
No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy. "Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!" "A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!" "Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!" Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem. "King of the Harem sounds troublesome" "Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!" "What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!" ---------- ---------- I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point. I hope you enjoy my work ---------- ---------- www. patreon.com / Bukaro For advanced chapters. ----------------- https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Bukaro · Komik
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404 Chs


Rereading the novel and looking at the comments I realize that I have made many mistakes, be it contradictions in the MC's attitude, plot holes, lack of interactions between characters, lack of dialogue, or excessive internal monologues. They make it look like I'm not really doing a good job.

I do not like to do poor quality work and I feel disappointed in myself for not being able to develop a good story, seeing the serious narrative and development problems that I am committing, I am concerned that the novel is causing more frustration than joy to you readers.

I've tried to fix those problems in the last few chapters, but the established narrative and character construction makes it difficult for me to make unjustified changes so I don't know if I should continue.

I have two options:

To rewrite the novel from the beginning leaving behind what I have already developed, I would have to rethink the plot, the characters, and the attitude of the MC, it is also possible that I have to change the first-person narrative to a third-person narrative since I realized that I'm exaggerating with the internal monologues due to it being in the first person and it can be frustrating for readers to see the constant complaints from the MC.

The other option is to continue the novel as it is going until now, but rethinking the future development that I thought. I will change the chemistry between characters, increase the dialogue to avoid monologues, and advance the plot further to prevent the characters from accumulating too much in a single world.

It would also downplay the MC's thoughts and stop over-explaining the plans as many times those plans don't happen to the letter.

I do not know which is better since I honestly did not think that this novel would have received so much support I am grateful for the comments, criticisms, and suggestions that I have received, I enjoy reading the comments as they help me to improve and that is why I am concerned that my work is of poor quality and cause displeasure to you as readers.

I would appreciate your comments on what I should do about this novel, whether I should rewrite it from scratch or try to fix what I already have.

The last option is to leave this novel and write something simpler, when I have more experience writing and developing characters then I will return to this novel but in the end, I want to hear your opinion.

The Spanish version of this novel is up to chapter 43 so I can finish translating the novel and you tell me what you think.

I also know that I make a lot of spelling mistakes since I use a program to translate since I don't know English, sorry.