
Chapter 1

[Highville Apartment Estate]

Nestled in the pulsating heart of Highville Capital, the Highville Apartment Estate stands as a beacon of luxury crafted exclusively for the elite and those whose lifestyles transcend the traditional confines of homeownership. Amidst its opulent corridors reside not just the affluent, but also a constellation of celebrities, each with a unique claim to fame that adds to the allure of this prestigious dwelling.

In this bastion of privilege, security is paramount. Cutting-edge surveillance cameras dot the landscape, ensuring an unblinking eye on every corner. The vigilant 24-hour guard duty further fortifies the fortress, a shield against the intrusion of the unknown. Trespassers, should they dare breach this haven of the influential, face swift and unyielding consequences, meted out on the spot by a system designed to protect the sanctity of the Estate. The exclusivity of entry, requiring permission from any resident, serves as an impenetrable barrier, safeguarding the privacy and prestige that define life within these hallowed walls.

Today, a new recruited security guard has been hired. His name is Travis Wyatt.

"Hey, kid, you'll be in charge of the fifth floor in Block A. There are a lot of wealthy people there, so I hope you know how to handle yourself gracefully, even if you didn't do anything. You'll be on night duty, so there won't be much activity during that time. Though you should always keep your guard up, okay?" his supervisor said.

Travis nodded, his expression a mix of eagerness and determination. "Yes," he affirmed, ready to take on the responsibility entrusted to him.

"Good," the supervisor continued, handing Travis a flashlight and a taser gun, a tangible acknowledgment of the potential challenges that might arise in the shadows of the night. "If you happen to witness something you're not supposed to, like the misses with another guy or vice versa, keep it to yourself. Mind your business, kid. I hope you don't disappoint me. Now, you can hang around here for the time being. When 6 pm rolls around, head straight to your post and clock in immediately." The weight of responsibility and the unspoken understanding of the discretion required settled over Travis as he prepared to embark on his night watch.

"Thank you, sir!" Travis replied with a respectful nod and a genuine smile, accepting the responsibility bestowed upon him.

"I finally got a job! It doesn't even matter that I'm a security guard, I'm still making bank. If I save enough money, I'm sure I can start to buy myself nice stuff. Well, I still gotta wait for the end of the month every single day, but it's worth it."

At 21, Travis, a high school graduate with a deliberate aversion to the traditional path of higher education, found solace in the familiarity of home. Varsity and college held no allure for him, as the prospect of more structured learning seemed unappealing. Opting to stay with his parents, he delved into the realm of online endeavors in pursuit of financial independence, only to encounter limited success.

Faced with the practicalities of life, Travis shifted gears and embarked on a job hunt. After two months of diligent searching, he secured a position at the prestigious estate. The attractive salary proved a welcome relief, especially considering his lack of significant expenses. Living with his mom in the same city provided a convenient commute, as he traversed the urban landscape on his trusty bike instead of opting for the more conventional choices of taxis or cars. The job at the apartment complex not only marked a professional milestone for Travis but also offered him a newfound sense of purpose and financial stability in a city that held both challenges and opportunities.

"What time is it?" He checked his watch and saw that there were several minutes before 6 pm hits. So he got on his way to Block A.

As Travis strolled, his gaze swept across the sprawling expanse of the Estate, resembling more of a luxurious resort than a typical apartment complex. The sight was a spectacle in itself, boasting expansive pools, a multitude of sports fields, and various recreational amenities. It became evident that this enclave was meticulously designed for affluent families seeking an environment that not only provided opulent living spaces but also nurtured an active lifestyle.

The success of this vision manifested in the joyful scenes around him. Children, ranging from ages 5 to 16, reveled in the vibrant atmosphere. Laughter echoed as friends engaged in spirited play, while others found contentment in the simple pleasure of lounging amid the cool weather. The Estate stood as a testament to the realization of its creators' aspirations – a haven where families could flourish in an environment that seamlessly blended luxury, recreation, and the joys of communal living.

"Man, I wish I lived here. I can already see myself with my wives raising our 17 babies. Man, that would be sick, ain't gonna lie."

As Travis reached Block A, a towering edifice that exuded opulence, he couldn't help but admire its grandeur. Taking a deep breath, he entered through the imposing doors, traversing the interior with a sense of purpose. Climbing the stairs to the fifth floor, he arrived at his designated post – a compact room equipped with a bathroom, a small kitchen, and an array of surveillance monitors overseeing the entire floor.

The floor itself boasted around 20 apartments, positioned in pairs facing each other. Once inside the monitoring room, Travis initiated the process, activating the array of screens. With a discerning eye, he meticulously scanned for blind spots, identifying a few around the stairway and, unsurprisingly, near the elevator – a restricted area beyond his access. In the quietude of the control room, Travis settled into his duty, ready to keep a watchful eye over the affluent residents of Block A throughout the night.

"Alright. Let's watch the surveillance for now. When nighttime comes, I'll begin walking around. I'll do a 10 to 15-minute walk from time to time. After that, I'll have myself a break and watch the surveillance," he thought.

He sat down in front of the computers and connected his phone to the wifi. Travis opened up an anime site and began to watch some One Piece as he waited for the sun to set.

"This is the 7th time I'm watching this, and it's still good," he thought.

While he was busy binging, the elevator doors opened. Travis raised his eyes to the screen and saw the beautiful woman walking out. His mouth opened wide as he stared at her without falter.

A bewitching aura surrounded her as she gracefully stepped out of the elevator, her lustrous brown hair cascading in elegant waves around her shoulders. Adorned in a stunning dress that accentuated her curves, the fabric seemed to caress her form with every movement. The dress, a masterpiece of design, bore a subtle allure, revealing just enough to captivate the imagination.

Her entrance was a symphony of confidence and sophistication, each step echoing a subtle rhythm that turned heads. The evening light embraced her, casting a soft glow on her features, highlighting the subtle grace that accompanied her every gesture. As she headed toward her apartment, there was an undeniable magnetism, an understated sensuality that lingered in the air, leaving an indelible impression on those fortunate enough to witness her passage.

She placed her finger on the intercom, and the door unlocked. She walked inside and closed the door behind her, leaving Travis still dumbfounded by her beauty.

"Man, I'm gonna enjoy seeing her going around now and then," he thought.


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