
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs

Chapter 79: Ape

{ Didn't revise the chapter as its 4000 words, so point out anything you didn't understand or mistakes... or things that I should ho into more details }



"Hokage-sama! I have news regarding the Hatake clan head" A kneeling Anbu in front of Hiruzen said without much emotion visible on his voice.

"You can speak" Hiruzen replied tiredly and stopped going through the papers in front of him to listen to what the Anbu hast to say.

"It has been a day and half since we have lost the trace of him" The Anbu said.

"What? You lost the whereabouts of him?" Hiruzen asked with a frown.

"Yes Hokage-sama! We have checked every corner of the village, his house, near the heavens feel district, asked the ninjas who guard the gates of the Senju compound, even checked near where he usually trains but still nothing!" The Anbu replied which made Hiruzen narrow his eyes.

"How did this happen?" Hiruzen asked.

"W...we don't know Hokage-sama!" The Anbu replied with a little bit of struggle, ashamed that he didn't find more about this.

"But you must have investigated and found out something at least, right?" Hiruzen asked, not taking a no as an answer.

The Anbu only nodded and began to narrate "We have our own suspicions Hokage-sama, And maybe we have found something that will catch your interest"

"You can speak" Hiruzen said with his hands interlocked near his face.

"It's something that has to do with the strange animal that followed the Hatake clan head yesterday. A week ago, as you remember, we informed you of him visiting the Inuzuka clan which lead to a commotion caused by the Inuzuka residents. As you know, the Inuzuka didn't tell us the reason for that commotion but we knew that it must have something to do with the Hatake clan head," The Anbu said and with a little pause, he continued.

"After investigating more, through eavesdropping on the Inuzuka residents, we noted that they were talking frequently about the alpha appearing again in the clan after so long. We were confused at first as you know that the Inuzuka always have some kind of ritual amongst their dogs to choose the alpha, so we asked ourselves, what does alpha has anything to do with the Hatake clan head? well, we were confused until yesterday, he had a six eyed dog following him to the Inuzuka clan which made us put two and two together and find out what the Inuzuka were excited about" The Anbu replied in one breath which made Hiruzen nod.

"So this mysterious dog is the alpha that made the Inuzuka don't take any missions for some time and only celebrate, noted! But what does this have anything to do with that young man Garou ?" Hiruzen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"When we followed after him to Inuzuka clan the first time he went there, we waited for a long time but we couldn't get see him come outside the compound, so we naturally investigated and found him back in his own house with Tsunade-hime which made us surprised at first and after going through how he went back home that day without us knowing, we didn't find anything...well that was the case until recently where we found how he did it which is that he is an animal summoner and just reverse summoned himself!" The Anbu revealed which made Hiruzen get surprised at this.

"Do you know what type of animal it is ?" Hiruzen asked in a serious tone and eyes narrowed.

"We are not sure Hokage-sama because we haven't seen him summoning the animal, we only saw him being reverse-

summoned yesterday and disappearing till now" The Anbu said which made Hiruzen take out his smoking pipe while his tired expression coming back.

"So you mean he used the summoning animals to travel undercover ?" Hiruzen asked with some interest.

"That's how it appears to be Hokage-sama" The Anbu replied.

'Sighhh, that's really a good way to travel that I have never thought of doing, but what animal will agree to be used like this? Most summoning animals are prideful and something like this is considered disrespectful to them!' Hiruzen thought.

He already have some animals in his mind that can possibly be Garou's contractor but he is not sure. His thoughts are more inclined towards the dog clan but Garou's relationship with the Senju makes it possible that he made a contract with the slugs like Mito.

If it's the slug he contracted with then the level of danger he imposes will become higher, not that he cares tho, instead, he is delighted that a powerful and rich person like him is from Konoha, the fear he induces to the enemy villages only is enough to ward off any funny thoughts the other Kages might have even if Garou is not a ninja and he doesn't have much authority over him.

But the question here is 'How can he use summoning jutsu ? Is it related to that red ominous energy he emitted that day by any chance ?' Hiruzen thought.

He focused back on the silent Anbu waiting for him speak "Anything else you need to inform me?" Hiruzen asked.

The Anbu was silent for a few moments then spoke "There is another thing worth noting Hokage-sama which is regarding that strange dog that was with the hatake clan head" The Anbu said and Hiruzen nodded at him to continue while he put some tobacco inside his pipe and lit it up using a small bit of chakra.


"That dog is strange...we have noted that unless the person is an elite jonin sensor which we have a small amount of ninjas who are, no one can even come close to feel the Hatake clan head, even the elite jonins may have a hard time sensing him, but this dog is different. When you are near the Hatake clan head, he exudes a very sinister and unsettling feeling which I have experienced personally, but this dog, I could feel a deep ocean blue foreign energy inside of it unlike anything I have ever felt, which I am sure is not chakra!" The Anbu said, for the first some emotion of surprise was evident in his voice.


"What ?!"


Within a forest, colossal trees rose majestically, their branches extending towards the sky. Sunlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting patterns on the vibrant forest floor. The air held the rich scent of moss and leaves rustled gently.

*Booom !*

*squeekkk squeeek wooof woof roaaaaarrr !!*

In this vast and dense forest, something weird was going on. All the animals, the birds, deers, chakra beasts, lions and many other type of animals were all screaming in fear and running away for their dear life.


"Bwahahaha! get the fuck out of my way!!" A deep voice cried as he punched the trunk of a huge tree, obliterating it.


The cause for all this commotion and the one who the nature life of this area were running from was a towering figure with a weird black armour covering his whole being and glowing red veins ran across his body, creating an ominous picture straight out of a nightmare.

His figure blurring in a straight line, only powerful individuals could ever hope to even see the trail of, his every stomp on the ground made a crater under his bare armoured feet, small and huge boulders coming his way turned to pebbles, everywhere he went left a trail of destruction behind him.

"Bwahaha, Take this!" Garou cried with a wide grin, revealing a que of sharp inhuman teeth.


He threw a jab at another tree, and without the ability to resist the jab, the tree broke down to pieces with its branches and leaves flying everywhere around the different parts of the forest.

"Huff...huff...Bwahaha! you should man up next time you grow back you fucking tree!" He paused and shouted at the fallen tree tiredly for a moment with his usual grin on his face before his expression darkened the next moment and he started to grab his head strongly to ease the sudden headache of snapping back to reality.

"How much longer do we have to continue until we reach the capital Katsuyu?!" He cried in annoyance at the beauty sitting on his shoulder with a small smile on her face, enjoying the hectic ride across the dense forest without looking bothered one bit.

"At this pace, then maybe around 2 more days, but I think you should take a rest, it has been some time since you were on a rampage Garou-sama!" Katsuyu replied with her usual calm and soothing voice.

"Aghh Damn!" Garou groaned and he looked around for a moment before he approached a tree some distance away from the one he broke to pieces and sat there then leaned on it with an arm resting on his knee.

After that, his height began to decrease from 7.2 inches to 6.9 as his monster like skin began to disappear, his lustrous red hair revealing itself, a line of scar running on his face, his eyes with one blood red and clothes battered and teared with many holes in it.

His eyes moved and he looked at the place he bulldozed his way through which was now a one way road filled with many teared and destroyed ground, trees and boulders.

"Sighhh, how many days has it been? 10 days?" Garou asked no one in particular but still Katsuyu replied.

"Around 3"

"3 days at one-fourth of a bullet train speeds and I still have 2 more days to reach the capital, fuckkkk!" Garou said tiredly as he closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep after running non-stop for 3 days, only occasionally stopping to eat to recharge his lost energy or to take a shit.

Lately, he came to know that he didn't need to sleep as much as before, he only needed food to function at his peak 24/7, sleeping is just an act of saving the ever growing energy in him which there's no point in doing so very soon, or when he is injured beyond severe then sleeping can help tremendously as his body will only focus on healing in that unconscious state... even his toilet habits are becoming less much to his joy.

Other than that satisfying feeling after taking a huge shit then he is sure he won't miss pulling down his pants everytime to shit in front of a beauty like Katsuyu which he didn't even care if she looked at his ass going through the struggle of taking out that brown disgusting and smelly poop or not, he respects everybody's kinks, it is not like he is Mr.perfect and doesn't have any kinks related to Tsunade's boobs, so if she is interested, she can look as much as she wants!

Anyways, back on topic, he is now really pissed off, he miscalculated something when he started his journey.

At first he thought the journey will be an easy one, so he didn't consider the distance of the travel that much except looking at the map to know the general locations of the places he wanted to go.

First of all, this world is huge, and he forgot about this. He thought he will reach the places he wanted in a matter of hours or more but he didn't know that even a bullet train will need to travel around two hours to reach its destination here which says alot about how far the distance to travel between a location to another is!

His mistake was that he thought it will be as easy as the anime series showed and get wherever he wanted easily, but the reality of this world was no different than his previous one where one needed to use bullet trains, planes and helicopters to travel from City A to City Z in a matter of hours.

And now, even though he was physically not troubled that much as he always could slaughter some animals to eat and use Katsuyu to prepare something for both of them to eat which is weird as she is starting to take care of my needs sometimes and reprimand me when I cause some shit, but I ain't complaining tho!

Even though he hates to admit it but who doesn't want beautiful maid taking care of them? not him.

So yeah, the thing is more related to his impatient ass than physical troubles.

"You should have let me leave a clone in every important place we passed by till now so we could just use the reverse summoning later as a way to travel" Katsuyu said in a disappointed tone, trying to convince Garou.

"This is not about destination Katsuyu, it's about the journey. Even though I am frustrated, angry and lost here but at least I feel more alive and free than ever" Garou said with a small smile formed on his face gloomy face with his eyes closed trying to calm his adrenaline rush down and doze off.

"Hmm, well, do whatever you want then, but you should at least slow down and just look at the scenery around you, you even ignored and ran past many merchants and people along the path and later you didn't even care about the path anymore and started looking for a shortcut to the capital and now, we are in the middle of nowhere with you causing unnecessary destruction and turning poor trees into powder for no reason" Katsuyu said trying to give some advice to Garou. he opened his eye to take a glance at the ancient hag on his shoulder and spoke.

"Even though civilised, I am a Monster, destruction is what I should have been doing all this time but didn't, so now I can't even be myself for what I truly am for a little even after having the opportunity to be s---What in the fuck is happening over there?!" He stopped mid sentence and immediately stood up, turned his head and looked at the north of where he was.

His actions startled Katsuyu a little as she didn't know why he suddenly acted this way but Garou didn't care, and with a very serious face, he closed his narrowed eyes and exhaled until all the air inside his lungs came out.

With his eyes still closed he took a very deep breath, trying to sense the north through his nose and ears.

At first, he didn't catch anything even after ignoring and recycling anything else like the sound of leaves, insects and some other small animals from two miles away!

That was until his ears twitched for a moment after hitting 3 miles then a picture of what was happening formed in his head which immediately formed a large disturbing grin on his face.

At first, he sensed the commotion for a split second and he didn't want rush in mindlessly because of excitement for action and waste his time like before.

But at last, he wishes came true and something happened which made him slightly eager and excited.

"Finally! It was time for some fucking action!" He cried and crouched down until his arms were close the ground.

*krrr kgg krr*

In half a second, he went back into his monster form and his armour covered his whole being and then...

"Watchdog man style!" He let out in excitement and disappeared with blurring speeds while covering a large distance with every step he took and dodging the tress then using their trunks to hop from one to another.

With speeds that slightly nearing subsonic levels, it didn't take long for him to reach a place that had larger trees than the previous place he was in.

And after some more moments, he got closer to the place he wanted to be in and immediately got greeted by a large amount of different Auras in an open area surrounded by this towering trees.


With a boisterous laughter he leaped into the air for the last time until he was far from the ground and then descended a moment later in the middle of the commotion that was already going on.

*Booom!* *Crack!*

He landed in a superman style which made cracks on the ground with dust and debris flying everywhere which made his figure hard to see inside of it.

A minute after the commotion of his entrance died down and the dust that was obscuring his figure dispersed, only for the next moment to reveal a towering and terrifying creature that oozed of an ominous Aura that terrified the shocked audience immediately upon gazing at his glowing glassy red eyes.

Katsuyu was just amused as he looked at the now terrified audience here. Garou focused on the crowd and with a grin that revealed sharp inhuman teeth that he didn't bother to hide.

"Manao ahoana you fucking Madagascar people!" He greeted which made the many kinds of monkeys and gorillas around this area to freak out and not know what to do.

The air turned chilly as they looked at this menacing predator. The monkeys and gorillas huddled together, their bodies trembling with fear. Wide-eyed, they stared at the looming threat, fear evident in their expressions. The predator's presence cast a shadow over the once lively group, now unified in the shared apprehension of the imminent danger.

Some already came back to their senses and tried to flee before an ocean of a dark red wave like energy to wash all over them that made the already frightened poor animals to lose their shits, making some of them to have fumes come out of their mouth and go unconscious and the remaining ones to get rooted on their spot.

The wave of energy lasted only for some seconds before disappearing like nothing happened other than leaving this animals extremely traumatised and some tress having cracks all over them.

"Now now, I came here in peace, but I sensed that a commotion was going on here and I was just curious at what was going on, I am very bored you see" Garou said in a deep monstrous voice that sent chills down the spine of every monkey and gorilla here even though they didn't understand him.

"So you got all worked up just to give trauma to a tribe of poor animals that I bet, they won't ever try to continue their ritual anymore after this... Didn't find you for a sadistic individual Garou-sama!" Katsuyu said sarcastically but Garou ignored what she said except for what she mentioned about rituals.

"What ritual?" He asked in a curious tone which made Katsuyu shake her head and sigh to herself but answered him nonetheless.

"The monkeys and gorillas has formed groups very long ago after chakra was introduced to this world to fend off the new dangers that emerged like chakra beasts and other predators, but this animals evolved and now have a slight trace of intelligence in them but not much,"

"As you know, animals are can be quite silly sometimes and so, this tribe of animals made a new ritual after coming together"

"The way at how rituals work depends on the tribe of animals but this one from the looks of it seems like this... The strongest of them all, which is the leader, will test every kind of monkey and gorilla, and after the test, the leader will exile or kill the weakest of them which is what's happening right now" Katsuyu explained and Garou nodded in understanding.

"That's a bummer, I expected more of a war than a simple test here, damn!" Garou said as his shoulder slumped down and then looked around the place that was now dead silent with all the animals didn't know what to do, so they just waited to see if this creature will eat them now or not.

"They are quite a cute bunch tho... but weak" Garou muttered as he looked at the mothers covering their little children to protect them from him which he found them quite cute.

It didn't take long for his focus to reach a huge black gorilla at the centre near him which had scars all over his body and missing an eye. The gorilla too couldn't help but shiver from fear when it looked at the monstrous figure in front of him, but he was the leader and despite being very afraid and his body barely listening to him, he still tried his best to look intimidating and show how ready he was to defend the tribe, which was commendable to say the least.

"A brave one here, interesting. You must be the leader, right?" Garou said while rubbing his chin for a sec.

Under the terrified gaze of the animals, he moved and took the first step towards the black gorilla which made the latter to take a step back unconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, I won't bite, I am just curious at what's behind you right now" Garou said as he stepped forward, making the animal back away more.

As he approached the place the Gorilla was in before, he found a disturbing sight before him.

There was a poor monkey layed on the ground, severely injured and bleeding. Its black fur matted with blood, and its movements were feeble, many bones in its body shattered and some of its organs already failing, indicating the severity of the injuries. Life seemed to slip away as it struggled, his breathing slowing down by the second.

He just layed there pitifully and was glancing at Garou with a confused but slightly distressed gaze but a moment later, even that gaze seemed to diminish and for him to slowly die and the light in his to go away forever.

Garou stood there looking at the chimpanzee without much emotion visible on his face inside the armour. He took a glance at the huge menacing black gorilla who was pathetically shivering in fear far away from him and the chimpanzee.

After that, his focus came back to the chimpanzee and slowly crouched down then he lifted it up by neck with one hand until he was high enough to be on the eye level.

"You better don't let me regret my decision...chimpanzee!" Garou said with a voice even deeper than before that reverberated through the area.

His other hand then slowly moved forward the chimpanzee, his index finger elongated and made way for blood to come out of it, with his hand close enough to the neck of the chimpanzee, his index finger immediately dug into its flesh and then a second later, a huge amount of thick and ominous black and redish blood made way inside the chimpanzee.

He put down the animal and backed away to look at the transformation the chimpanzee will have.

It didn't take long for the chimpanzee to suddenly open its bloody eyes wide open from the sudden extreme pain going through its whole being.

"Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaa!! Rrraaaaa! Raaaaa!" The chimpanzee who was dying a moment before was now screaming its lungs out from the pain it was going through which made all the spectators to literally shit themselves and curl more beside each other in fear, with one or two dying from heart attack.

First, the chimpanzee's fur started to fall and skin peel off to reveal its disgusting bloody muscles, then even the muscles started to tear to reveal the animal's internals that was also tearing and regenerating real fast.

The poor thing who didn't even understand why was this happening to him couldn't even utter a single sound as his have vocal cords was also tearing and reshaping itself.

After the bones, internal organs began to regenerate, then muscles began to cover the chunk of bloody mush again until the chimpanzee had the ability to scream again.

Finally, after the muscles, it was the skin then fur began to cover the chimpanzee.

It didn't take long until a meter and half tall black chimpanzee stood on two legs around the place filled with his own blood with a freaked out expression while breathing hysterically.

It inspected his surroundings with his lungs taking in a lot of oxygen to calm its mind down but to no vail as every second passed by and after looking at his hands weirdly, it became more confused.

Well that was until he heard the sound of footsteps behind him which nade the chimpanzee to turn around immediately and spot a huge terrifying creature that made him more scared than it was now already but for some reason, he didn't dare or want to get away from this creature and felt the need to bow before him.

Which it did.

Garou now stood over the chimpanzee that had his head touching the ground and his hands protecting his head from fear of not being spared and get punished again by him.

For a moment, he did nothing and just smiled at the sight before he slowly extended his arm and patted the chimpanzee's head gently which made the poor thing shiver in fear more with its fur standing on end.

"From now on, your name will be...Caesar!"

[Picture here]

The End.


{ So how was it? Do you like where this is going? Did you expect the chimpanzee to be from planet apes movie ? }