
Nature of the heart: treacherous

synopsis: Ryota and Ayumu are twin brothers. Ryota is an ordinary student in the second year of high school. It is as if the Creator isolated him. He was born with a weak body, a clear mind, and a gentle personality. He likes to make friends and take a step towards goodness, ignoring the negatives. Ayumu, his twin, was born the opposite of him. It was in the center of the circle. He wanted to pack her things and lend his book to his friend next door. Suddenly it rained so hard that the windows shook, amidst the noise made by the confused students inside the classroom. Suddenly, an angelic and heavy voice sounded directly into everyone's ears. At the same time, a one-sided magic circle appeared below everyone with strange writing. «the souls of the chosen one have been found» “Still...” Ryota's clear consciousness instantly became dark as the light of the magic circle radiated.

youngLuan · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Chapter 10: The second level (disassembling the puzzle by creating another)

A gentle light was reflected from the door above, against the light of the ocean. The white light interfered with the bloody mist floating in the air and formed a strange vortex of spiral. From the illuminated door down onto the surface of the sea of blood, an escalator of stairs stood, bending like an old man on the verge of death from a shin disease. His back, but the divine runway was solid, as if its weight was light and its bearing was heavy.

They heard screams like howls, curses were made like heavy stones being thrown, and various incomprehensible insults were exchanged. A pile of clothes that was only visible from the triangular ball of the crowd swayed, and its top was being trampled upon by each person after several contests of landing and rising, taking and plundering.

Only a few minutes had passed since the newly formed group, "Ayumu, Kina, and Ryota" had climbed the first step. After going through the lack of understanding between them and conflicting thoughts, the two conscious people decided to remain in silence for a few moments and try to process things further.

Only two people have passed since we watched the humans' rampage in front of us, it was not possible to join and try to ascend as we were different from them, everyone passed by the diamonds... What a transition, Yatri', Ayumu tried to forcefully calm herself down, Ryota was on the pads of her feet asleep, it was the floor of the roof The first class was clean, except for several bodies that had become unconscious and were trampled around.

Ayumu returned her gaze and her resolve became stronger as she thought about her brother's appearance, which she did not see any significant improvement in. His face was unusually a little delirious. This made her pinch him a little to try to wake him up, but she did not continue.

She knew her brother's health situation, 'Ahh, it's better now that he doesn't wake up, it will only make the tall person more January and it won't help, and also my brother's physical structure is weak and will only help make the situation worse,' Ayumu said as she looked sideways at the person in front of her as he stood up. Watching the crowd that was racing.

Kina felt several different feelings of bad situation pass through his mind. He understood the situation more than Ayumu. 'It seems that from the second door to the door at the top, the distance is getting shorter as I expected. Ah, it's hard to believe that the stairs aren't because of the person who interrupted the gods' conversation earlier. ', Kenna ignored his previous disagreement with Ayumu, he had already decided on a good ending for them, why would he bother thinking about 'disabled and stupid.'!

'After passing the second level, you will need a human ladder in order to ascend. It is more dangerous to contact these crazy people now than to try to organize it in order to pass all of them. The situation is difficult, there is no way.' The last Kenna showed his sad heart feeling on his face and he became ugly. It is good that he Show his back today or he will scare her.

Everyone has been reduced to almost two halves between the two grades. It is clear that the first half passed the first grade by trampling the second half, and this is not the end. If this competitive process continues, the half will be reduced to a quarter and the quarter to a third... Finally, everyone will be on the same page. Form teams of stretched meat, of course if their size can continue passing the grades!;

Kina, who could see this situation, narrowed his eyes several times until he wrinkled his eyes, 'I have no choice but to do so, but it's all for hope.' Kina finally turned back and Ayumu could see his troubled expression, and there was a bad feeling in her heart.

She watched Kenna return to the threshold of the first staircase behind her. "What are you trying to do, the crowd will be thinned out quickly and we have to-" before Ayumu tried to force Kina back.

Kenna fell on the mountain of bodies in the shape of a triangle at the top, and suddenly began tearing everyone's clothes, especially the men's pants, as he took several belts from their uniforms along with their pants. Everyone was looted in the crowd.

He asked her about inorganic theft!!

It didn't take long and finally, inexplicably, before Ayumu, Kina tied several knots between the straps of the belts, fusing each pair of pants and each shirt twice in order to enhance their durability.

The length of the figure he created became several meters similar to the length of the first class, no, more precisely everyone became naked in order to extend its length to reach this wide length, but who would be blamed?

All beliefs indeed will not only be removed, but will be pitied in these moments because of the acuteness of their small foundations.

"A-You don't make sense. By making a rope like this, are you trying to lift the people at the bottom up? If you are doing this, A-Then...", before Ayumu could finish, her shock increased even more. She saw Kina's actions, more than that. She was distracted and did not know it herself. She was far from the situation and went with the events.

Now, after looking into things, I discovered the reason for Kina's actions. 'If the reason he complied as if he was distracted by standing up is that he discovered the limitations of the people on the "ladder" through the decrease in their number in front of each traverse of the steps.... How - A-I A- 'I've become this stupid,' Ayumu thought herself stupid because of her slow learning, but it wasn't because of any reason. The former high school flower now had no decrease in her IQ except because of changing places and not adapting as quickly as Kina.

'Ha ha ha, what an expression, let's discover your lack and know that there is no way for a female to try to excel, but I don't have to ask for help in moving bodies.....I will postpone the fruitless thinking', Kina snorted and pointed his finger at Ayumu, 'Student, "If you don't want to stay here until death, let's put aside our petty quarrel and come forward to help me hold the rope," Kina slowly gestured and made a temporary truce. Without waiting for a response, he stood on his toes and placed the rope on the threshold for Ayumu to take.

Ayumu did not refuse and grabbed the rope and waited to begin.

This was a competition against time and a competition against space, indeed, had it not been for the ability of both of them to think more than usual due to the pressure of space.

Without timing, situations will change, and one of them, if not both of them, may become a meat dough that will be carried and thrown away.

Ayumu helps by holding the rope and trying to limit it From Kina's body swaying due to the human floor that he gradually shrunk as he transported the higher people.

Time passed insensibly, and he did not wait for any latecomer, and there became several piles of people, more than eighteen small hills. Kina did not go down any further. He was cautious and alert from the beginning, without a certain expectation that he would not make relative decisions and be eaten by a black cat.

After he raised and gathered several people at the top within the limit of his height scale exactly with the threshold. This made him act with a greater sense of confidence without a side threat, and his movements were hidden because of the threshold between him and Ayumu, how could she have noticed if she hadn't looked at him, and how could Kena not have known it and not noticed. ;

It has always been a game of chairs, concealing its content through camouflage by false presentation.

Most of the winners were not the fastest and will not be the smartest in the game.

They were always careless and always tried to choose the most important decisions without hesitation.

After ascending without wasting any limited time, Ayumu and Kina loaded the human bodies and placed them on the gaps on the fleshy mountain, the "stairs," tactically stepping on them and climbing up.

Once again, as before, they chose the right side in order not to have their movements noticed.

Ryouta was unconscious, the "strange" one, he was also on the side and Ayumu always chose to move beside him while paying attention to the surroundings, especially the person next to her. Gradually they came to the top near the threshold.

—"Oh, I-I'm so tired..." Ayumu wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead from within her falling pea-sized black hair, and immediately without pausing her body, she placed Ryota's hand on her shoulder.

Likewise without the option of Kina doing the same, without solidarity at this moment their success rate would be reduced

They made their own steps and were not disturbed this time and their sober state was distracted.

Without looking back again, they overcame the crisis with their inhuman decision, ignoring unnecessary feelings.

And they became third class!! .