
Netorare: Consequences of Choice

What potential consequences could arise if the protagonist, who has been transmigrated into a game world, were to succumb to complacency and choose to disregard the events that take place within the game, particularly when faced with anomalous events? ----------------------- [ Author's Note: Simple Novel :) ]

Nariiiiii · Fantasi
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69 Chs

Intangible Discomfort (2)

Hugo and Berto strode toward the foremost caravan, their footsteps in sync as they engaged in a discreet, murmured exchange.

Ensuring that their conversation remained a private affair, they carefully modulated their voices, allowing only the faintest whispers to escape their lips.

Hugo inquired, "Berto, what do you think about changing our plans?"

Taken aback, Berto inquired, "What prompts this sudden change?"

"That masked man poses a greater threat than I initially anticipated. Furthermore, the dark skinned woman seems to be scheming something, and as for the elderly man, Larry, I can't help but feel that he has already resigned himself to his fate."

Berto pondered Hugo's astute observations, meticulously scrutinizing the actions of the party members.

Hugo continued, "According to previous reports that I've read, the creatures inhabiting the Accursed Forest were once dispersed at significant distances from one another. However, given the recent abnormal events we've witnessed, their distribution must have shifted. Even if we manage to carry out our plans, making our escape from that perilous forest will be riddled with danger."

Berto paused for a moment, deep in thought, before asking, "What exactly do you have in mind?"

Hugo proposed thoughtfully, "Why don't we reveal some of our plan to them?"

Berto gazed at him as he continued, saying, "We must diligently search for the elusive Chrysanthemum, despite its reputation for being nearly unattainable. We must exhibit perseverance and find a way to survive in the Outer Depths for several weeks."

With a resigned sigh, Berto conceded, "It seems we have no other choice, do we?"

As they continued walking, Hugo slowly shook his head, his voice tinged with melancholy, "No, we don't."

He paused before adding, "If we manage to survive this ordeal, I'll apologize to my brother once we return."

Berto interjected, "Don't speak like that," and continued, "We will survive, and I'll reclaim my drinks back home. Perhaps we should share a toast, as we used to do with your brother, reminiscing about our inconsequential adventures."

A faint smile graced Hugo's face as he replied, "That's an excellent idea. I truly miss those days."


In the midst of an ethereal realm, a resplendent crimson luminescence levitated, enveloped by the nebulous haze that permeated the world around it. The weighty exhalations of the wight reverberated through the air, its colossal maw oozing with a viscous sanguine fluid. A suffocating constriction gripped its throat, as if the very essence within yearned to break free from its corporeal confines.

The enigmatic architect of the wight's torment flickered like a solitary, forsaken beacon, casting a feeble glimmer of hope upon the creature's anguished visage. As the wight contorted its head in excruciating agony, the faint glint of salvation wavered, an iota of hope teetering on the precipice of oblivion. Gradually, the wight was consumed by the all encompassing void, succumbing to the primordial embrace of an eternal winter.


Gabbi contemplated the situation with a poised demeanor, striving to maintain an air of composure.

'Surely, this cannot be accurate, can it? It mustn't be… It simply shouldn't be…'

His thoughts from earlier were abruptly disrupted by the unexpected resurgence of his abstract dreams, which intruded upon his consciousness even as he found himself embroiled in the heat of battle.

As Gabbi's contemplation intensified, his vision was engulfed by the rich, sanguine shades of blood, transmuting his environment into a macabre panorama.

With every stride, he remained utterly transfixed by the screen, his perplexity escalating.

In a fleeting instant of profound introspection, his heart faltered upon witnessing the unsettling revelation, as he mused, 'Two of my abilities have mysteriously vanished.'

Gabbi came to an abrupt halt, the vibrant shades of red that filled his vision dissipating as he pondered.

In the depths of his thoughts, he resolved, 'I shall examine this further before retiring for the night.'


Gabbi carefully surveyed his surroundings, taking in the aftermath of the fierce battle that had just taken place.

The first caravan had been attacked by a monstrous creature, resembling a black bear.

Joaquin had single-handedly vanquished the beast, leaving its decapitated head as evidence of his triumph.

As Gabbi examined the severed head more closely, he noticed an eerie, magical light emanating from it. He was certain that Joaquin hadn't caused this phenomenon, leading him to suspect the involvement of another mysterious creature.

Joaquin, acutely conscious of the perilous circumstances they found themselves in, scanned the area with a discerning eye before issuing a command. "Let us proceed a bit farther, and then we can rest."

The other members of the group nodded in agreement, acknowledging the sagacity and decisiveness of Joaquin's decision. Indulging in superfluous discourse or conjecture regarding the latest mysterious occurrences would merely squander their vitality, yielding no tangible resolutions.

They had been traveling relentlessly, with only brief periods of rest and the unfortunate encounters with a few monsters along the way. It was crucial for them to press on and locate a safe place to recuperate before continuing their arduous journey.

As Gabbi turned around and made his way back to the second caravan.

Joaquin's keen gaze followed his every move.

He couldn't help but wonder, "What could possibly be causing his such unease?"

With a dismissive shrug, he turned his attention to the slain creature at his feet. "This black ursus was already on the brink of death when I delivered the final blow. There must be something ominous lurking ahead," he mused.

With a heightened sense of vigilance, Joaquin strode purposefully toward the first caravan.


Under the cloak of night, an expansive grassland extended towards the ominous boundary of the Accursed Forest, its darkened edge looming in the distance.

At the heart of the encampment, a crackling bonfire roared to life, its warm and inviting glow casting a mesmerizing dance of flickering penumbra upon the surrounding terrain.

Positioned a modest distance from the fire, two lone individuals, Larry and Gabbi, found solace in its comforting warmth as they braced themselves against the chilling caress of the night air.

As the cold winds whispered through the grass, Gabbi found himself once more entranced by the hypnotic ballet of the flames, their fiery tendrils reaching skyward in a captivating display of light and shadow.

With a serene tone, Gabbi gazed into the flickering flames and expressed his gratitude. "I must thank you for your timely assistance earlier, Larry."

Larry studied the man before him and replied, "It was no trouble at all."

A fleeting flush descended upon the vicinity before he inquired with genuine concern, "Are you feeling all right now?"

Gabbi responded calmly, his voice steady and reassuring. "I'm quite well, truly. I appreciate your concern."

As the silence draped itself over the scene once more, it became evident that Larry would not pry any further into the matter.

"Why are you concerned about me, Larry?" Gabbi inquired.

Larry took a moment to contemplate before responding, "You possess a similar quiet demeanor to that of my daughter, Kessiah. Moreover, I sensed an inherent quality within you that indicates you are a trustworthy individual."

Gabbi's head tilted inquisitively upon hearing Larry's remark, as he added, "If you're entertaining the prospect of marriage, I regret to inform you that it is not feasible, as she has just turned fourteen."

A sudden urge to strangle the old man surged through Gabbi, his hands twitching with the intensity of the impulse. Sensing this, Larry offered a faint smile. As Gabbi caught sight of his smile, he managed to suppress his violent thoughts, pondering to himself, 'The humor in this other world is quite peculiar.'

Larry sighed, "I apologize, I just can't help but remember my old party."

Gabbi reassured him, "It's alright, but you shouldn't joke about that matters."

A subtle smile graced Larry's visage once more, bathed in the warm, flickering glow of the firelight.

Gabbi inquired with a serene composure, "Larry, why do I get the impression that you've already accepted your fate?"

A ripple of emotion flickered across Larry's eyes as he responded, "Am I truly that transparent?"

Gabbi offered a subtle nod of affirmation.

Larry then reached for the locket necklace he wore, his fingers tracing the intricate design as his expression turned melancholy. "I made a pact with Grandmaster Fabio," he explained, his voice barely above a whisper. "If I were to perish, he has promised to aid my ailing daughter."

"I see," Gabbi murmured, understanding the gravity of the situation.

He turned his attention back to the dancing flames, choosing not to pry any further into Larry's personal affairs

With an air of tranquility, Gabbi steered the conversation and mused, "You know, I had initially thought this party would be filled with hostile and aggressive individuals."

Larry responded, "That was my impression as well," he added, his voice tinged with somberness. "It seems we all have our own narratives. Feel free to disregard my inquiry, Gabbi, but may I ask what brings you here?"

Gabbi rose to his feet, his expression contemplative as he gazed at the elderly man.

Speaking in a calm, yet solemn tone, he declared, "I yearn to return to the place from which I came."

With those poignant words, he strode away, each step radiating an air of composure.

Larry furrowed his brow as he pondered the implications of Gabbi's statement, watching his retreating figure disappear into the distance a mixture of curiosity and concern etched on his weathered countenance.


Sucura found himself seated on the lush, unique verdant grass, his mind a whirlwind of confusion. As he contemplated his abilities, he couldn't help but feel perplexed by the sudden disappearance of two of his skills. The enigma weighed heavily on him, as he sought to unravel the mystery that had unfolded before him earlier.


[Lvl. 21]

Twin Leap (Common Rank) (Active)

Prestidigitation (Common Rank) (Active)

Mind Blank (Rare Rank) (Passive)

Weakness Physiology (Rare Rank) (Passive)

Leech Experience (Epic Rank) (Active)

Blur Evasion (Epic Rank) (Passive)

Astral Finesse (Unique Rank) (Active)

Shop: ??? (Lvl.60)


Assassin (Low Adept)

Gunslinger (Dormant)


Moonlight Arts (Unique Rank) (Passive)


Sucura pondered profoundly, his voice imbued with disquiet. 'My [Mind Clarity] has vanished, along with my [Muffling Presence] skill. This is an utterly inexplicable phenomenon that eludes my comprehension. I sense a disturbance within my inner essence, an evasive, intangible presence.'

He continued, his frustration mounting. 'It all began when I stumbled upon that cryptic letter in the manor. Yet, I cannot fathom why my own mind implored me to dismiss its significance initially. It's as if something was feeding me the notion that I shouldn't concern myself with it. Damn it... I cannot shake the feeling that something is awry, both within my physical being and my mental faculties. What could it be? What is it?'

Gripping his mask firmly against his visage, as he mused, 'And there's something terribly wrong with my abstract dreams as well. Indeed, they're entirely distorted. I thought I had gleaned some valuable insights from them, but they were all false. Every last one of them, utterly deceptive.'

After a series of introspective moments, he halted and cast his eyes upon the resplendent, star strewn night sky, exhaling a sigh of resignation. 'I must now concentrate on the more urgent concerns that lie before me on this journey. Although the circumstances continue to be shrouded in ambiguity, I am certain that, with just a little more time, all of this will fade into the past.'