
Sexual Tension

"I am very busy and have a mountain of wor..."

"Do I look like an idiot, Rabi?" Jamal leaned against the wall like he might soon collapse

"What answer will get you to leave?" Jamal said nothing but continued to stare at her

Rabi could feel herself getting angry "What are you doing here?" Jamal looked like he didn't know the answer to that either. "You need to leave Jamal"

"We're getting too close" Rabi made a last attempt at reason

"We're not doing anything wrong"

"You talk to me more than you speak to your wife"

"Who's fault is that?"

Is that what he came for? To throw questions at her? At least she was trying to remedy the situation and help them past it. Rabi's anger spilled over. "La ilaha illallah! What do you expect from me? To take your side over my sister's side?"

"After everythin..." Jamal started

"Wanne everything? Me sa haka maza suke yi? Nothing has happened Jamal. NOTHING!"

"Bee Bee..."

"If you need somewhere to release your sexual tension, it's not here. Kaji(understand)? "


"Find someone else. Somewhere else"

"You think I came fo..."

"STOP! Just stop this foolishness. Go away and let me breathe. Dan Allah leave me be" Rabi pointed to the door, her body shaking from the exertion

Jamal walked out banging the door. Rabi sat and tried to calm down by taking deep breathes but she couldn't. She had been unforgivably rude and for all she knew he came here to agree that they move past it and reduce contact with one another but she barely let him speak. She was so rotten; she all but permitted him to solicit prostitutes. 

Ya Allah! Did she really say 'release sexual tension?'Haba she had to go and apologise. Rabi got up and walked to the door as Jamal walked back in. 

Their bodies slapped against one another, forehead to forehead, chest to chest, mouth to mouth. Rabi could step back; all she had to do was tell her feet to move. Raise her hands to his chest and push herself away that is all she had to do.

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