
Naruto: Undead Monarch

The Potential Mangekyo Sharingan have is what people in this platform doesn't realise, there are many fanfics with systems and those systems provides out of the world abilities which aren't supposed to be compatible with the law of Naruto universe but they still exist But in this fanfic you will be able to witness the power a mangekyo sharingan can give and it will be within the laws of the universe, no copy ability of any other fiction worlds and it will continue to Boruto 2 blue vortex that is currently airing Update schedule: At least 2 chapters per week *Note: Upadate schedule will be changed in February

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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Ancient

"Hey Big guy, what is your name?"

"My name is Kaida, what about yours?"

It's pretty ironic how his name is Kaida which means little snake but he is the the most largest creature I have ever seen in my life except that nine tailed fox, he should be more larger than him my memory is not so good of that fox

"My name is Renji Uchiha"

"Uchiha?, Now I see how I was able to return to the land of living, those eyes, you have awakened the legendary mangekyo sharingan, only those eyes can achieve something like this"

This snake seems very knowledgeable

"Hey Kaida, how old are you?"

"I don't know, is the Guy named Hagoromo Otsutsuki still alive?"

(Inside the spiritual space of Renji)

"This guy knows the Name of the Sage of Six paths, Is he from that Era?" Fugaku thought in shock

"Kagami, do you know about who this snake is talking about?"

"I know, that is the real name of the sage of six paths, you should know this too right, it's mentioned in the naka shrine tablet"

Kagami appeared shaken by this too

"We should tell Renji about this immediately, we are dealing with an ancient beast"

"I agree" Fugaku nodded

"Renji the guy he is talking about is the legendary sage of six paths, Sage of six paths wasn't a legend, he really did existed and our Uchiha Clan came from one of his son" said Fugaku after coming out of the spiritual space

Kaida appeared surprised as he saw Fugaku appeared out of nowhere

"I sense that we are the same, he also must be a revived person" thought Kaida

"Yeah, You humans know him by the name of Sage of six paths, i forgot that"


I can't imagine that legendary figure really existed and Uchiha Clan came into existence from one of his child's

"Uncle how long has it been since his demise then?"

"It's roughly around a thousand years"

Kaida interjected "So it's been that long"

"A thousand years!"

This snake is so ancient he must know many things then, i hit jackpot

"Kaida, how strong are you exactly?"

I asked him because the people who become undead only retain sixty percent of the strength that had while they were alive, and my strongest attack didn't even make him itch

"I was the second strongest being except Hagoromo, the beings he created, the nine tail beast were nothing to me, i defeated the nine tailed beast fox with not much difficulty" Kaida said proudly

Hearing that the other undead and Renji's expression changed drastically, they never imagined this even if they overrated him because of his enormous size

"Then how about now?After I brought you back to life you have weakened considerably, can you still defeat the nine tails? "

"I can still defeat him easily" Kaida said without thinking much

"But sadly I trained for strength my entire life and never thought of extending my lifespan so I died early otherwise I would still be alive" Kaida said sadly

He could still live if he wanted! What a terrifying guy even Sage of Six paths isn't alive anymore

"Ok kaida can you please rest in my Spiritual space? The other people there will answer what you want to know and we can also know you better"

"I wanted to meet the other guys in the cave but I can't seem to disobey you"

He said angrily

"You can do that later Kaida, you are already immortal and I have something to achieve, I promise you can meet them soon"

Fugaku looked at Renji in astonishment

"This Brat surely got guts saying that without hesitation even though he knows how strong this Kaida is"

Fugaku and Kaida headed into the spiritual space and began talking, the Cloud Shinobi who was sleeping suddenly woke up because of the noise and saw Kaida and was frightened

"Does this make me the strongest person after Sage of six paths? I heard Madara And First Hokage could also deal with Nine tails, Well i won't know if kaida doesn't fight them"

Renji headed outside and met the snake that brought him here

"Hey Human, did you get a suitable Snake for yourself?"

"I sure did and it was even better than i thought" Renji said with a smirk

That snake brought Renji outside without asking anything further

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