
chapter 6

its been 5 hours of digging and I have gotten nowhere

"DAMN IT iM NOT GETTING ANYWHERE"I yelled in frustration

{jarvis do you have any clues}? I asked in my head

[yes why don't you try summoning a place to live ] i fell face first in the dirt

"why didnt I think of that" I asked myself

[your an idiot] jarvis replied blankly

I glared

"shut up"i muttered as I got on my feet

"Jarvis activate Iron man mark 42"

in an instant a gold and red armor appeared on my body and I destroyed most of the trees in the area leaving a plain area that stretched miles in radius

I sighed

"jarvis deactivate armor" the armor disappeared

"Jarvis summon Hyrule Castle from legend of zelda"

A huge castle appeared making me smile laugh in excitement

" haha yes" but then I paused

{I dont want enemies breaking into it and since the people of this world use chakra..}my eyes widen

"hey jarvis can you summon things from movie games like ready player one" ?

[indeed sir just the things related to games what did you have in mind] he asked as he appeared beside me with a normal tuxedo

"when did y-nevermind"

"jarvis summon.. The orb of osuvox"

Jarvis eyes widen but then smirked

[as you wish sir]

as he said that my hands started to glow before a blue orb appeared in my hands my eyes widen as knowledge of how to use it appeared in my head and I started to chant

"Anál nathrach, orth' bháis's bethad, do chél dénmha sa de comen agasa." in an instant A large blue light enveloped the area as It expanded into a large sphere like sheild but something diffrent happened from the movies It blended in to make it seem invisible (just look it up online if you still not getting the picture)

[well done sir] I grinned

"thanks I put a little bit of my knowledge into it to make it so that the friendly people like my wives gaara daimiyo of spring and other allies can get in"

"also from what i've heard only magic spells can break it and it will last for millions of years.. wait can you break it in with chakra"

[no sir only if you have a certain type of magic ] I grinned and started laughing maniaclly

"hehehahaHAHAHAHAHAHAH- cough cough cough" I started pounding my chest to stop it

"oh god.. jarvis summon water I cant breath" in an instant a bottle of water appeared in my hand as I started gulping down once I finished I wiped my mouth with my arm and sighed

I heard giggling

"your funny" a beautiful voice spoke

my eyes widen and I snapped my neck around the second I saw who giggled my heart almost skipped a beat

I stared at her as my mouth was open a drop of drool escaping my mouth

she was tall very tall about 7 ft 5 tall she had snow white dress on her smooth white skin

her tits were huge either dd cup or higher she had eyes that glowed golden as her hair shined silver she had on red lipstick on that perfect face as she smiled at me

I stood there for a few seconds before I fainted I could here jarvis saying [lucky bastard] before I lost consciousness

I woke up I felt my head was on something soft I turned my head and saw that I was on her lap

I blushed beet red as she giggled

hey honey

hi was all I said I couldn't help but stare at her lips her teeth were as white as light

{I really want to kiss her right now} I thought

kami smirked before she grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me into a kiss

{ mnn so soft.. and strawberry} I thought dazely as her tongue started to enter my mouth I felt somethings changing I started gaining memories



"why dont you just run down and die no one wants you"

"you fail naruto"

"you fail again naruto"

"Im sorry naruto but youve failed once again"

"your the nine tailed fox and now you DIE"

"my first impression of you guys is.. I hate you"

"naruto~ baka"


"brats who bark the loudest are usually the weakest"

"shinobi who break the rules are scum but those who abandon and betray their comrades are worst than that"

"you arent hurt are you scaredy cat"

"I believe we are truley strong when we have precious people to protect..."

"five prong seal"

"ha you be the hokage not a chance tell ya what Ill be the hokage for you"

"no one can defy fate.. you have no Idea what its like to have a brand that won't go away"

"theres no way..NO WAY ILL LOSE TO A GUY LIKE HIM"

still the same child screaming his headoff about being the hokage eh naruto~kun"

"please bring back sauske kun"

"so its you hopeless little knucklehead"



"my mom was right you are a demon"

"die kyuubi brat"

"naruto you are hereby banished from kanoha"

/im sorry naruto/

"realty art reality transfer jutsu"

once she let go I started to cry

a few seconds later my tears turned to blood as My eyes turned purple then to gold with ringed patterns around it

8 truth seeking balls appeared around me and started spinning at lightning fast speeds as I entered a glowing state ( sixthpath sage mode& golden rinnegan ) I looked up to her

thankyou I said she nodded and blushed a little bit at my loving gaze before I passed out again

she sighed sadly as Jarvis put a hand on her shoulder

[you ok]he asked

"yeah"she nodded

[take good care of him]he spoke before he disappeared into my mind

"I don't think me alone would help him

"Its good that Im not the only one who fell for him but..together with my harem sisters we will fix your heart" she smiled lovingly at him

her eyes burning with fierce determination as she put my head on her lap rubbing it gently

naruto's soul is the purest form in all of existence

kami gave naruto the rinnegan which morphed into its purest form 10x stronger than the original rinnegan no one can take unless he chooses to

if they try to steal it hehe you get zapped or burned

same with his other summons

also I made the shield so that nobody can sense him when he is training nomatter how powerful he is

Kingofeverythingcreators' thoughts