
To Strong To Be Here

"Alrighty, I just got the memories from my Shadow Clones. If we follow up this river, we'll reach the tower in three days at most if we run without using chakra or the Body Flicker Jutsu to boost our speed." Naruto explained to Satsuki and Sakura while the trio were jumping from tree to tree.

"Got it. Then we'll try to stay on this path. Now have your Clones scout for opponents." Sakura suggested. Naruto nodded and formed a hand seal.

" Shadow Clone Jutsu! " He declared as he created a group of 10 clones who immediately dispersed without saying anything else.

"Remember, right now it's not about the speed. It's how we complete our task." Satsuki reminded them.

" Got it. " Naruto replied as the trio landed on a clearing at the same time. Naruto looked around his surroundings.

"Hey girls, guard me for a sec. I gotta go take a leak." Naruto said. Sakura deadpanned at him while Satsuki sighed and palmed her face.

"Don't say it like that. Have some manners in front of girls, Naruto." Sakura scolded him. Naruto rolled his eyes.

" Whatever you say, mom— I mean Sakura-chan." Naruto grinned at Sakura's embarrassed expression before he moved behind a large bush to answer nature's call.

40 seconds later, Naruto zipped up his pants and was about to go back to his team before he heard someone rushing towards him from behind.

He turned around just in time and saw a ninja from Amegakure rushing up to him. The Ame ninja tried to stab Naruto through the chest but the blonde dodged it by stepping aside.

Naruto punched the side of the Ame ninja's ribs. He then unsealed a tri-pronged kunai from the containment seal drawn on his wrist. The kunai slid down from his wrist to his palm.

Naruto grabbed it and stabbed the Ame ninja straight through his chest and then into the side of his neck, killing him. He pulled the kunai out of the ninja's neck, splashing blood onto his face.

"Bro broke the rule 1 of the Code of Men. " Naruto muttered as he dragged the dead Ame ninja's body back towards his teammates.

Code of Men Rule 1, never interrupt a bro while he is taking a leak.

"What happened?" Satsuki asked Naruto while eyeing the dead ninja.

"He jumped me just as I finished peeing. He's got a heaven scroll." Naruto explained as he threw it towards Satsuki who looked at it.

"One less scroll for someone else. Keep it safe Naruto, if we lose our original one we can use this as a substitute. " Satsuki advised as she gave it back to Naruto who sealed it into a containment seal on his left arm.

"We need a codeword in case an enemy captures us and tries to disguise themselves to get close." Sakura suggested. Naruto shook his head.

"Eyes and ears are everywhere, Sakura-chan. I got a better idea. I want both of you to cut your finger and put some blood into the ink." Naruto suggested as he unsealed a bottle of ink and a brush from the containment seal on his torso.

Both of his teammates decided to trust him and cut their index fingers, letting their blood drip into the ink. After that, Naruto placed his own blood into it and mixed it together.

"I call it the Binding Life Seal. It's my own creation. It creates a set of seals that will react to their brother seals whenever they are within sixteen feet of each other by giving a light vibration. The vibration intensifies when more than two people with the connecting seals are near." Naruto explained as he drew the seals on the underside of Satsuki's, Sakura's and his own wrist.

After finishing drawing the seals, Naruto created two clones who went through the same hand seals at him. It all happened in a blur before they put a hand against one of the seals on the three genin.

"Binding Life Seal!" Naruto muttered. Instantly, the trio felt a vibration on their wrists, signifying that the seal was working.

Naruto grinned. "There we go, all done!" He muttered. Satsuki nodded while Sakura cracked her knuckles.

"We should get moving or we'll get ambushed." Sakura whispered. Naruto widened his eyes as they were suddenly hit by a giant gust of wind.

" Fuck!" He shouted as he was blasted away by the violent wave of wind, sending him and his teammates flying off in separate directions.



Satsuki groaned as she did a kip up and observed her new surroundings. He heard someone approaching her from behind and turned around to see Sakura walking towards him with a kunai in hand.

Normally Satsuki would've gotten into a combat stance and start interrogating, but the vibration on the underside of her wrist stopped her from doing so. It was the real Sakura and not another using a transformation Jutsu disguising as her.

"Where's Naruto?" Satsuki asked her as they started watching each other's backs, not letting down their guard one bit.

"No sign of him. He got blew away further than the two of us. It looks like he was the main target of the wind Jutsu." Sakura theorized, making Satsuki grit her teeth.

"He might be fighting someone as we speak." The raven haired Uchiha whispered and narrowed her eyes as someone approached her from the front.

Naruto approached them with a broad cheerful grin on his face. "Hey girls! Are you okay?" He asked as he got closer to Satsuki. Satsuki activated her Sharingan immediately while Sakura turned to face Naruto.

Satsuki threw several shuriken at Naruto who jumped to the side to dodge them. Naruto glared at Satsuki.

"What the hell asshole?!"

"Shut up and release your Transformation Jutsu, now."



" Just my luck. " Naruto grumbled as he was staring face to face with a giant snake who hissed angrily at him.

Naruto unsealed two tri-pronged kunai from his containment seal and grabbed one on each of his hands.

The snake hissed loudly before launching it's head towards Naruto while opening it's mouth widely, intending to swallow Naruto.

Naruto channeled chakra into his legs and blasted himself away from it. He land of on the side and of a tree and stuck on it like it was second nature to him.

He then blasted off the tree, blasting tree bark everywhere and launched himself towards the giant snake.

He controlled his chakra and made it flow into his two tri-pronged kunai. A dense blade of chakra is formed around the physical blade, extending its reach, making it look like Naruto was holding two swords in his hands.

Naruto landed back on the ground again as the giant snake's head rose up. The snake looked at Naruto who quickly performed a hand seal.

Using the Body Flicker Jutsu, Naruto appeared under the snake's giant head and swung his two kunai downwards.


His kunai cut through the snake like he was cutting through butter. Naruto dove towards the ground while his kunai was cutting the snake into three separate pieces.

Naruto landed on the ground as the three pieces of the dead giant snake landed on the ground behind him. It also created a giant rain of blood, staining Naruto's clothes and hair with it.


The snake disappeared in a puff of white smoke, making Naruto narrow his eyes at what just happened.

"That was a summon? But the only one who can summon snakes are Anko and.... " Naruto widened his eyes in realization and horror.

" FUCK!!! I have to go back to them now!!!!"



" After examining papers and personal items, they seem to be Kusagakure Shinobi who entered in this exam but as you can see Anko-san, they have no faces. It's as if they've been melted off." Kotetsu explained the situation to Anko while she was looking down at three dead Kusa Shinobi with a frown on her face.

'There's no mistaking it, it's the Vanishing Facial Copy Technique, his Jutsu. Why is he in his exam? Who is he targeting? The Uchiha or the Uzumaki? Or even the Suna Jinchuriki?' Anko thought, remembering the details of the Jutsu.

The user applies their hand to a target's face, allowing them to take the face and use it as their own.

Because it's the actual face that they're using and not a disguise, the user runs no risk of being discovered due to imperfections or minor flaws. The bodies of those whose faces have been stolen are, as a consequence, quite ghastly to look upon.

Izumo handed her the pictures of the three Kusa Shinobi. Anko looked at it and gritted her teeth. One of them was Shiore, the genin from Kusa and the one who handed the kunai Anko threw at Naruto back to her.

"This is bad, we need to report to Lord Hokage..." Anko whispered.

"Look! Anko-san!! Flares!!!" Kotetsu shouted while pointing at the sky. Anko immediately turned around and looked at the sky.

There were green flares coming from the Forest of Death being shot to the sky. Anko narrowed her eyes as she noticed it was shooting out in a repeated pattern.

"Morse code." She whispered, realizing what it was. Anko began deciphering the code in her head.

'H....E....L....P.... O.... R.... O.... C.... H.... I.... M.... A.... R.... U. ' Anko widened her eyes in pure horror and disbelief. Her mouth gaped as the flare shooting show ended. One of the Genin teams have already encountered him.

"Shit!! Izumo! Go alert Lord Third!! Bring all Anbu captains and all available jonin here!! Tell Lord Third to bring himself if possible! Orochimaru is here!!! "

To be continued.....

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