at patience, she was beyond testing me. Sam let himself known as he tsk'd in the background. I had almost forgotten that, Sam was there with me. She had a fearful look in her eyes and I guess she caught a glimpse of Sam's glowing eyes. But then for a second, her attention was somewhere else; I couldn't quite explain it, it might have been my imagination. And then just like that her hand was up and bam I fell to the ground, flat on my back, the air knocked out of me. I couldn't get up, I was stunned. But she was just human, wouldn't I have sensed it if she was anything else? Sam came running to me, I looked up at him while he stood beside my body.

He smirked, "well, that's a new way to take somebody's breath away." I laid on the ground for a while, contemplating how everything turned out like this. Was she a witch? But how did I not sense it? I usually am good at these things. I could finally get up as she was far enough to where the stunning spell wouldn't work anymore. I looked up at Sam and asked him, "is it possible that you can't sense some witches?" He thought about it for a second and then replied, "maybe there was a sort of spell to hide her the trace of her being a witch" all this trouble and we didn't get what we came for. This is getting more complicated than it appeared to be. I thought I could get this over with tonight and not have to think about it again. I punched the wall and closed my eyes as I breathed in a deep breath. "Sam, can we do something?" "Well, we could do something. Didn't you touch her several times?" I tried to block my reaction, and to not make it obvious how much her touch had an effect on me. I mumbled a "yeah so" "well, we can actually do something about it, it's a more precise tracing spell" he replied with a glint in his eyes.