
Blackout Booty Call

With Orihime joining Ichigo, Chad, and Uryu as a show of support, Ohta found himself alone with Yoruichi and Kukaku in what he assumed to be the latter's bedroom, a messy chamber with a futon covering much of the floor, decorated in silken sheets and purple blankets.

After swallowing several large gulps of sake from a gourd, trace amounts trickling from her lips and falling onto her breasts, Kukaku exhaled a loud, exclamatory sigh, expressing, "Man, that hits the spot!"

Sporting a large sake cup, Yoruichi, in her human form, swallowed several large gulps before directing a narrow-eyed, teasing smile at Ohta. He had also been given a cup, so he emptied its contents into his mouth while the two women observed him, curious to see his reaction.

Contrasting the duo's expectations, Ohta finished off his cup without so much as a twitch of the brow, his expression bordering on apathy as he said, "Not bad. But I prefer whiskey."

Exhaling a scoffing chuckle, Kukaku asked, "Are you sure you're just a kid? What kind of fifteen-year-old drinks whiskey?"

"I've always been very mature for my age," replied Ohta, extending his cup toward Yoruichi. She frowned in response but eventually filled it to the brim while Kukaku observed her with raised brows.

"Damn...Yoruichi told me she took you for a ride, but it's starting to look like the opposite is true," remarked Kukaku.

Raising his brows, Ohta was tempted to ask what else Yoruichi had told her when Kukaku caught him a little off guard, asking, "Well, how about it? It's been a while since I had a good fuck." with a wolfish grin.

Causing the buxom woman's brows to twitch slightly, Ohta immediately replied, "Pass..." while waving his hand in front of his face. "If you and the cat had a chat, you should know why I'm here. My dick isn't a bicycle that just anyone can ride..."

Shifting her gaze to Yoruichi, Kukaku remarked, "I can see why you're so frustrated. He's definitely got cheek..."

"Nowhere near much as the two of you..." argued Ohta, alluding to the duo's voluminous asses. He also shifted his gaze between their breasts, adding, "It's a damn shame I'm taken..."

"Keep saying shit like that, and you will be..." retorted Kukaku. She could appreciate Ohta's nerve, but if he kept taking potshots at her dignity, she would need to defend it...

"That's enough..." said Yoruichi, directing her gaze to Ohta as she said, "Now that we're alone, there are some matters we need to discuss. Are you willing to listen, or are you planning to rampage the moment we get inside the Seireitei...?"


Before responding to Yoruichi, Ohta emptied the contents of his cup into his mouth, exhaling a slightly heated sigh as he asserted, "I've been very patient with you and Kisuke. Tell me what the actual plan is, or I 'will' take matters into my own hands..."

Exhaling a faintly exasperated sigh through her nose, Yoruichi deliberated before asking, "Even if I told you, would you trust what I say? Other than when we experienced Soul Resonance, I don't think you've ever taken my words at face value..."

"Well, you're not exactly trustworthy..." countered Ohta, pointing out, "You admitted you would stab me in the back the moment I became a threat to the Soul Society and the current order..."

Crossing her arms, Yoruichi snapped back, "Yes, but I also told you I was willing to give my life to you in exchange for 'peace.' No matter how prone to violence you are, you should know that antagonizing or endeavoring to destroy the Soul Society is objectively wrong. Countless innocents, both living and deceased, would suffer as a result. In that case, I wouldn't be 'betraying' you. I would be 'saving' them..."

Raising her brows, Kukaku gave Ohta a curious look as she asked, "You're thinking of going to war against the Soul Society? That isn't cheek. That's just dumb."

"I wouldn't destroy the whole of Soul Society," argued Ohta. "I would only hold those responsible for Rukia's death accountable..."

"But that's the thing, though," said Yoruichi. "You know those very people 'aren't' responsible if things go South. It's that bastard Aizen and whoever he has working for him..."

"Maybe..." conceded Ohta, turning to meet Yoruichi's gaze as he added, "But they're only tangentially accountable. Last I checked, Aizen wasn't the one who came up with the idea to use Rukia as bait..."

Furrowing her brows, Yoruichi quietly but firmly asserted, "You didn't even care when you first heard about the plan..."

"The same can be said of you when we first made contact," retorted Ohta. "Yet, here we are..."


Finding the duo's exchange incredibly amusing, Kukaku smiled cheekily at Yoruichi, teasing, "Damn, he got you..."

"Shut the fuck up, Kukaku..." hissed Yoruichi, baring her pearly white teeth as if she were in her cat form.

"Hey, don't bite my head off," retorted Kukaku. "You're the ones having a lover's quarrel. I'm just enjoying the show."

Punctuating her words, Kukaku began to pack her pipe with an aromatic, dark green, paste-like substance. She and Yoruichi went way, way back, so she wasn't too concerned the buxom cat girl would actually attack her. And, even if she did, Kukaku was confident she could give as good as she received.

"There doesn't need to be a show," asserted Ohta. "Just tell me what the plan is. We already worked out that if Rukia died, you'd basically become my pet from then onward. If we both do our best to prevent that, there's nothing left to discuss..."

Though she was tempted to kick Kukaku in her grinning face, the buxom fireworks expert struggling to contain her laughter after hearing Ohta say she would become his pet, Yoruichi suppressed her annoyance and said, "The plan is simple...once we enter the Seireitei, we'll cause as much of a disturbance as possible before retreating underground. From there, I will contact our 'allies' on the inside while the rest of you rest and recuperate. Once we know the date of Rukia's execution, we will transition to the final stage of our plan, rescuing her and forcing Aizen to expose his hand..."

"And why don't we just kill this Aizen guy outright?" asked Ohta. "Even if he's ridiculously powerful, he won't be able to fight us seriously without exposing himself."

"That would be the worst possible outcome," replied Yoruichi. "You know what kind of power we suspect him to have. If we attack him without the other members of the Gotei 13 present, he could reverse the situation and slink back into the shadows. Only by forcing his hand can we rescue Rukia and severe any enmity they may have toward us. Jump the gun, and even if we 'do' save her, Aizen, his hidden forces, and the whole of Soul Society will be our enemy..."

Extending his right hand toward Yoruichi, Ohta briefly confused her before saying, "Bottle..." in a flat tone. When she eventually handed it to him, he downed nearly half a liter of sake in a single go, no longer in the mood to think...




"Fuck me..." muttered Ohta, waking to find himself sandwiched between a naked Kukaku and Yoruichi. He was also naked, and if the sensation from his crotch was any indicator, he had probably fucked both women before passing out...

Stirring at Ohta's remark, Kukaku rose to a seated position, covering her mouth to stifle a protracted yawn before adopting a teasing smile as she cheekily replied, "I'm sure I have a strap-on around here somewhere..."

Though he furrowed his brows to his physical limit, Ohta didn't lash out at Kukaku. He wasn't even angry at Yoruichi. Instead, he issued a frustrated groan, placing his hand on his forehead before running his fingers through his hair.

"Eh, don't be too upset," said Kukaku. "Any other man in your position, at least here in the Soul Society, would jump at the chance to get with either of us. The only other person who can claim to have been with both is that bastard Kisuke..."

"Yeah, that sounds about right..." muttered Ohta, his already potent dislike for Kisuke increasing substantially.

Preventing Ohta from succumbing to his reverie, Kukaku abruptly grabbed his dick with her left hand, remarking, "Looks like your friend here still has a bit of pep in him. How about it? One final fuck for posterity? It would be a shame not to have any memories to take with you."

Though he had crossed a line he couldn't backpedal away from or excuse, Ohta shook his head and answered, "Hard pass..." He also believed it was a waste to have fucked two beauties and not have any memories of it, but he regarded that as the punishment for his sin.

Shrugging her shoulders, Kukaku asserted, "You're loss..." before rising to her feet and stretching her body, eliciting a satisfying pop from her lower back. When she was done, she gazed down at Yoruichi, promptly kicking the brown-skinned woman in the ass as she asked, "Who are you trying to fool? Stop pretending and get up you damned cat."

Rising to a seated position, Yoruichi rubbed her ass and glared at Kukaku as if she wanted to bite the latter's head off. Instead, she looked to Ohta, her anger turning to a slightly apologetic look. She didn't regret seducing him, not in the slightest, but she knew she had fucked up...

"Relax..." said Ohta, surprising Yoruichi quite a bit as he added, "This one's on me. But if it happens again..."

Though she was tempted to point out it wouldn't have happened at all if he wasn't into it, Yoruichi preserved her apologetic expression and offered a faint, "Sorry...I just couldn't take it anymore..."

Shaking his head, Ohta said, "Forget it..." before rising to a seated position and scouring for his clothes. This was far from the first time he had gotten black-out drunk and found himself next to a woman he didn't plan to fuck. It 'was' the first time he awoke sandwiched between two of them, but he didn't feel he had accomplished anything...

"Here, take this," said Kukaku, interrupting Ohta's search for his clothes by handing him a black pill roughly the size of a marble.

"It'll help clear your mind and improve your focus," attested Kukaku. "That boy with the orange hair gives me the impression he's bound to fuck things up, but it would suck if the Reishukaku exploded because you had a hangover."

("Whatever...") though Ohta, accepting the dubious pill and tossing it into his mouth. He ordinarily didn't accept drugs offered to him by people he barely knew, but he could use something to take the edge off and get his mind in gear...

Contrasting Ohta's expectations, the pill seemed to vaporize and spread throughout his body the moment he swallowed it. Instead of making him feel high or kicking in like a booster, it made him feel refreshed, like a cold glass of water after a hard workout.

"That help?" asked Kukaku, raising her brows and tilting her head slightly.

"It did..." replied Ohta, rising to his feet and stretching his body while Kukaku continued to observe him. There was about a 10cm difference in their heights, so she had to tilt her head slightly, looking up at him as she abruptly stated, "Yoruichi told me you were a man who repays his debts. Consider earlier today and that pill an advance payment for returning my brother to me..."

Even more abrupt than her words, Kukaku stepped into Ohta's personal space, his still-erect dick slipping between the folds of her pussy and nestling between her legs as she pressed her breasts against him and asserted, "Bring him back safely, and if you're up for it, I'll give you a far greater reward. Refuse that, and I'll owe you a favor..."

"You care about your brother..." remarked Ohta, pretending as though he couldn't feel Kukaku's heart beating via the pulsing of her pussy.

"He's the only family I have left..." replied Kukaku. She knew that wasn't entirely the case, as Ichigo was actually a tangential descendent of the defunct Shiba Clan, but she had personally raised Ganju in place of their mother. She didn't regard him as her child, but their bond was far greater than simple siblings...

"I don't like making promises..." said Ohta, habitually placing his hands on but keeping them there even after he realized what he had done. "But if I can prevent it, I won't let anything happen to your brother..."

Though she exhaled a scoff, Kukaku reciprocated Ohta's 'embrace' and said, "I guess that'll have to do..." in a flat tone. Meanwhile, off to the side, Yoruichi observed them with a half-lidded gaze, making a mental note to give Kukaku a good beating in the future...




(A/N: Those of you who expect Ohta to be a perfect Gary Stu that never fucks up or makes mistakes are in for a rude awakening (O 3 O)...)

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