
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs

Chapter 71 : The Curious Red Head

*Swoosh !*

"You will have to come with me Fenrir !" The woman said with an excited expression beside her wolf like dog that was nervously looking at me.

We were outside the Hokage building with the clan heads already left one by one but the Hokage and the advisers are still in there. I also don't know where my friends are but I know they are somewhere in the infirmary with Yuji for sure is just taking his time sleeping on some bed.

"What do you want Inazuka-san ?" Tsunade asked the woman with narrowed eyes while hugging my arm and pressing her still growing unbelievable chest on it.

"I need Fenrir to come with me !" She cried as she pointed at me with her excited expression still on.

Ok so I don't really know what's the deal with this woman. From the moment she laid her on me she quickly became restless and through my nose, I could smell some of her hormones to become active in her lower part that really weirded me out. Her constant staring and blushing face is sus as fuck, but I am also curious about what's going on tho.

"His name is Garou and why do you want him ?!" Tsunade asked again with a defensive tone which was...cute.

"Yea like I am busy right now, why do you want me to come with you ?" I asked nonchalantly as I look at her.

I really busy now and I can't waste time on useless things. I need to visit Mito and retrieve the items I asked from her and also prepare for my journey and buy somethings to sell later when I am out of this shithole, then store every single thing in my clan secret library to read on my journey and get familiar with the history of the elemental nations and the different fighting styles of ninjas across the globe and also visit a blacksmith to create some chakra outfit for me.

"Ohh you will know when you come to my clan, I just need you to come !" She said without revealing much of her intentions.

I could go with her but I could feel her Aura and some of her emotions and already know what kind of person she is, so even though my gut feelings saying it's ok to go but her emotions are suspicious as hell and I am not ready to deal with unnecessary shit.

"Is it a business regarding me and my clan ?" I asked as I look at her hazel eyes.

*nod nod !*

"Yes yes !" She replied excitedly with multiple nods.

After her answer I look around the Hokage building that even though not much but still around 80 ninjas were stationed all around it and some few were eavesdropping on our conversation. The fact that their numbers which are more than usual for those spies that are on my tail just showed that they mean no nonsense anymore.

"I would like to go with you but I have to decline as I have some business to attend !" I said which made her to deflate and become sad like a lost puppy who got reprimand by her owner which made me raise an eyebrow at this.

"Then will you come after your business finished ?" She asked in a sad tone.

"Well, I don't see why not !" I replied with a hand on my chin.

"Great ! Then we will prepare for your arrival !" She cried and without letting me answer, afraid that I will change my mind, she blurred away.


"Hmm ? What's up ?" I asked as I look at the glaring angel who pinched my side.

"What's that all about ?" She asked with a frown.

"Jealous ?" I asked back with a smirk.

"Hmm, not really, but don't get too close to her !" She said with a frown as she tightens her hug on my arm.

"Yea yea just let's go and meet your grandma, I have too much work to do today and I am sure those clan heads will start to annoy me and send invitation for whatever reason" I said and she nodded then we started to head towards the Senju compound.

We were looking around taking the active sight of the village and sometimes stop to buy things for myself and Tsunade, then go around to eat or other things amidst the filled with different emotional stares we got from people around us.

I also saw that most of the crowd were disoriented and many ninjas were checking on people for any abnormalities that was probably caused by the combined pressure of the powerful people of this village which was amusing to say the least and realise just how fragile this humans are to get this stirred up because of some pressure.

*step step step*

As we walked "I didn't know that you could lie" Tsunade suddenly said as we got near her clan mansion where Mito currently was residing.

"What do you mean ?" I asked lazily.

"Well, even though I am very curious as everyone else about that power you showed in the meeting but I won't pry into a matter you are not ready to tell me just like I promised but... even though powerful, you are still not strong enough to be a Kage, so I am surprised you just didn't blurted out your real strength to the people there !" She said in slight surprise.

"Was that meant to be a compliment or an insult ?" I said with little annoyance.

"Depends on how you interpret it" She said with a smirk.

"Hmph, I hate laying but I know how to lie when necessary, people like the clan heads tend to not take 'weaker' people in their eyes and that didn't sit right with me, so even if it's a lie...for now, when I come back from my journey I will wipe the floor with their faces !" I said with arrogance which made her take a glance at me and think in her head if I really could achieve it.


She opened the door to her mansion and made way towards Mito's room "You sure you could achieve that kind of power ?" She asked with a frown which made me smirk.

"For now, just know this that I don't have any kind of incurable disease like what's written in wherever the ninjas and you get the information from" I said.

"Well I figured that out myself already and checked your body when we had that cursed sex last night which is a surprise as I found out your body functions differently than normal people !" She said with a thoughtful look and started to murmur about some theory or whatever which made my eye twitch for a second but remained silent until we entered Mito's room and saw her busy writing something on a red book.

"You are already here !" She calmly said without lifting her head to look at us.

"Yes grandma, Garou wanted to be here and I will be out I know, you don't need to tell" Tsunade said and got out of the room without Mito telling her to.

This was normal as every time I came here for something she will kick out Tsunade.

"I will see you home !" I said to her with a n an ominous smirk before she went out of the door which sent a shiver down her spine and quickly run out of the door in hurry. 

I turn and look back at Mito who looked at Tsunade's departing figure with amusement "Ara~ara, hope you are treating her well" She said with a kind smile and put away her book somewhere with a puff.

"Hmph, as if you are not spying on me all the time to know what's going on yourself !"I replied with annoyance.

"Hmm, are you accusing me of being a pervert ?" She asked with a smile.

"Look, I trust my senses too much you see, and that tingling feeling in my guts of being watched constantly doesn't go away and I know for a fact the feeling wasn't caused by the ninjas who were watching me from time to time, Hell even when I was shitting  in the toilet-" I went on about it until she interrupted me.

"Well for what reason you are here by the way ?" She asked with an ominous smile trying to divert this important topic which made me feel like punching the hell out of it this instant.

Can't a man has his own privacy for a fucking second ? I have to cover my lower part every time I do some shitting so this woman won't stare at my damn 7 inches dick from all the way here like a creep.

"Changing topic huh ? Well anyways, I need my stuff, are they ready ?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"Hmm, yes they are" She replied and drew some kanji with her finger on a paper.


With a puff a scroll appeared in her hand and "Here !" she threw it at me to which I catched and looked at it for a second.

"Is everything in there ?" I asked as I put the scroll inside my hair so Katsuyu stores it.

"A barrier like the one around Konoha working on Nature Energy, another barrier that stops people from using space-time jutsu and 25000 blood seals that will prevent dojutsus to copy your things and also prevent people from spreading information about what you share" She said to which I nod.

"Well thanks I guess, so anything I need to look out for when I use the items ?" I asked.

"The space-time barrier can only last for 5 minutes and also needs some time to get prepared and function properly, and you also need someone who can use chakra to activate it" She said calmly and I nod in understanding.

"If you don't have anything to say then I will go" I said and turned around to leave.


*step step*

I walked and was about to open the door to go out...

"Interesting ability you have to turn any living beings to Monsters !" She suddenly said and I pause as I turn my head slightly to glance at her coldly.

"Ok, sooo ?" I said calmly.

"Nothing, just curious about it" She replied calmly but I could feel something in her tone.

"Curious enough to want me to turn you into a Monster ?" I asked with my eyes narrowed.


The End