
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Komik
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77 Chs

Chapter 57 - Framework of Virtual Reality

In a hot tub he made himself on the backside of his laboratory. Kagami leaned back as he just returned from his latest inquiries of Danzo activities they gained from Orochimaru Laboratory. Which was more trouble than it was worth as the village he was investigating basically formed a mob in an attempt to kill him. All because Danzo's activity made them despise Konoha for he basically left the village barren and cut off their ways of survival for a few years.

So, after negotiating and basically using his wood release to raise an orchard for them to begin a wine brewery. He managed to gather their support once more and a bare minimum trust of Konoha once more. Which he reported to Hiruzen who just smiled at his skill and ability of making them look beyond their hatred.

Hence, he decided to relax in the hot tub after the latest return. Well before he begins his true relaxation which involves tinkering away in his laboratory. He felt he will have the basic framework done for his virtual reality. Which will allow him to truly put his plan into motion he had in mind for virtual reality.

To create a training ground and allow one to do various virtual reality training missions. Not to mention if he can accomplish it, maybe create a few virtual reality teachers of the past. Would it not be interesting to receive training underneath Senju Hashirama.

Yet, it would be a long while before he would add that feature. For he will basically be facing an uphill battle as he would need to find a way to implant Hashirama memories and personality into virtual reality. Which would be a challenge in itself, but before even that, he will need to find a way to implant chakra natures and kekkei genkais. Luckily he has a way for that in the Chakra Reader he made previously.

'Still so much to do. Last time I was fifteen I was just watching anime and doing homework.' Kagami thought to himself.

After half an hour, Kagami got out of the hot tub and headed into his laboratory. There was sadly no Mira in the village at the moment as she was checking out another place of Danzo activities. Which was a bit further out so she would be traveling a few days longer then he had to.

Taking a seat at his workbench, Kagami went to work on finishing up the hardware and framework of virtual reality. For while he had it running previously, it was just a blank space, but now he was adding an environment, lighting, buildings and simple enemy NPC. Which made him think of needing to upgrade the hardware once more to handle it all without lagging behind.

Hence after finishing the touches of an upgrade, he made a shadow clone to help him out by cutting and screwing in pieces. While he went to work on coding the environment and boy was it a challenge making everything from scratch. Luckily he was smart and took many, upon many pictures to render, speeding up the process greatly.

'Maybe in the future, I can find a way to increase the environment and not have to code everything one line at a time.' Kagami thought as he added to a list.

A process he went through for the next few days before he had a fairly equal size Konoha inside his virtual reality. Only a few shops were able to enter, but that was fine as he truthly didn't plan to put much effort into Konoha. He was planning to make it the hub where one can select training, missions or reward centers where one can learn a jutsu or attempt to learn an elemental kekkei genkai.

So loading a shadow clone into the headset to test no issue would occur. Well, ones he could test with a shadow clone as it turned out. Shadow clones don't take well to wires and nanobots as they tend to pop fairly quickly. For they aren't actual living beings and the nanobots attempted to fix something inside them and poof, shadow clones are gone.

"Father, can I try it?" Asura asked as he stared at the helmet.

"Maybe in the future. If this works it will be the framework completion and then I can begin adding the actual function and reason I built it in the first place." Kagami rejected.

"I never seen you take this long to build something before though. Serum aside of course." Asura asked.

"That's because I'm not rushing and if I didn't have so many missions. I would probably be done months ago." Kagami answered. "It's not bad to take time to complete something. I got a feeling that this will be very popular and I would hate for it to crash from overloading."

"Ok, Father. It's been a few days so it's time to head out again." Asura reminded him after receiving an answer.

"Already? Time sure flies." Kagami let out a sad breath as he placed down his tools.

Pulling out his list of places he needs to visit, he looked at what next on his list. What he saw made him look at Asura and decide to move up his next skill to learn. For where he was heading next was the Rain Village or more Hanzo's supposed home.

'I guess it's time to begin learning senjutsu after this mission. I guess I will need to ask for Hashirama Cells and Jiraiya to do a bit of investigation on it. Since I don't want to mess up nor am I very interested in learning frog senjutsu.' Kagami thought to himself.

While he knew it would be a tough battle if he ran into Nagito or Obito, he was confident to come out on top or at least make the other retreat. It was just, he was unsure how they would retaliate after this. Which is something he doesn't wish to see as they most likely just target the village since they probably couldn't beat him head on.

Thanks for Reading.

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