
1.The unexpected phone call !

Rose Stacy never imagined, never could predict this could happen!

After the nightfall, she was enjoying while walking along the river bank suddenly her phone vibrated as if an earthquake.….

She looked at the screen.

It was already at 8 p.m.

It was 'mother'.

To be very specific 'stepmother'.

She picked up the call but with a sneer because her stepmother never called her.

"Hello!? What is it?" she answered reluctantly.

"I want you to come home right now. It's urgent! I want to see you as early as possible!"

" k " she replied as shortly as she could.

She thought to herself"What would it be? Another event, or just....to cook dinner?

She never cared about where I was going or what I was doing, either eating or not. Why would she suddenly call me to come home early.?

Who's she to order me around.hump! Putting on a disgusted she got into a taxi.

"Go to The Stacy"s " she instructed.

Rose's mother, Lynne Stacy, died when she was too little. Rose did not even remember her face and warmth. How could a 3 -year-old understand why everyone was sad and crying?

Her father, Jack Stacy, married the mistress he kept, Miss Yakin, who was kind and sympathetic towards Rose but after the birth of Lina, she only looks after her daughter disregarding Rose's wishes as a little kid.

Even in this whole chaos and bad

environment, She managed to finish her schooling in the city school with a scholarship and entered the country's most reputed medical college and graduated successfully and went to study abroad. But still, everybody treated her like a whole-time maid at home.

Sadly, now, when she returned from abroad a month ago, she came to know that the father who was the only one left in this world, who loved her like anything, died in a car accident. She didn't believe anyone's words and is suspicious of her stepmother. But she can't do anything right now as she has no evidence about her father's death.

please support !I will be very happy.and also suggest my ways how could I improve as it's my first time writing. I will also answer first 50 questions.

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