

Chapter 385: The Beast God in the Corpse Realm, Beast God Essence Blood

As the immense aura appeared, the ice and snow melted, and the scene quickly became clear. Lin

In the scene, piles of corpses, large and small, were stacked like mountains.

All the monsters on the fourth plateau were dead, not a single one left.

The three deans were somewhat shocked. Even Mo Xinghe was seeing Lin Moyu's mass killing for the first time.

Luo Gaoxuan's eyes widened, "From the start of the attack, it took just 10 seconds, right? And it's all over?"

Luo Yan's voice was slightly low, "Not even 10 seconds."

Ning Tairan had long expected this outcome, standing there with a profound expression, saying nothing.

Luo Gaoxuan said, "I want to invite Lin Shenjiang to join our Creation God Academy."

Luo Yan snorted, "Your Creation God Academy already has enough geniuses. Lin Shenjiang would be more suitable for our Flame Emperor Academy."

Luo Gaoxuan didn't back down, "Our Creation God Academy is the top of the three academies. He should come to us."

"Get lost. Who acknowledged that? Our Flame Emperor Academy will become the top academy sooner or later."

"Haha, the top academy? Even in 1000 years, it won't happen."

The two argued incessantly, clearly not for the first time.

After a while, they both turned to look at Mo Xinghe.

In the past, when they argued, Mo Xinghe would definitely join in, but today he remained silent, which was strange.

Something unusual must be happening.

"Mo Xinghe, you're acting strange today."

Luo Yan stared at Mo Xinghe, and so did Luo Gaoxuan.

Mo Xinghe knew he couldn't hide it, so he smiled awkwardly, "Actually, Lin Shenjiang has already joined our Genesis Academy."


The two exclaimed simultaneously.

Luo Yan asked suspiciously, "When did this happen?"

Mo Xinghe replied, "It's been a while."

Luo Gaoxuan said, "Be honest, how did you trick Lin Shenjiang into joining?"

"Trick? Watch your words!" Mo Xinghe retorted angrily.

"Quiet!" Ning Tairan suddenly shouted.

The room fell silent immediately.

Ning Tairan said in a low voice, "The true form of the Beast God is about to appear!"

In the scene, an altar appeared.

The altar was located in the center of the fourth plateau, with a giant stone pillar standing in the middle. At the base of the stone pillar lay a massive creature resembling an ape.

The creature was awakening, its aura soaring, stirring the wind and clouds.

The true form of the Beast God was awakening, and Ning Tairan and the others focused their attention on it.

When Lin Moyu saw the true form of the Beast God, a chill ran down his spine.

He had seen the true form of the Beast God before.

No, he had seen a similar creature.

In the Corpse Realm, just before leaving, he encountered a similar monster.

At that time, the monster wielded a giant club, killing many skeletal berserkers.

Its attack style was wild, and its attack power was astonishing.

Lin Moyu initially thought it was a human warrior, but later realized it didn't make sense.

There were very few human warriors who used clubs, and although the creature's body was decayed, it had fur.

It could only be said that its shape was somewhat similar to a human, but its size and build were completely different.

Now, seeing this, it looked very similar to the true form of the Beast God.

The only difference was the giant club.


A terrifying sound wave shook the heavens and the earth, causing the fourth plateau to tremble.

The ape-like true form of the Beast God fully awakened, its body growing several times larger in an instant.

A giant hand grasped the stone pillar beside it.

The stone pillar transformed into a giant club.

Lin Moyu was now certain that the creature he saw in the Corpse Realm was indeed the true Beast God.

And the one before him...

The detection skill flew out.

[True Form of the Beast God (Enhanced Boss)]

[Level: 55]

[Strength: 120,000]

[Agility: 100,000]

[Mental: 50,000]

[Constitution: 130,000]

[Skills: World-Ending Club, Sweeping Thousands]

[Traits: Physical Damage Reduction 30%, Elemental Damage Reduction 30%, Attack Enhancement, Speed Enhancement.]

With a total attribute of 400,000, dual immunity, and dual enhancement, it was even stronger than a world-class boss of the same level. The only thing it lacked was some extremely special skills.

Like the poison gas of the Earth-Touching Dragon God, the super barrier of the Soul-Eating Worm Mother, and the black fire of the Ancient Phoenix.

These were the most difficult aspects of dealing with world-class bosses.

The true form of the Beast God before him, apart from its attributes surpassing world-class bosses, had no other special features.

But with its powerful attributes, ordinary teams couldn't defeat it. Only top academy teams could barely manage.

Lin Moyu didn't care about its attributes; he was more interested in its appearance.

Its appearance was very similar to the Beast God in the Corpse Realm, almost identical.

He couldn't defeat the Beast God in the Corpse Realm, not even delay it.

As for this one...

Lin Moyu didn't feel any difficulty.

To him, it was just a matter of killing it quickly or slowly.

Ning Yiyi exclaimed, "How can it be the true form of the Beast God? Has three years already passed?"

The true form of the Beast God refreshes every three years.

Whoever kills it first gets extra rewards.

At other times, the dungeon boss is just a shadow of the Beast God.

The difference between the two is vast.

Lin Moyu asked softly, "Yiyi, the faster we kill it, the better the rewards, right?"

Ning Yiyi nodded, "Yes, the best record was set by Creation God Academy at 35 minutes, and they got a piece of the Beast God's bone."

"Genesis Academy once killed it in 41 minutes, but their rewards were much worse."

Lin Moyu suddenly said, "If I kill it instantly, I wonder how many rewards we'll get."

Ning Yiyi was stunned, her face full of disbelief.

This was a boss, and just defeating it was impressive.

Let alone killing it instantly, how was that possible?

Lin Moyu smiled, "I'll give it a try."

The [Strong Soldier] skill activated.

Although he didn't want to use it, he decided to for the rewards.

Lin Moyu pointed with his right hand, and flames danced in his left.

Skill: Curse of Aging

Skill: Soul Flame

Under the red light, the newly awakened true form of the Beast God slowed down.

Its attention instantly focused on Lin Moyu.

But before it could react, the Soul Flame had already fallen.

With a 200% increase in all attributes, Lin Moyu's mental attribute was close to 360,000, greatly enhancing the Soul Flame's damage, plus an additional 500% damage.

The Soul Flame descended with terrifying power.

The true form of the Beast God let out a miserable cry, almost dropping the giant club in its hand.

The skeletal mages and skeletal archers attacked simultaneously.

Elemental explosions roared, engulfing the true form of the Beast God.

Arrows pierced its body, turning it into a porcupine in an instant, with three attacks per second.

After three attacks, the true form of the Beast God was covered in arrows.

The skeletal berserkers charged forward, unleashing their skills.

Scarlet axes rained down on the true form of the Beast God.

The skeletal berserkers charged fearlessly, attacking and retreating in waves.

The newly awakened true form of the Beast God didn't even have a chance to roar before it fell in less than five seconds. It was almost an instant kill.

Ning Yiyi was stunned. This was too fast.

Based on past experience, it should have been a tough battle.

Who would have thought Lin Moyu would be so dominant?

Even the three deans, who had seen much, were stunned.

Ning Tairan had expected a quick battle but not this quick.

After all, it was the true form of the Beast God, a level 55 boss, with combat power surpassing world-class bosses of the same level.

Yet it was instantly killed by Lin Moyu, dying in humiliation.

Luo Gaoxuan's mouth hung open, "Ning Lao, this can't be real. Did you show the wrong scene?"

Luo Yan added, "I've lived for decades, and this feels unreal."

Mo Xinghe, though initially disbelieving, eventually accepted the truth, praising, "Lin Shenjiang is indeed Lin Shenjiang."

Ning Tairan said, "Let's not spread today's events. Given the current situation, if this gets out, it might cause trouble."

Seeing Ning Tairan's seriousness, the three nodded in agreement.

The human race was in a precarious situation. The Demon Worshippers were being hunted, and many members had been captured.

In retaliation, they launched frenzied counterattacks.

People realized just how many Demon Worshippers were among them.

The Abyssal Demons were gathering their army, angered by Lin Moyu's city-destroying actions.

The dragon race was also stirring, having ceased hostilities with the Abyssal Demons and amassing troops on the battlefield, their intentions unclear.

All signs pointed to Lin Moyu as their primary target.

Therefore, any information about Lin Moyu had to be kept confidential.

After the true form of the Beast God died, the altar collapsed, revealing a red blood mass.

[Obtained Beast God's Leg Bone]

[Obtained Beast God's Essence Blood]

[Beast God's Leg Bone: A bone left by the Beast God before becoming a deity, containing a portion of divine essence.]

[Beast God's Essence Blood: For physical professions, it can greatly increase the chance of profession sublimation during the third job change, with a certain chance of awakening a talent.]

Seeing the essence blood, Ning Tairan's face changed dramatically, and he instantly disappeared from the room. Cries of astonishment followed.
