
New Foundation

From his defeat, Reukra, he find himself dislocated to another reality, in the Kanto Region in Animeverse (Ashcanon). Baffled, he struggle with this new reality and adapt himself very well. The picture isn't mine, its from another artist, by the name of Hacker93. If you find it offensive to use your work, tell me and i will delete it :)

DaoistLflweQ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

9 - Different Dimension (??? Verse)

In another corner of Johto, a red haired man appared in a blinding light...Nobody have seen the phenomenon luckily for the man in question....

"Where am I? This is not Eldiw....Wait, it seems that i'm in Johto, but its really my dimension?" Said the man

["For once, i have my team and my bag with me, so i'm not without protections, lets make haste and find somewhere to stay"]

The man, after recollecting himself he called his Entei

"Entei, let's go to the nearest city!"


Entei then speeds up while taking with him the red haired man in the direction of Blackthorn City.


Meanwhile, in the Mysterious Cave

"Uff, you are so strong, uff.." Said Persephone while his pokemon are resting after the fight

"..." Said Darkrai

["Woman, you are very strong, what are your ambitions?"]

"Ah, i want to have the strongest Cult ever seen, and with your powers of nightmare, i will take over the dreams of the people and pokemon." Said Persephone excited

["Ah i see. A woman with a dark heart like mine is indeed interesting. Would you like to cooperate with me to overcome this world"]


The darkrai and the white haired woman becomes allies...

What will the duo do in the world? Who knows, its not time for their adventure....


The red haired man make disappear in the Pokeball Entei then enters Blackthorn City.

["Its like i remember it, nothing changed, but i have the sensation that this world i didn't seen it yet"]

The red haired man goes to the Dragon Den....

After a while, he arrived at the Shrine inside the den....

["Yes, its exactly like i remember, here i have battled aganist Ethan before the Pokemon League that many years ago"]

"What are you doing here?" Said a woman

"Hmm?" Said the man

"Who are you? I don't know you...You aren't a regular of this Dragon Den" Said the woman

"Yes i'm not a trainer of the den, and who i am? My name's Versil, nice to meet you" Said Versil

"Versil huh? What are you doing in this city?" Said the woman

"I'm just reminiscing about the past, what are you doing here, Claire?" Said Versil

"?????? What?????? I didn't said my name, how do you know it?" Said Claire shocked

"I have my ways...." Said Versil

"I see....What are you gonna do in this region by the way?" Said Claire

"Well, i will explore mosly and bond with my pokemons" Said Versil

"You seem a strong trainer, why not having a battle?" Said Claire

"A battle you say? Interesting, i would like to see your strenght Claire" Said Versil

"The battle will be a one-on-one, i don't have much lose time" Said Claire

"Okay then, lets make haste and fight" Said Versil

"Wait a second you two!" Said a woman

"Huh? Dragon Den Master!" Said Claire

"Yes Claire, would you start a battle without a judge?" Said the woman

"No i guess not. You are right" Said Claire kinda sad at the thought

"Then lets Start this battle, shall we?" Said the woman

"Yes, i guess so. By the way my name's Versil." Said Versil

"Okay. Then the battle between Claire and Versil can start at any time. Start!" Said the woman

"Altaria, i chose you!" Said Claire

A majestic Altaria appears, and it seems to be strong, how much, its unquestionable.

"Then, Rexquiem, i chose you" Said Versil

The strong and mysterious Rexquiem appears, and it cackle happily

"What is that pokemon?!" Said the old woman

"Yes, what is that!?" Said Claire

"Ah, this is Rexquiem, the Emissary of the Devil. Its said that he will drag down to the underworld the people that are most likely to die." Said Versil

"...Terrifiying." Said the old woman and Claire

"Then, lets start the battle if you done looking at my pokemon, please" Said Versil

"Okay, Altaria use Dragonbreath!" Said Claire

"Don't move a muscle, Rexquiem" Said Versil

Altaria spats a powerful Dragonbreath at Rexquiem, who tanks the attack with no difficulty, and it seems to be likely uneffected by the attack, but in reality it took damage, but negligible

"Rexquiem, use Shadow Bone" Said Versil

A bone made by darkness is spawned near Altaria at a speed so high that most likely its unevitable, but its not.

Altaria takes the hit and falls to the ground meekly

"Altaria! Are you okay?" Said Claire

Altaria take flight again, but she seems damaged by the attack

"Then use Dragon Dance" Said Claire

Altaria does a dance that increase her attack and speed

["Mmm, D-Dance huh? Her strategy is clear. She will use physical attack from now on. Physical from Altaria, could be Take Down? Or Fly? Lets see"]

"Rexquiem, dont panic and relax" Said Versil

Rexquiem relaxed himself, and waits for orders

"Altaria use Fly, then when you are ready, use Take Down!" Said Claire

Altaria goes into the air flying in the arena, going near Rexquiem to attack him....

"You are predictable. Rexquiem, take the hit and use Revenge!" Said Versil

Rexquiem takes the hit and when Altaria have the guard down from the attack she used, Rexquiem use Revenge very hard on Altaria, making her KO

Altaria falls to the ground without energy remaining in her body. She is KO

"Altaria no!" Said Claire

"Altaria is down for the count. Rexquiem wins. The match goes to Versil" Said the old woman

"Very good Rexquiem. Rest in the pokeball now" Said Versil recalling Rexquiem into the pokeball

"Well Claire, you have to work on your strategy a little more. It was too much predictable. But i have seen your strenght. You are the best Gym Leader of the region after all. Too bad my pokemons are too strong for you." Said Versil

"I see. Thank you for the battle, i learned a lot from it." Said Claire

"Now i have to go. Hope we will see again in the future." Said Versil

"Yes. I hope to have another match with you in the future." Said Claire

"Goodbye." Said Versil

Versil exits the cave in direction of the Pokemon Center to rest for the day....

"Claire what do you think about him?" Said the old woman

"Well, he is very strong and have a lot of experience of battling. And i don't think that mysterious pokemon is his Ace." Said Claire

"Yes, i have the same thoughts, he don't used his all in this battle." Said the old woman

After that conversation, the duo continues to work for the Gym

And the day ends there.
