
Young Love

Isabel walked towards Jax who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and sat close by.

Isabel "so do you want me to show you around the village"

Jax wasn't too worried about exploring the village but for some reason, he wanted to say yes

Jax "sure"

Isabel had a smile on her face and looked excited to take Jax around the village. Before Jax stood up she already took him by the hand leading him out of the hut.

Jax "calm down I'm coming"

She just looked at him with a grin on her face. She took him first to some pit where they held competitions.

But something he found odd was her distance from over villagers was obvious they would go out of their way to avoid her, but he didn't pry into it she was happy.

Next, she took him towards a small, abandoned dock with a little beach.

They sat down at the end of the dock hanging the legs of the end.

Jax "why do you have a dock anyway doesn't look like it used"

Isabel was distracted looking off onto the lake.

Isabel "oh I think there used to be fish in the lake but eventually, they disappeared"

Jax looked off into the lake with the cave crystals glistening on the water.

Jax "so I know you probably don't want to talk about it but why do people avoid you"

She looked away from Jax not liking the question.

Isabel "well it's because of my class It's a skill called toxic love simple contact with my body f$%£ they fall crazily in love to the point of killing them self"

Jax "I didn't quite hear what you said bodily fluids"

Isabel blushed as he said that and wanted to run away but as she went to get up, he grabbed her hand.

Jax "I'm only messing with you I bet it been a nightmare"

He turned frank she couldn't even hug her father out of fear he could be possessed.

Jax "what if I could take the skill from you"

Isabel "that's not possible I've tried but it never works"

Jax "just give it a try"


[Isable is trying to give you a skill]

-Accept- or -Decline-

Jax "accept"


-Toxic love-

<bodily fluids act as aphrodisiacs>

[Alucard's blood has devoured skill toxic love]

<your blood can now take on the properties of an aphrodisiac>

-Do you want your blood to be an aphrodisiac-

-yes- or -no-

Jax "no"


She started crying.

Isabel "I'm sorry quick trade it back you shouldn't live with that hell"

Jax "calm down the skill is gone"

She looked shocked but happy with tears still coming out of her eyes

Isabel "but how"

Jax " it's hard to explain my blood is also toxic, and that skill devoured yours to improve itself now if I want my blood can have the same property, I decided not to"

She hugged you and whispered into his ear

Isabel "thank you"

Before he could realize it, her lips pressed against his and gave him a shock. Before he could say anything, she had run off down the dock.

Jax didn't chase after her hell he didn't know where she went, he only caught a glimpse of her when he turned around. He stood up and walked back to his hut to rest a bit.

--------[chiefs hut]-------

Isabel ran into the hut looking for her mom when she found her, she jumped into her arms

Rose "what's wrong are you hurt did Jax hurt you"

Isabel was too happy that she didn't even think about what the situation would look like from the outside.

Isabel "No no he helped me mom he took that skill from"

This piece of news sent shockwaves through the hut and even rose started to cry. After a while of crying and hugging they talked about what happened.

Rose "so is Jax stuck with the skill now"

Isabel "no apparently he has a greater skill that devoured it allowing him to have an aspect of the skill"

Rose was shocked greater skills were very powerful growth skill.

Isabel "Mom I think I love him"

Rose only smiled at her daughter she had known him for a few days.

Rose "you don't know what love is I'm not putting you down but how long have you known him"

Isabel "but you said I would know when I meet them deep down inside he makes me feel like that"

Rose "you've only had one boyfriend and it didn't turn out well so how would you know what that feeling"

Isabel turned away.

Isabel "you slept with dad because you felt the same feeling how's my love any different"


Bliss "sorry"

Rose's face turned red as she grabbed Isabel's ear

Rose "maybe we shouldn't have a privet conversation out of here"

She pulled Isabel along by her ear into a more privet room.


When he got to his hut his head was full of emotions his heart was beating like nothing before.

Jax "is this love"

Of cause, he found Isabel attractive, but he didn't think he would fall in love.

After a second of distraction, he noticed something was up.

Jax "come out"

From under a wooden bed, a kid came out.

Jax "your Bliss's son right what are you doing hiding under my bed"

The boy didn't answer as he stood looking at the ground.

Jax "you got no tongue what's your name"

Boy "my name is toby"

He looked at Jax but soon

Toby "can you show me your skeletons"

Jax was stunned by this only a few people knew about his skeletons.

toby "I overheard my mom talking about its pls I promise not to tell anyone"

Jax didn't want to argue with a kid, so he just summoned a skeleton warrior.

The kid at first was a bit scared and shocked but soon went towards it.

Toby "cool it can move on its own"

After a bit, the boy climbed on the skeleton and made it pick its nose.

Jax "you should get home before your mom worries"

The boy only realised this and ran off shouting as he left

Toby "thank you"

Jax just chuckled to himself and sat down

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