Welcome true believers and newcomers alike! Spider-man fanfic writer saiyanpride here, once again we find our random insert better known now as Peter parker, and soon as the amazing spider-man around the world and a heap of trouble. But this is just the beginning spidey fans, so get ready for a true superhero action thriller packed to brim with thrills and chills, twists and turns and more super villains than you can shake a web at and of course non stop web-slinging, wall crawling action. (For those whose recognize it, this is the introduction to spider-man 2000's game by stan lee just a bit modified to suit the story)
"Ah! My head is killing me! Where am I and did someone catch the number of the truck that ran me over?"
Said a boy as he was slowly waking and getting clarity to his thoughts, which finally culminated to a single moment of sobering clarity of what happened to him. He was Peter Parker, but he was also Rahul Devnagar.
Rahul Devnagar was a 16 year old teenager who lived with his parents in the financial capital of India, Mumbai. His parents were doctors in a very reputed hospital in Mumbai, which meant that he was supposed to have quite a rich life.
But his parents in defiance of all common sense sent him to live with his grandparents, based on the reason that he needed to grow up without entitlement, and learn hard work, making him miss out on the good life.
Well, they succeeded in their efforts as Rahul grew up as a very bright boy, who despite not having natural smarts was a very hardworking child. Making up for his lack of natural smarts with hard work, his only few pastimes were the fictional universe.
But unfortunately even the brightest star must one day die. This was the case with Rahul as well as he was detected with terminal leukemia at the young age of 15.
He fought the disease for an entire year while his parents used all their resources and connections to find a bone marrow donor before he lost his life. It was here, after his death that the events took a turn to the bizarre as the spirit of Rahul was now in a white expanse that seemed to stretch to the infinity accompanied by a single other person.
"Hello, Nice to meet you young mortal! I am *****! You have been selected to reincarnate via a lottery! You will get a power to take with you to your new life based on your yearnings when you were alive.
That means you will be getting occlumency as referenced by your wishes during the numerous examinations, and other academic events."
Rahul tried to speak but he couldn't. It was like something was restricting him, not being able to react, only being able to be a spectator to the event happening.
" While you have won the lottery for reincarnation, you have one of the more unique reincarnation cards. What this means for you is that, you will reincarnate as a person with great destiny wherever and whenever you will be born, but in exchange for your great destiny, your current memories will be locked so as to let the fates prepare you for your future destiny.
You will become whole again by unlocking your memories, on the day a great change happens in your destiny. I will warn you however, while reincarnating with destiny is great, waiting for the day of the change means that the time taken for the change is different for each person.
One may change their destiny when they are 5 years old, or when they are 90 years old. So, I bid you farewell young soul as I have fulfilled my duties by explaining your circumstances. May we meet again when you come to join back into the supreme soul of the world."
While he expected a change in environment, like being born in the medieval times or a zombie apocalypse, he never expected to be born in the marvelverse as Peter Parker. His new life as Peter Parker went mostly similar to what he had read and seen.
Richard and Mary Parker were his parents and were researchers at Empire State University and had died during a plane crash when he was 5 years old leaving him in the care of May and Ben.
He had been staying with them for the last 13 years and was now 18 years old and a senior at Midtown high. Yesterday he had been bitten by the spider that changed it all at the field trip to Oscorp.
He had come home all hungry and devoured food for at least 5 people and went to sleep only to wake up right now with a pounding headache and a lifetime's worth of memories perfectly meshed with his. He had a mild identity crisis which was soon resolved considering that he lived longer as Peter Parker than he had as Rahul and he was currently alive as Peter Parker.
"Phew! At Least I dodged a bullet by not getting my memories back when I was 110 or something."
Now knowing what had happened to him, Peter's first instinct was to test his abilities. However he was struck with a random thought when he remembered his abilities. As a member of spider-man reddit, he at least knew from all the chatter that in most cases, when spider-man wins, Peter Parker loses and vice versa.
But maybe it was the new merger of memories, or the sudden weight of responsibility he felt from his powers, he felt that he could break the curse. So as the first step, he decided to hold off full power testing his abilities until he could control them first.
For that he decided to get the hang of his super strength first. After thinking about it, he decided to use the binder clips he had for the testing.
It took him 6 binder clips before he got enough of an idea to how to control his strength and not break the clips into tiny pieces. He tested this method of control further with his toothpaste, and door handle and it worked perfectly.
Now that his strength was in control, he was going to test his wall crawling ability next. He looked at his fingers to see any scopulae(barbs) like spiders, but after repeated checking he had confirmed that he in fact did not have any. Which meant that his wall crawling powers were probably closer to his comic counterpart in the sense that it worked with the help of his bio-electric field.
Peter slowly moved to the wall of his room as he slowly put his left hand on the wall and then followed it up with his right hand. He put his right leg on the wall,and with one jump of courage he removed his left leg from the ground and put it on the wall....and fell down to the floor on his ass.
Now thoroughly embarrassed, Peter decided to test the sticking ability with smaller items first before moving to wall crawling. He started testing it with the newspaper in his room. It took him two tries before he got the newspaper to stick to his hand. He then tried to disable it and remove the paper only to fail, tearing the paper.
It took two more tries until he got the hang of how to disable it, and two more tries to learn how to do both actions on command. He decided to give wall crawling a try again. This time courtesy of his previous practice he was able to climb up the wall.
Every inch he moved closer to the ceiling, he felt as if he was changing. As he finally hung upside down from the ceiling, it solidified to him that no, this wasn't some fever dream he was having, this was the real deal. He was going to become the amazing, the spectacular spid-
"Peter! It is already late! You have to wake up now or you are going to miss your school bus!"
Peter panicked and lost control of the wall crawling ability just long enough that he fell from the ceiling and fell with a heavy thud onto the bedroom floor.
"Peter? What was that noise?"
"A-ah! Nothing Aunt May! I just rolled over the bed and fell on to the floor"
"Are you ok? Did you get hurt?"
"Yeah! I mean, no! I didn't get hurt! I am ok May!"
"Well, if everythings all right, you should clean up and come down, the breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes!"
"Yes! Aunt May!"
So yeah! It wasn't a great start, but just watch out New York city! There is a new hero in town and he is here to stay!