
Naruto : The Strongest of the Uchiha

Disclaimer : I do not own any of the Characters used in the story or any of the pictures used. MC is reincarnated as an Uchiha and his system awakens just before the Uchiha Massacre Follow him as he tries to become the Strongest of the Uchiha

Uchiha_Ryo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chiba Vs Raikage

"Ah!!! Bastard! I'll kill you!"

Asuma roared and rushed towards Chiba desperately.

As Asuma was running towards Chiba, The Uchiha simply Activated a Skeletal Susanoo and caught him.

[THE SUSANOO IS SIMILAR TO INDRA'S Skeletal Susanoo but the Color is similar to Kakashi's Susanoo] (MAKING A CHANGE FOR THE SUSANOO SO JUST GO WITH IT)

Just as Chiba was about to say something to Asuma he heard a voice say "You Damn Akatsuki Bastards i will kill you"

As Chiba heard this he looked towards his right and saw a stream of lightning coming straight to him at full speed.

'Lightning?, then that has to be.....'

Chiba quickly threw Asuma to the side and used his Susanoo to shield himself.

"Elbow!" the person attacking him shouted

As the person made contact with Chiba's Susanoo, Chiba was sent back a few meters but there was no scratch on the Susanoo at all.

"So this is the Susanoo of the Uchiha Clan then you must be Chiba Uchiha the one who defeated the Mizukage" The Person said

"What if i am?" Chiba said as he deactivated his Mangekyo and the Susanoo

Soon about 12-15 Anbu Members landed next to the Raikage

"You Damn Akatsuki Bastards dare step into the territory of the Hidden Cloud i will kill both of you right here"

Chiba laughed and trying to rile up the Raikage he said "Who would have thought that the Raikage would be a hot headed fool who was all talk"

As Chiba said this Anger was visible on the Fourth Raikage's face, the Raikage shouted "You Damn Brat i will Kill you" and as he said this his body was engulfed in lightning and he disappeared from there and everyone was shocked at the speed of the Raikage.

'He is fast' Chiba thought

Although he was caught a bit offguard at the start he was still able to see the movements of the Raikage with his Sharingan, just as the Raikage was about to hit Chiba, the Uchiha pulled out two Kunais which were marked with the Flying Thunder God seal and threw one towards Kakuzu and one where he was standing.

Just as the Raikage hit Chiba he disappeared from the spot and again Reappeared right behind the Raikage and kicked him which sent him flying.

There were only 3 People who knew what had happened, one was Kakuzu who was Chiba's Partner who was briefed about what he could do, one was Kakashi who had seen his Sensei use this Jutsu and the last one who had realized what had happened was the Raikage since he had already faced one person who could use this ability.

Chiba got ready to attack the Raikage, Kakuzu got ready to fight the Anbu and the Konoha Ninja's got ready to help the Hidden Cloud but just as they were about to fight a weird tree like creature that was wearing an Akatsuki Cloak came out of the ground beside Chiba and Kakuzu.

"Zetsu?" Chiba said

"Retreat" Zetsu said to Chiba and kakuzu

Chiba looked at Zetsu a bit Confused and a bit disappointed and Kakuzu said "Why must we retreat we can easily take this"

Zetsu then replied "When the Raikage left the Village to come here i searched the whole village for the 8 Tails and it was not anywhere in the Village and so there is no reason to take this fight"

Chiba simply sighed and threw a Kunai to Zetsu who quickly caught it and nodded and quickly disappeared.

"Its rather unfortunate, i was hoping to have some fun fighting you people but looks like that will be another day"

"You are not getting away one of the konoha ninja said and all the Konoha Ninja and the Cloud Anbu started running towards Chiba and Kakuzu.

Chiba simply chuckled and said "You guys are far too slow and far too weak to do anything" and put his arm on Kakuzu's Shoulder and both of them disappeared from there and arrived next to Zetsu.

As they arrived Zetsu said "I already have one of your Flying Thunder God Kunai you dont need to give me another" and gave the Kunai back to Chiba.

"I didn't know whether you would realize what to do so i gave you the Kunai in order to tell you to go put it somewhere else for us to escape" Chiba said as he took the Kunai

"So what now?" Kakuzu asked.

"You both have been asked to get back to the base there are a few change of plans and the leader wants to explain to everyone at the same time." Zetsu said and started vanishing into the ground

"You bastard you better send a kunai to the base i aint walking all the way there" Chiba said

"Walking is good for your body and you need to stay in shape" Zetsu said and went into the ground.
