
Slaying Monsters

<Explosive news! Extreme handsome and beauty found in City Z! I'm flabbergasted after looking!> This thread attracted many fans, and even many had applied to follow it closely.

Attached to the thread were several photos of Raizel and Raskreia walk around the town together.

Many online wolves, male or female flock to the thread to see the photos and their comments immediately flood the chat.

'Kyaa~, so handsome....more doses please.... (nosebleed)'

'From now on this person is my prince! I'll claim him for mine!'

'Get lost bitch! Who the hell are you to suddenly declare him for your own. Beside the two of them could be a couple, how envious~'

'All this time I'm the fans of Handsome Mask, but after seeing this prince I'll change my allegiance ^_^'

'Hot damn! I don't know who this beauty is but I will not mind to be trampled by her'

'How dare you sully her with your sick maso, she is the epitome of queen so treat her with respect. (Though I also will not mind if she were to step me)'

This was merely one of the thread that exposed Raizel and Raskreia photos, not to mention there are many others that upload their photos to social medias.

If it were the usual Rai and Raskreia, they will not let their photos easily taken with their ability, but this time they need to publicize their presence in order to start their debut as hero.

For several days, both of them keep walking around the city, to explore any part of the city that were not explored yet by them.

Sometimes they also buy some food from the stall or simply window shopping in a mall.

After three days of such explorations, finally they meet their first monster.

[This is an emergency evacuation warning. Threat level: Demon. No resident is to go outside under any circumstances. I repeat, no City Z resident is to go outside...]


"Uwaahhh!! Monster!!


Where are the heroes! There are peoples trap here!"

It was a giant worm with building size about three meter in diameter.

Currently several buildings already collapsed because the ground sunk below, and made many people trap and injured inside the building.

"Raskreia, I'll leave the monster to you. I'll save the resident", said Rai to Reskreia.

"Alright then. Ragnarok!", said Raskreia as she conjured her soul weapon.

While Raskreia engaged the monster Rai summoned his blood field, and removed the rubbles with precision to avoid aggravating the injured resident.

Raskreia finish the battles in merely several second by cutting the giant worm in thousands pieces.

As for Raizel, with blood field that span dozens of meters he managed to simultanously save peoples from ruins and place them in a wide space.

"T-thank you very much for your help. Are the two of you a hero?, ask one of the rescued resident.

Instead of answering him, Rai merely point his palm to this person and a red glow appeared in his hand.

All the resident stare at this scene worriedly, afraid that Rai offended by the question and trying to punish this man.

However their worry were unfounded, because suddenly miracles happened in front of their eyes.

The person that ask question to Rai had his injuries healed in the blink of eye.

"W-what is this?! My injury healed?!", said the man.

After that, Rai point his palm to other injured resident that gathered in one spot. This time the red glow in his hand appeared more glaringly and the glow enveloped the whole injured resident.

In several dozens seconds, all the injured resident had their injury healed without any scar left.

Wether light injury like a scratch or heavy injury such as broken bones or internal bleeding, all of them healed all the same.

This was one of Rai's ability, with his perfect control over blood he can accelerate the recovery of other peoples.

Of course, in order to heal them Raizel need to used those peoples energy as the price, and if that was not enough Rai need to use his own blood energy to aid their healing.

Anyway the energy that Rai need to spent still quite insignificant since his body and lifespan currently in perfect condition.

Not to mention in the future he'll train his body better and also able to manipulate the power of time.

At that time, he'll be able to easily heal hundreds of dying people without any burden.

"My injudy healed!"

"M-my hands were broken before, but now they healed suddenly?!"

"Hiks, thank goodnes! My son saved! Thank you very much benefactor..."

Rai only nod to the people's gratitude, and walk away with Raskreia from the scenes.

All of this scenes, from giant worm went berserk, Raskreia slaying the monster, and finally Rai's deed in healing the resident, all of it were filmed by a passerby.

When this passerby upload the video, the whole world shoke by the miracles performed by Raizel and Raskreia.

Rai aside, the fact that there is an unknown beauty with power that match S-rank heroes was very impressive since the only female S-rank heroes is Tatsumaki alone.

Now, there will be an addition female S-rank heroes that will make Hero Association more lively.

However, while Raskreia's feat in defeating the monster in mere seconds was quite astounding it was not that startling considering there are many S-rank heroes that capable of such feat like Atomic Samurai or Flashy Flash.

Raizel's healing ability however were considered as a miracle and an eye opening for the whole world since there are not any heroes that capable of healing.

Most of heroes were more of brawn, only capable of killing monster.

Some of minority take support route since they were lacking strength to defeat monster by themself.

However, heroes that capable of healing were non-existent.

While medical technology in this world are quite advanced, they were still not reached the point of capable to healed injured people in mere seconds.

That's why Rai's healing ability caused massive stir in heroes community.

Several minutes after this video uploaded, the comment section were flooded by numerous comments.

"Wow, seriously?! This guy was capable to heal people in mere seconds. Is he a heroes?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but up until now there are not any heroes or people with healing ability right? In that case this guy ability is the only one of its kind"

"Who are those people? With their face, I'll remember them immediately if they are registered in Heroes Association"

"I know those two, they caused quite for several days since their photos uploaded by many peoples because of their perfect face"

"Those people are not heroes. But with their ability, I'm sure Heroes Association will invite them especially the guy. With his ability numerous heroes or injured victim will be able to be healed in the blink of eye"

"Wether the guy or the chick, both of them are awesome. Since Heroes Association will invite them to be heroes, from now on I'll be their diehard fan"

"Humph, are you deserved to be their fans? With the prince's healing ability, he is no different from saint. Fellow ladies, how about we make some kind of group to worship the prince!"

"I agree. With his healing ability I'm sure he'll be targeted by unscrupulous peoples. We should make a cult and protect him from the shadows"





Unknown to Raizel, this day will be commemorated as the founding day of a cult that dedicated for him.

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