
Chapter 1

Bang Bang Bang


In a basketball hall, we see a mixed-race boy with pigtails and blue eyes practicing basketball, wearing a green outfit with Nanterre written on it.

"Emperor, are you really leaving tomorrow?" asked a very tall child.

The boy was so tall that he reached the shoulder of Kaiser, who was 1.85 m tall.

"Hey Wemby, are you sure you're 8 years old?" asked Kaiser as he continued to shoot from the free-throw line.

"You always ask me that question," Wemby said, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Excuse me, to the great Victore Wembanyama," Kaiser said with a laugh.

"But frankly, you're already 5'7" at 8. I wonder how tall you'll be at 19," Mao continued.


"8 out of 10, you're not at your best Kaiser," said Victor, picking up the ball to put it away.

"HA ha ha ha, very funny Wemby," Mao replied, grabbing a towel to dry himself off.

"So you didn't answer, are you really leaving today?" asked Victor, lowering his head.

Mao looked at him sadly for a moment before touching his head.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again, your dream is to go to the NBA isn't it, so we'll see you there," Kaiser said.

"Really?" asked Victor.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll both get our dream," Kaiser said before getting up.

"Well, it's been an incredible last year, but it's time for me to go. Goodbye Wemby, see you in the NBA," Kaiser said, shaking his hand before leaving the room, leaving only Victor inside.

As he left the room, Kaiser saw a black car with a woman in the front seat and the windows rolled down, so he made his way to the car and recognized his mother in the front seat.

"Hi Mom," Kaiser said as he opened the front door of the car.

"Get in the back," his mother said.

Kaiser then closed the front door and climbed into the back.

"Kaiser, are you sure you want to go back to the States?" his mother asked, looking into the back of the car.

"Yes, I want to fulfill my dream," Kaiser explained.

"All right, if that's your decision, I'll support you," his mother said as she started the car.

On the way to the airport, mother and son talked about everything they could think of and shared one last quality moment together.

When they arrived at the airport, Kaiser got out of the car, leaving his mother alone inside.

"Well, that was cool, I'll see you on vacation like I promised," Kaiser said with a smile.

"Yeah, take care of yourself," his mother said.

"Yes Mom, I love you," said Kaiser.

"I love you too, son," Mother said before starting the car and driving off, leaving Kaiser alone on the sidewalk.

Kaiser then went to the airport to catch his flight to Los Angeles, USA.


12 hours later

"Yaawwmm, that was a hell of a long time," Kaiser said as he left the airport.

As he left the airport, Kaiser took out his cell phone to send a message to his mother to let her know he'd arrived safely, then walked to a parking lot where a taxi was waiting.

"Hello, this is John Kaiser," Kaiser said with a smile.

"Oh, you must be Rick Kaiser," the driver asked.

"Yes, I am," Kaiser replied with a frown.

"I'll take you to your father," the driver said as he started the car.

"Where is my father?" asked Kaiser.

"Your father is currently at Sierra Canyon University," the driver replied before leaving a silence all the way.

Arriving at Sierra Canyon University, Kaiser was shocked by the size of the campus, as there are very few universities in France that can compete with the size of Sierra Canyon University.

Kaiser then got out of the car and walked toward the campus, although he didn't know where he was. As he entered the building, he saw several students walking in the same direction, so he decided to follow them.

Following them, he arrived at a large basketball arena where many students and adults were sitting in the bleachers. There were also cheerleaders, but Kaiser didn't pay any attention to them because he was more focused on the person sitting on the Sierra Canyon team bench next to the coach.

"Papa....," Kaiser muttered before moving to an empty seat and watching the game.

The Sierra team was currently losing to the UCLA team by 20 points, the Sierra team had potential because some of their offense was very well executed and their defense was solid, but they lacked a player capable of playing alone, scoring and eliminating alone....From that moment on, their team would become stronger thanks to their defense.

"Eh mec, dégages d'ici c'est notre place," said a white-skinned man with his arm around a girl's shoulder.

Kaiser looked up to see who it was that had cut him off, and saw a muscular white man in an American football jacket, a typical movie stalker.

He then looked sadly at the girl in the man's arms, thinking that the pretty girl must be a typical stalker as well.

"Sorry man, I didn't know," Kaiser said as he got up from his seat.

"Hey, I didn't tell you to leave, then take off your hood so we can see your ugly face," the man said arrogantly.

"I can't take off my hood, otherwise I'll die of shame because of my ugly face," Kaiser said, pretending to tremble with fear.

"John, leave him alone, it's not worth it," the girl said and sat down, ignoring Kaiser.

"Kendall, you don't want me to humiliate him for taking our place," John asked, looking at his girlfriend.

"No, leave him alone" replied Kendall

Kaiser took advantage of the moment to leave without them noticing.

"Ouff, that was hot," Kaiser said as he left the room.

He then made his way to the players' tunnel to wait for his father to finish the game.

"Hey Kaiser, my little prodigy, how are you?" a man said as Kaiser lay on the floor.

"I'm good, and you're good, Dad," Kaiser replied.

"I'm fine, so what did you think of the fight?" asked his father.

"I don't think this is the time to talk about that, Dad," Kaiser said, pointing to the waiting basketball team.

"Oh yeah, that's right, here's the car I bought you for your homecoming, so go have fun with it, it's parked in the campus parking lot," his father said, throwing away the key and walking away.

"Thanks," Kaiser said and grabbed the key.

Kaiser then walked to the parking lot to see a Jeep Wrangler.

"He's not fucking kidding," Kaiser said with a smile before climbing into the car and lifting the hood.


Kaiser then started the car and drove out of the parking lot, but on the way out he saw the guy from earlier with his girlfriend and what looked like his friends walking.

He pulled up next to them and rolled down the window to get their attention.

"Yo," Kaiser said, snapping them out of their stupor.

"Damn, man, you look good," John said, unaware that this was the person he had treated earlier.

"Plus, he's got a fucking car," a random man said.

"Well, I just wanted to say hi and see if you remembered me," Kaiser said, looking at John.

"Uh, no, who are you?" asked John, as confused as his little friend.

"Well, man, I'm the guy you kicked out of a seat earlier," Kaiser said.

"What, it's you?" said John in shock.

"Yes it's me, I just wanted to tell you that I won't forget your face, bitch Hahahaha" Kaiser laughed, showed him his middle finger and left.

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