
Shikai vs Kakashi,Kakashi vs Asuma

now it is the 6th month ,Shikai's soldier finally returned with 10 elite jounin shadows

for shikai who has now developed his body finally reached the chakra level of 9 jounin , but to break Kage level he needed a kage level shadow

so he thought to make his Shadow stronger by using the bodies of other shadows

this process was like adding Shadow's of jounin into your shadow making own shadow strong enough to break steel

with this in his mind , he added all 10 shadow's chakra and body into his personal shadow making it strong and his plan was to make the shadow-like awakened devil fruit ,;able to affect surrounding but this wasn't one piece world so his only choice was to make shadows stronger enough to cover whole leaf village ,

"now at the elite jounin level, he needs a fighting partner who can help him gain experience

so he found a person ,Hatake Kakashi

with the help of Might guy and Asuma , they managed to convince Kakashi by saying "To Train the juniors"

With this being said , they finally managed to bring kakashi to the training ground

in this fight Shikai only plan to use mid level chakra because it was enough to deal with this Kakashi who hasn't awakened his Mangekeyo

Kakashi seeing that only Shikai was for practice thought " even if he can hide how can he attack me" and was disappointed

"Why is there only one? bring others too,!!"

hearing this Asuma replied" Be careful with this one child first other 3 children will come if you can defeat him"

and went far away along with guy

Kakashi hearing Asuma raised Shikai fighting level again and said"okey! come attack , let me see the power of a guy who wasn't late"

Shikai " well he took this word in heart " and laughed

"okey" with this said he did Soru first , and attacked with just mid level speed

Rushing toward Kakashi he held Sword in his right hand and covered it with his chakra and attacked head on

Kakashi seeing the rushing of a boy use the substitution jutsu and suddenly become the log, But how could this help him as, Shikai has increased his observation level and already found Kakashi .before Kakashi was ready to attack shikai changed the direction

Kakashi knew that substitution didn't help now wanted to have hand to hand combat

so he also moved toward Shikai and both meet

Shikai sword and Kakashi kunai made a sharp sound and both backed away

in this collision, there was a numerous attack

Shikai attacked kakashi with his feat kakashi blocked with his hand then shikai intercepted kakashi's hand with his another kick which was meet by Kakashi's kick and the loop goes on , but how could Shikai who had trained with Asum and Guy daily lose now so the final attack was By shikai to Kakashi, which was a punch in Kakashi's face

This was unexpected for Kakashi, Guy, and Asuma because they thought that Shikai can match with Kakahi but can't win against him

But what they didn't know was that Shikai had been fighting with both of his shadow soldier who were higher level than Kakashi so the experience of Shikai now was more than Kakashi

When they both backed out Kakashi had a stunning face, while Shikai was calm

Shikai spoke"you haven't progressed much in this year Kakashi sensei , since the zabuza incident to now, you haven't progressed a bit , "

Kakashi"with just one punch you now have too much pride to judge me?"

Shikai" no Kakashi sensei, its you who have been proud on yourself with the name of copy ninja and Sharingan's Kakashi , and with just one Chidori technique. You were so proud that you haven't practiced the technique that you bargained with me"

Kakashi " How do you say that, and why should i practice that technique ,i have my own speed movement"

Asuma and Guy raised their brow because they knew the use of that technique

Asuma "Kakashi, as Shikai said you are too proud"

Kakashi "What Asuma even you say that , but i don't care because you have always been jealous of me since the school time "and gave a sneer

Asuma was just about to blow up but remembering all his student progress and his own progress in this time he cooled down and said"True ,Kakashi i was jealous of you previously but not anymore "

Kakashi" haha , say the guy who i weaker than me "

Even guy raised his brow because he knows how hard Asuma train to not be left alone by his student

Shikai then said "Kakashi, if you think Asuma sensei is weaker than you then fight him?"

hearing this Asuma sensei was ready but

Kakashi said" i don't have a reason too"

Shikai knew this egoistic character so he Quickly activated Shadow speed and suddenly came directly in front of Kakashi Kicking him hard .kakashi fell down, looking Kakashi from above Shikai said "you lost kakashi, if this was a battlefield,you would be already dead"

Do you want a rematch/?"

Kakashi angrily"yes"

Shikai" haha then fight with Asuma sensei first, if you beat him then you can have a match with me "

saying this shikai gave a thumb up for Asuma

Asuma knowing that this was his chance said"okay"

Kakahi also now had a reason so they both were ready

Seeing that Kakashi hadn't showed his Sharingan Asuma aid"don't you use your Sharingan?"

Kakashi" i will use it when i need it"

and suddenly did fireball jutsu and even water dragon jutsu which were all blocked by Wind breakthrough of Asuma

then there was the comparison of body flickering which normally Kakashi won but just as he was about to Punch Asuma, Asuma suddenly increased his speed by double reaching elite level

and this was of course soru

Having his attacked miss,Kakashi was not happy but this didn't last long because now he can't fight Asuma clearly because his eye can't keep up with Asuma attack.

Seeing Kakashi unable to respond,Asuma said "Kakashi, show your Sharingan and Chidori"

Kakashi was also now ready to fight with full power

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