
chapter 3

Just InCommunityForumMoreNatsu Dragneel is END! by Weeb Life Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, Words: 9k+, Favs: 96, Follows: 111, Published: Jul 22, 2016 Updated: May 24, 201933Chapter 3

When they stopped crying, they noticed that he was now gone, not to be seen for a long while. They decided to go back to the guild. On the way back they discussed what to tell the guild.

"Attention everyone," said the Master, "I regret to inform you that Natsu Dragneel has fled from the guild for reasons still unknown. Happy just told me that Natsu said he was quitting the guild and just vanished.

The whole guild was outraged saying how they were going to go find him. Master was just about to tell them all not to when Happy came storming in.

"MASTER! MASTER! LOOK AT THIS!" Happy went straight to the Master and gave him a letter. It read:

Hey Happy. By the time you've read this I'd probably have left by know promising you that I would return to the guild someday. I've written this to say that I'm sorry. I won't ever be returning to the guild. Honestly this is the hardest decision I have ever made in my entire life. It might just be the hardest decision I ever WILL make in my life. I truly want to return. I don't even want to leave at all, but you and the guild are just way too precious to me, and I'd rather never see you guys again than witness you all die from Zeref's hands because I stayed at the guild. Please don't try to come after me. You won't ever find me and trying to do so will just be burdening on all of you, so please don't try to find me. I am truly very sorry. I guess it is possible that I might run into one of you guys in the future. However it is very unlikely seeing as if I ran into one of you guys I wouldn't be very good at keeping myself hidden. So sorry again. I'm not really sure how to end this so I'm just going to stop writing now


Master was absolutely furious that Natsu lied to him. He couldn't stand the fact that he would never see him again.

"I found it sitting on the floor in my house. He must've already known that we would've wanted him to come back eventually." said Happy. The guild was very confused now, not sure what to make of this.

"Okay. Natsu has left the guild and is not planning to return. We need him here. He has developed too many bonds to just leave, especially without a goodbye. We are going to get three teams who will try to find him wherever he has gone. Even if it means you must go beyond the borders of Fiore. Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Lucy, Wendy! You will all be one team. Mira, Elfman, Lisanna, Shadow Gear! You will be another team. Thunder Legion! You will wait until Gildarts gets back in two days and then you will go find Natsu. The other two teams will head out tomorrow. Get some rest now, you will definitely need it." Master was now ready to punch anyone who got in his way. He wanted to get Natsu back right away. He was now willing to do anything in order to get him back, and convince him to stay no matter the cost.

"Aw, why can't we just leave tonight? He can get pretty far away in one night. It's better if we just leave now." said Gray. He was surprised that he cared for Natsu so much that he wanted to leave right away.

"Well, aren't you tired right now Gray? It's late now and if you find him then he might want to fight you guys in order to get away. You won't be ready for it. And he'll get away. Farther than he would if we wait until tomorrow. So all of you get to bed right now and you better wake up early tomorrow morning so that you can go and track him down!" said Macarov. The groups then went to bed and woke up super early the next morning.

Natsu has been traveling night and day to get away from his guild members. Soon after he left he realized that they were chasing after him. They haven't found him yet, but they were very close several times. He found himself at a faraway town and realized that he would need a disguise if he were to continue on hiding from both Zeref and Fairy Tail. He dyed his hair black, replaced his clothes with black pants and a big black cloak with a hood that he always keeps up. He took off his scarf, but he didn't get rid of it. He now keeps his scarf on the inside of his cloak so that no one can identify him from Igneel's scarf. He always kept his down, changed his name to Asher, and changed his voice to a much lower pitch. Natsu has been moving from city to city for about a month knowing that the guild won't think that he is smart enough to do that.

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