
Not A Typical Disney Princess

Adora Amirecan is born with a condition known as Alopecia universalis. She always hides inside their big house and goes out when it's school time. She considered school a nightmare and just waited until it's weekend where she could hide herself again in their lonely home. She wishes to stop attending school but the thought of losing her own battles sucks her up and tries to battle with her fear. She tried to make friends until she fell in love with someone she thought would love her for real. That feeling of being betrayed by her own feelings pulls her back again to hide.  How could she possibly have faced her fear when that man he trusted the most broke her and took all her confidence? Is love story really for her?

_xVishAx_ · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 5

I look down in shame, I felt like my face is burning in flame right now. I noticed Tyler sat in front not too close to me.

"Tyler!" a feminine voice holds everyone to stop from moving. What's with their reaction? I looked up and to my shocked I almost dropped the spoon I am holding, it was Annie. We're on the same school? I though, I mean I never knew.

An awkward silence occur on our seat as Annie approaches Tyler with a very wide smile. "I'll be holding a party at home, everyone expected you to came.."

"And we're invited?" Joshua interrupted and Annie seems to be pissed off but covered it with a smile. "N--"

"I'll come with my friends, they're invited right?" Annie seems not happy with the decision but as soon as Tyler talked her face became as powerful as a clown's face.

"Of course!" she ironically replied and glanced at Tyler back again. "So please be there this coming friday, 7pm."

She said and turned her back at us. But I could see at her back how she continuously roll her eyes. "Annie let's go!"

I saw Jessa the president with one girl who's calling Annie. "She's totally crazy in love with Tyler. Court her bro!"

When Dylan said that I am hammered on my seat. Everyone laughed as if courting her was a joke and couldn't help but to smile behind the back knowing his friends is really not into Annie.

"Please! Don't!" Amster chuckled and made a joke. "She's a woman, I mean not an ideal girlfriend."


"She's pretty," Dylan commented.

Tyler remained silent and let them talk anything about Annie. Are they aware we are cousins? And I don't think letting them know would give Annie the best mood. Just better keep in silent. "Sal, I have to pee."

Sal stopped as we already reached our room. We parted ways with the guys since we had different schedule. "Do you want me to come with you?" I immediately shook my head. I don't want to bother her more.

"Nah, I'm a big girl.." she laughed and agreed. "Ok, don't take too long. If there's anything wrong call me."

"I'll take care of myself."

"Yah, I know."

I rushed to find the toilet but I forgot, I still haven't memorized the places in every corner of this school. I bit my lips as I noticed I am not on the right path. "Oh, I'm doomed.. Class about to start."

I look everywhere and saw a gate out where you can see a garden. I have to hurry and finding the toilet would mean another hour losing the path back. "Okay!"

I immediately run out and look everywhere to verify no one was out watching. I have to pee and it's going out already. I rushed behind the back of a tree not too far away. I guess no one is reall here. I unbutton my pants and let out a satisfying air as the fluid comes out already. That was good.

I am done. I button up my pants and walk back to where I passed by. "Oh holy m*ther g*d!"

I shouted in shocked as I saw Tyler in front of me. He seems shocked too? I hope he didn't see me peeing? That would be really embarrassing. My bad! God! Just take me home! I prayed in desperate.

"O-oh, I'm sorry.." he apologize seems that he really saw me? Or almost? "H-huh?"

I could not find any words to say. I'm embarrassed! This is my worst day ever! "Nah, ah I should go."

I rushed back. I'm trembling, I could imagine my face all red, and I'm extremely look so bad right now.

"Sh*t, Did he really saw me?" I am biting my lips, feeling unconscious, feeling so bothered. What should I do? Should I do something? Ah! Just forget it Adora! It will pass!

"Right! It will pass. He will forget it if no one will open up about it.. Yah!"

Classes really have started already. And I can't focus listening since my mind was looking back at what happened earlier.

"Are you okay?" Sally whispered. I just shook my head and look in front.

"It was embarrassing.." I sighed in frustration.

Classes ended without me noticing. We walked in aisle- I mean in the hallway. We were about to go home already since classes ended so fast. Good for me 'coz I have to sleep and forget everything.

"Let's just go home..."

"Okay? Did anything happened earlier?" I looked at Sally and almost wanted to cry when she reminded me again the embarrassing moment of my life. "I just wanted heaven get me.."

She slap me on my shoulder raising her brows. "What's with you!"

"Ah!" I sigh again and walked first towards the gate. As I continue walking I bump unto someone and apologize without looking up.

I just walked straight until we reached the outside of the gate where Mang Glan was waiting for us. It was as if the ground had fallen on my face in embarrassment.


"Yes?" I was not in the mood to face the person who called me and when I saw who was in front it was as if I just wanted to ask to disappear from the world. My big bad luck on my first day at school.

"You drop it." He handed me a bracelet, my eyes widened even more when I saw him holding it. I quickly grabbed it and put it on. No! No! I can't lose it, why am I so stupid today?

"Because I didn't catch up with you before, you seem in a hurry."

I nodded, maybe I dropped it where I peed earlier. I can't go back to my embarrassments in life and immediately thanked him. "Thank you very much indeed. This bracelet is very important to me. "

"No problem, take care of it .." I smiled thoroughly and so did he. Mang Glan called me in the car and Sally was already there and I was the only one waiting. "I'm leaving, thank you again."

He waved at me and watched me get into the car. I just smiled at him and slowly the car drove away.

"Is there something developing between you two?" I quickly kicked Sally when she suddenly teased me. "What are you saying there,"

"Your eyes tell how much your heart pounds. That's why you were in a good mood yesterday right? " I just stared at her and leaned back in my chair.

"Stop it," Sally just laughed and leaned back. "Well, Ty is good. He is kind, then a good man so I will vote for the both of you, you have my blessing .. "

I suppressed my own thrill. Who wouldn't? Tyler is handsome and he already has everything everyone wants. I can't deny it and Sal captures how I feel.

"You have to finish this work within the week, I will be pairing you." Everyone complained because Prof would choose our match. The names of those we can pair for the written project appear on the screen.

I searched for my name and when I saw it I looked straight at the one next to my name. Tyler Drake.

My heart almost exploded because of what I read. I read it over and over but it doesn't really change, it's really true, surely sure, foolproof. I don't know if I'll be happy or even more embarrassed but it's up to me. 

The clock continued to move and we were busy the whole day and Sal and I could hardly talk because we were so busy. Even at lunch, we focused on our phones to read notes.

Ended a day of concentrated discussions with so much to take notes and also the amount of assignments to do. "Should we do it tonight?"

"Huh? Which one?" I didn't have a sensible answer to Tyler because I was tired and then I just remembered the by pair written project. "Omyghad! I almost forgot!"

He even laughed at my reaction because I had already forgotten the very important project. "Ara, I don't think I can go home with you. I'm going straight to doing a written project with Josh. "

"Okay Sal, just call-call .." he also said a goodbye to Tyler and went with Joshua. I looked at Tyler. "Is it okay to do it at my aunt's house?"

I don't want us to make a bab- No! Lord sorry! I'm sorry my innocent mind! Written project, we were doing a written project nothing more.. What am I even thinking? Shook.

"Sure .." he smiled so attractive.