
Chapter 16 : Land Of Snow Arc 2

"Are you sure that they can find her, they are not dogs you know, by the look of them they are clearly wolves. Why are you calling them dogs again and again, I have no idea," Ino asked with clear suspicion on her face. 

"They are wolves but I called them dogs so I don't get confused, and yes they can find her, they are better than any damn mud out there," Shikamaru begrudgingly replied, and kept on looking around while following his two summons.

"Why are they kept on running, are you sure that they know where she is?" Choji huffed and asked.

"They know, just kept on following," Shikamaru simply replied and increased his speed as his wolves also increased their speed.

"Got her," Shikamaru smirked and used Shun Shin to directly appear in front of a bar where the wolves stopped. 

"She is in there," he just pointed, not planning to go in there himself, that was just a drag ..... "Hey what are you doing, stop," he almost shouted as Ino grabbed him by the arms and dragged him inside.

"Troublesome Blonde," Muttering to himself in agitation, there was the person who we were after, totally drunk and lying sobbing on her sorrows.

"Miss Yukie, we need you to come with us," Ino said, Choji finally took out something to eat while he himself just sighed and waited for the conversation to end.


Unfortunately for them, there was no Kakashi with a Sharingan with them here, meaning no mind washing. Thus they have to suffer through Yukie's constant attempts to run away, trying to make it troublesome and above everything refusing to go back to the land of Snow.

"I won't say that I agree with your method but good job," Asuma sighed as both he and Shikamaru were standing on top of a ship.

After getting annoyed, Shikamaru didn't have any other way but to drug the annoying woman and make her fall asleep. It was enough for the entire crew to pack up and board the ship, with Yukie Fujikaze included.

Now the damn princess was doing one of her actings while giving all the shinobi a fierce glare. She doesn't know how she ended up sleeping for such a long time but she is sure that it has something to do with the shinobi.

Both Asuma and Shikamaru saw the piercing look at the woman's eyes and snapped their heads away simultaneously. "Troublesome woman," Both of them ended up saying at the same time, and later smiling over it.


Time passed and soon they all found themselves on top of glaciers, shooting for a movie. Ino at all this had stars on her eyes, he actually liked this thing, Shikamaru for once couldn't understand why. Choji was also in his character, which means eating and Asuma smoking. 

Shikamaru also wanted to be in his character, napping for slacking but no, he can't do that, because he knows that something happened in the movie at this point, they were attacked. He can't remember all the details but by just how the story is going, the chances are very high that they do.

Taking out a notebook, in which a lot of unknown characters were written, he started to read, well it was only unknown to the people of this world, or Shikamaru this is simple English. Yeah, English doesn't exist here.

What was he reading?

Well, the moment he got all of his memories back, he started to write them down before he forgot them, although the information about the cannon is pretty much there, but this movie, not that much.

Sighing, Shikamaru just kept a vigilant look around, ready to act whenever he had to.

As the shooting was going on, he was the first one who notice something coming out of the waist-height snow. This was a big man with some strange armour. Shikamaru knew this, this armour absorbed chakra and he had to watch out for them.

There were more people as well, one girl and another man standing high on the ice spikes looking down on all of them.

"Everyone, go back to the ship," Asuma shouted and by the time he did that, Shikamaru had already acted, he was just waiting for this.

"Gama, Divine Dogs," Shikamaru shouted and his shadow immediately extended. Coming out of it were many medium-sized toads and two wolves one black and one white. The white one was almost invisible thanks to all the snow around them.

Shikamaru zoomed past towards the closest enemy coming towards them on a skateboard. His toads extended their tongue and grabbed all the crew members including Yukie Fujikaze and pulled them back, far away from the the enemies.

While the wolves kept up with Shikamaru as he went for the fat man coming directly at him on a skateboard. 

Taking out kunai, Shikamaru masterfully threw them at the man. But the man didn't even bat an eye at the kunai and soon Shikamaru learned why as someone how to his confusion, all the kunai just got deflected.

"Tch," Shikamaru in annoyance making his famous hand-sign and his shadow once again rush out at the man.

The man was only a little bit away from it but just when they were about to have collided, the shadow connected and even to Shikamaru's confusion, the shadow grabbed the snow skateboard rather than the man itself. Still it did the job as the man ended up tumbling down to the snow.

"Combine," seeing the size of the man and the chakra armour, he knew that there was no way that those wolves could do any damage to the man, but combine, that could work.

And that happened, both white and black wolves howled and then like magic ended up merging into one big wolf. 

By the look on the man's face, he has enough belief in his armour that nothing can pierce it. 

"Howl" The grey wolf rushed at the man who stood up and put his hands in front of him to stop the entire brunt of the attack. Never thought that he should be dodging it. He should have because the next moment his chest armour was sliced like butter as blood splashed out of him.

But still, due to the armour, it was still a shallow wound.

"Even the grey wolf's steel-like claw is not enough to completely tear that armour apart, troublesome bunch," Shikamaru mutters and again sends his shadow out to stop the big man.

As another attack came from the big grey wolf, this time the enemy wanted to move away from the place but he found that he couldn't. This is because Shikamaru has already caught him in his shadow possession jutsu.

"Don't kill but rip apart that armour," Shikamaru said and then left the shadow as his grey wolf took control of the situation.

Looking back he saw Asuma handling the other man with strange blue eyes and purple hair.

"Asuma can handle him," Not even batting another look that way, Shikamaru looked at the girl who was fighting with Ino and Choji and to his dismay his team was in the back position. It was mainly the ice birds which that woman was creating. 

"I really need to make them stronger," Saying this Shikamaru shun shin away and immediately appeared near Ino making hand signs.

"Fire style Phoenix fire ball jutsu," something I learned from Asuma and worked wonders against the upcoming flying ice birds. 

"Choji roll and ino don't use the mind jutsu. Give support with Kunai," he said and started to rush at the woman.


"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"


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