
What to do

I don't know why but my view counting for my two fan.fics is frozen and for some reason I can't enter my original novel to write, it always gives me those blue dots rotating but doesn't let me write.

I am thinking of deleting the novels from this account and post them on another new account.


To the chapter


Zenith gathered everyone inside the house in the living Room, Lilia was scared, Paul was thinking he maybe a jerk but he thought that this situation will distract zenith from his mistake and he will take this chance to get closer to her

"Then, what now?" said zenith to Rudeus who is sitting on the table with a red cheek, his head was down as he said " but I didn't do anything wrong "

"Huh? nothing wrong, ARE YOU INSANE!!" zenith slammed her hand on the table as she said " we solved Paul's problem to end up with you? " zenith looked at Paul with an angry face, Paul was scared as he thought ' why me?? I didn't do anything this time '

Zenith doesn't know that Lilia and Rudeus had sex with each other under their love but she thinks that Rudeus Ra.ped Lilia at some point during the past month

zenith went to Lilia and hugged her " I am sorry Lilia, we saved you from a wolf to let into the tiger's den " Lilia was surprised

Zenith hugged Lilia tightly as she kept on apologizing to Lilia with tears in her eyes

Lilia was shocked that she will get this much reaction so she decided to speak before things become worse " Madam, I think you may be mistaken"

" Mistaken " said zenith as she looked at Lilia who had a warm smile on her face

" master didn't Force himself on me but actually we love each other "

boom! Lilia's words shocked zenith, she didn't expect that they were in love, as for Paul he was surprisingly not effected " F..For real " said zenith

" yes Madam " said Lilia

Zenith looked between Lilia and Rudeus who's cheek is still red, he looked at her and said " if you let me speak I would have told you that "

Zenith felt embarrassed and stepped back and sat on chair, she raised her head to see Paul just setting with his arms crossed, she got angry and said " Airhead, why are you setting there as if this is not your business, say something, aren't you surprised? "

Paul looked at her and said " No! in fact I already knew that they slept with each other " he said that as he was stating some facts

Zenith looked at him with shock as she said said " H..how do you ?? " this question made Rudeus and Lilia interested as they were sure no one was in the house or everyone was sleeping before they got into action

"well, I have a strategic location, as you know, I slept in the Backyard for sometime, meaning I slept behind Rudeus room directly... and guess what? you love birds left the window open Hahahaha!! " Paul was laughing his *SS out, he was enjoying Rudeus and Lilia's shameful faces now

he continued his speech with " I don't know why you are so surprised and over reacting Zenith. it's so simple, they slept with each other and that's it, if you think this is a problem then marriage is the solution " Paul know that zenith reaction is due to her religion which believes in being pure until marriage but for him it wasn't that of problem

"Are you nuts, Rudeus is still a kid do you know that ??" said zenith

" he doesn't look like one to me, besides, Lilia is carrying our grandchild do you remember that " said Paul as he pointed at Lilia's stomach

When zenith heard Paul's reasoning, she grasped for air as she realized her mistake, she was focusing on Rudeus and Lilia doing Adu.ltry and she total forgot about her grandchild, tears started to fall down on her cheek as she said " I am sorry " she went to Lilia and hugged her stomach and said " I am sorry for forgetting you "

Paul looked at her and said " do you agree to them marrying? "

Zenith said nothing and just nodded her head. seeing this Lilia was very happy, she didn't imagine zenith will agree to their love.

when they started their relationship, Rudeus wanted to tell his mother and father about, but she was against it, she know that because of zenith's religion she hates adul.try and wouldn't agree to their relationship but seeing her now agreeing brought her so much joy that she could fly on the clouds

Rudeus was happy too, he smiled and looked at Lilia and Zenith who are Higgins each other. Rudeus got closer to Paul, Paul thought to himself that Rudeus wants to thank him so he pushed his chest forward and waited for his son's admiration but " So you were listening huh! " said Rudeus making Paul fall off his chair, this scene made everyone laugh at him

Zenith shook her head and said " A pervert will always stay a pervert "


I know some of you will feel dissatisfied with this chapter, I know it is somehow confusing so if you can, help me fix it,

I just didn't know how to write this chapter

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