
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Komik
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77 Chs

Chapter 64 - Sage Mode Achieved

Time flowed in a blink of an eye, weeks passed in a monotone manner for Kagami. In the morning he worked on preparing the Virtual Reality building, checked the clones at lunch, studied nature energy for a few hours, before meeting with Hiruzen and his elders about the Uchiha Clan. Which made him watch as his sixteenth birthday came and went unknowing.

Also during this time, Hiruzen put an end to both his and Mira's mission of running about the continent following Danzo's previous movements. Then he told them to relax for the time being as he will have a mission for them in the near future.

Which led to the situation of living a monotone life, that Kagami didn't mind one bit. Since it allowed him to do what he wanted. Which was to dive into chakra and learn more elemental kekkei genkai limits.

"Are you sure about this?" Mira asked.

She was basically dressed in only a bathrobe as the two stood behind the laboratory and in an area Kagami blocked from everyone. Her cheeks were slightly tinted red, as a breeze rolled through and traveled into the bathrobe.

"I would have Asura do it, but he is my first safety line." Kagami shrugged as he sat in a relaxed state.

"Fine, hurry up. I was about to take a bath." Mira sighed.

In her hand was a wooden stick that Kagami managed to get Jiraiya to pass to him from the toads. Which when used can knock the natural energy out of someone. Which was a safety measure that Kagami made sure to put into place.

Closing his eyes, Kagami began to sense that mysterious energy he felt any time he used wood release. Then he began to sense outwards farther and farther as he attempted to draw it into him slowly. As he felt it merge with his chakra and body as it began to empower it, Kagami frowned when he accidentally pulled a bit extra which turned into a whirlpool on its own.


"Ow!" Kagami tried to rub his back. "You don't need to hit that hard."

"Sorry, not sorry." Mira said. "Half of your body swelled up and began turning gray."

"Well, it doesn't seem like I was too far from succeeding." Kagami said. "Hey Asura what happened?"

"I tried to help you gather nature energy." Asura answered.

Kagami paused for a moment before drawing circles into the ground. If it was for this, he might have succeeded. Well, maybe since he wasn't sure, but he decided to try again.

"One more try and this time Asura, don't do anything until I ask." Kagami said as he looked at Mira who held the stick.

Once more, Kagami closed his eyes and began to draw upon nature's energy. It rapidly entered his body as he began to merge it into his chakra. Once he returned to where he was previously, he slowed down a bit as he was unsure how much more he could handle.

One minute, two minutes soon seven minutes passed by before something happened. Upon finding the ratio, Kagami opened his eyes and felt slightly different.

"Well, did it work?" Mira asked.

"I believe so, but how do I look?" Kagami asked as he stood up.

"Asura, try to match the current draw of nature energy." he then said as Mira held out a mirror.

"Ok." Asura answered as Kagami felt nature's energy being drawn in.

Looking into the mirror, Kagami looked himself over and didn't find much difference about himself. His dark eyes turned amber with dark shadow trims around his eyes. Which made him think of Super Saiyan Four eyes.

"My grandfather said Hashirama had markings on his face when he entered Sage Mode. I don't see much difference besides your eyes." Mira said as she looked. "I won't mind if you keep them, they look cool."

"It worked, I think I need to run a few more tests, but do you want to learn it now?" Kagami wrapped his arms around her as he spun around her.

Kagami was actually very happy on the inside for finally learning this technique. He actually was interested in learning it for a while, but with it. He truly became a powerhouse as he felt that besides the Otsutsuki, very few could reach his level. Well beside Mira in time, as well Naruto and Sasuke once they grow up.

Yet, despite reaching this step, Kagami felt he opened up more options to explore. He began to wonder how Sage Mode will work with the various nature and elemental kekkei genkais. Not to mention he now needed to train his sage mode.

"Later. Now I am due to take my bath." Mira said as she left towards the laboratory bathroom.

Left in the space behind the laboratory, Kagami rubbed his hands together as he began thinking of the order of tests he wanted to run. Finally, he clapped his hands together and molded his chakra as he prepared his first sage fill jutsu.

"Wood Release: The Bonsai Tree."

Using the first wood release he made and used. Kagami didn't feel as much chakra being used as usual; instead, he barely felt any chakra used. Only instead of the small tree like last time, it grew and grew, surpassing him before he cut the chakra stopping before it continued to grow bigger.

"Amazing." Asura said.

"I would say," Kagami scratched his head as he looked at the tree that just grew.

The tree grew much bigger than he thought it would from the amount of the chakra it required. However, he wasn't going to complain as it means that he could cast larger jutsu without draining as much chakra from now on.

Following this, Kagami began to run more tests before allowing the Sage Mode to fade away. Which made him feel slightly off for a moment as his senses returned to normal. However, it didn't last longer than a moment.

"Sage Mode Achieved."

Thanks for Reading.

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