
why did I have to die

"Get up you're going to be late for the bus", Ethan's mom yelled up the stairs. 

"Shit I overslept" Ethan cried in a stressed tone, shooting up and out of bed. Ethan frantically ran around trying to get ready for another day at school. "Why does school have to start so early?" he complained, a little agitated as he walked down the stairs to leave for his bus.

"Don't forget a bottle of water, it's going to be hot today", Ethan's mom shouted while he was about to walk out the door.

 "Mom, I'm going to be late. I don't have time" he groaned, slightly panicked.

 "No back talk! I said do it, so do it!" his Mother gave him a authoritary look with an agitated voice. 

"Uhhhhh fine Mom" Ethan picked up the water and ran out the door. "Please don't be late" Ethan thought as he was running to his bus stop. Suddenly, Ethan heard a loud sound, and was blinded by a piercing light. "Huh, what happened?" Ethan thought, as everything around him started to go black. "Hello! Can anyone hear me?" Ethan shouted, but no words left his mouth. He soon realized he was cold, no, freezing. When he tried to move, his body was completely unresponsive.

Suddenly, Ethan saw a bright light, and then an ethereal voice said calmly in his mind, "Walk into the light my child, it is your time." 

"What? Who's there?" Ethan shouted, becoming anxious.

 "I have many names child, but it is your time." it said with a soothing call.

"No, it can't be! Am I Dead?" Ethan replied.

The mysterious voice replied, "Yes my child, your time has come and your life has passed. Now walk into the light."

Ethan started to ramble, "No, this can't be happening. I can't die, I'm too young. I didn't get to live my life, I didn't even get to say bye to my mom. I never told Lydia how much I loved her. I never got to have a family, or watch my kids grow up. I never even got to have kids."

"I know my child, but it is your time to go. You have lived your life, and it is now time to pass" The voice said. 

Filled with sadness, regret, and anger Ethan shouted "No! I'm too young, I.....I couldn't have died." 

The voice said one last time, "I know it is unfair my son, but it is your time. Now, go into the light" With no other options, Ethan gave up and accepted it. As soon as Ethan accepted it, he started to float up into the light, slowly and gently, until something felt wrong.

"Huh, what's this?" Ethan noted. He had stopped moving up, and in turn, seemed to have gotten tangled up in something.

 Then the voice said in an angered tone, "Dammit...that bastard is stealing another one of my children from me!" Then it went back to calm and spoke gently, "My son, for your hardships of the future I shall give you a gift. A searing pain entered Ethan's mind as a strange pattern embedded itself into his mental space. He then drifted in the void neither conscious or unconscious.

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