
Chapter 37

"Slow down a little, Harry. We are already late, rushing wouldn't change anything."

In the end, we got late because the incident with Shocker had led to the road ahead being blocked. So, we had to take a longer route.

"But you know, Peter. How strict my father is? He will surely be angry because of my tardiness." Harry always feared disappointing Mr. Osborn.

"Just tell Mr. Osborn that we were hanging out so we got late. He would not scold you much once he learns I was with you." I tried to console him that nothing will happen.

As soon as we reached Oscorp, Harry jumped out of the car and ran inside the building. Sighing, I entered the building hastily so that I wouldn't be left behind.

"Sorry, I got late. There was an accident on the way here. Where is my father?" Harry hastily asked the attendant on the desk about his father's whereabouts.

"I would advise you, Master Osborn to prepare yourself for harsh scolding. Mr. Osborn is very furious today." As soon as Harry heard it, his face paled.

"He is in Dr. Connors' Lab discussing something with him. I will hope for your well being, Master Osborn." Even the attendant took pity on Harry, that is how furious Mr. Osborn was today.

"Hey, we can meet both of them at the same time. Once they meet me, Mr. Osborn probably would not have enough time to scold you." I tried to encourage Harry. He just merely smiled upon my words.

"Dr. Connors, this is not what we were promised. Do you know how much money we have spent on you? What answer will I give to the shareholders?"

We heard Mr. Osborn raging at Dr. Connors as soon as we entered the lab. The lab was soundproof so we only heard the argument after entering the lab.

"Peter, is that really you?" Mr. Osborn said, surprised upon seeing me. After all, I was supposed to be indisposed and due to a medical emergency.

"Peter, I am so glad to see you! However, I believe you have come at an inappropriate time." Dr. Connors said sadly while looking at Mr. Osborn.

"What happened, Dr. Connors?" I asked softly.

"I will tell you, Peter. When Dr. Connors had first started this research, he said that he will create a miracle medicine capable of regenerating a severed limb. After years of research and near endless funding, the project is finally nearing its completion.

So, we have started testing on life subjects. However, every test was a failure. The animals used as test subjects either died or became horrifying mutated monsters."

Mr. Osborn started telling us the matter instead of Dr. Connors. Perhaps he was telling us boys because I was involved in this project as Dr. Connors' intern and Harry needed to learn this as the heir of Oscorp.

"So, in this case, the project can be said to be a failure. Dr. Connors is saying that he can fix this but he demands more funding which is impossible for us to provide after seeing the project's failure."

Now, I could see what the matter was. In the eyes of shareholders, this project was already a failure while Dr. Connors could not give up this project as it was his life's work.

Fortunately, I already had a solution for this whole dilemma.

"Dr. Connors, may I see your research papers and test results. I had some great ideas while I was away." I asked him for all the result documents he had.

"Of course, Peter, why not? You already know most of it anyways." Dr. Connors happily gave his research papers to me.

Damn it! I cursed in my mind as soon as I saw the result of the research. The result was so close to the lizard serum I had used that it might as well have been that same lizard serum!

No wonder all the animals used as test subjects either died or mutated. Fortunately, I knew how to resolve this matter.

During the past few months whenever I was free, I constantly thought about this research. I knew about most of the research and feared that it would end up as the lizard serum and that is what happened!

So, I was thinking of a way to divert the research so that it would not end up as the lizard serum.

And, in the end, I actually managed to create something using the research I had done previously and my enhanced intelligence which would now help in this matter.

"Dr. Connors, the power of the serum is too high. I believe that is why the mutations are happening." I said to Dr. Connors after going through the research.

"But if the power is not this high, the regeneration of the limb will not happen. This is a conundrum without an end." Dr. Connors said while sighing.

"What if we think of it in another way?" I suggested.

"Another way?" Dr. Connors said, surprised by my line of thought.

"Yes, what if we instead decrease the potency of the serum? Then, although the regeneration power of the serum will decrease, it will be enough to provide a temporary healing factor. This will turn the serum into a medicine incredibly helpful in emergency situations." I suggested my idea.

"Well done, Peter. It is an incredible idea. I was so focused on the thought of limb regeneration that I never thought about it." Dr. Connors exclaimed happily. But then, suddenly his face saddened again.

"However, in the end, this new stream of thought will still require much research and funding which is now nearly impossible." He said sadly.

"That's not true, Dr. Connors. I have already completed much of the required research."

As soon as the thought had struck my mind, I had started working on it. With the help of my enhanced intelligence, the formula was already near complete.

I immediately started writing the main points of my research on a board in the lab. After finishing writing, when I looked back, I saw that Dr. Connors' jaw had nearly dropped literally. That is how shocked he was.

"Peter, that is incredible. I can see that you have already completed most of required research for this new serum." Dr. Connors was so happy that he hugged me with tears in his eyes.

"The formula needs a little sharpening but I believe that we can start live testing in a few weeks. And if the tests are successful, we can launch the product in just a few months." Now he sounded truly optimistic. I was really happy that I could help him.

"Well done, Peter. Who would have thought that you would save this project single-handedly?" Mr. Osborn said as he patted my shoulder proudly.

"Peter, I promise you. If this research is successful, I will give you a few shares in Oscorp." I was awestruck by his declaration, shares in Oscorp. I had never even thought in my dreams that I would have shares in Oscorp.

"I can't take this, Mr. Osborn. It is Dr. Connors' research." Although his offer was incredible, I could not steal Dr. Connors' credit.

"It is not that I will not get any shares, Peter. So, don't be shy to take it. You deserve it, Peter." Dr. Connors supported Mr. Osborn's decision from the side.

"Harry, you understood any of what Peter said." Mr. Osborn suddenly asked Harry who are just listening from the side.

"Of course, I did. Peter used Dr. Connors' research to create the framework for a serum which will provide temporary healing factor and he has already completed most of the required research." Harry gave a summary of everything I had said.

"Damn! Harry. I did not think that you could actually understand it." Harry's grades were just above average after all.

"Hey, don't say so. I am a bit of a scientist myself."

"Ha ha ha ha!!" All of us started laughing at Harry's joke.

I am glad I was able to help Dr. Connors and Mr. Osborn. When I had started this research, I just wanted to stop another lizard incident. Who would have thought that I would manage to make something so incredible?


So, did you like the chapter? Actually, this new serum is not going to have much effect on the plot although it will be mentioned and used sometimes in the future.

And who would have thought that there would actually be a universe where lizard serum will be tested properly.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye

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