
Chapter 4 Ainz ooal gown gets wives!!

In the land of waves

Tazuna had become the new daimyo of waves, it was only for about 2 months now but everybody from waves absolutely loved it as he not only ruled fairly but he made it even better than the previous daimyo altho they were still poor compared to other nations.

So tomorrow night we are supposed to meet naruto and his new allies, i wonder how they are?

Time skip the next day

Tazuna, tsunami and inari were all in a carriage with 2 horses pulling it.

What's wrong inari? Tsunami asked

It's nothing, it's just that I thought we would never see him again and now we have a chance to see him again.

Yeah I know I feel the same.

Yeah, I can't wait to see the kid. Tazuna said with a long look in his eyes.

At uzugakure in the throne room

Ainz was sitting in his throne room with naruto standing by his side along with albedo and all of the flor guardians, the battle mades except for gargantula who can't come to the throne room.

My faithful guardians, I have a great announcement to make.


I have made a decision to explain a certain thing to especially the female members.

I currently do not have the ability to reproduce.

'WWWWWHHHHHAAT!' all of the floor guardians screamed as they looked extremely shocked while the females looked completely shocked.

B-but... that would mean... we can't have lord ainz son…

Yes that is correct... but... I do have a solution to that…

Ainz raised his right hand 'I shall use this ring to get myself a body capable of reproducing' Ainz said as a ring made of what looked like silver with 3 shooting tarts on it glowed a little.

'My lord if i might ask what does this ring does' sebas asked

Yes, it is called shooting star, wish upon a star. It is a 10th tier spell which requires a great deal of time but with this ring I can cancel out the time and the normal negative effects, 3 times a day I can use a wish to make any wish.

Shooting stars hear me and grant my wish to make me a separate body that lets me reproduce.

As the wish would be granted ainz would become a human but then he would use the ring again to change the body from human to demon and then use his last wish for the day to make him be able to switch body at will.

ainz would take a deep breath and smile 'it's so nice to breathe again!

ainz would then laugh for a bit expecting the suppression body to stop him but he soon was shocked that it didn't come so he then looked down at his servants to see a big blush on Albedo and Shalltear faces while the other girls had a smaller blush on their faces.

Albedo, shalltear i have something important to explain to you 2 and the female members come back here in 5 hours.

Now go and do your duties.

Second floor of the great tomb of nazarick

Mommy what are these things? Yariko asked Kaguya as she looked at 5 skeletons known as nazarick old guards.

Yariko went to touch them as she got curious but they grabbed a hold of her and they were about to attack her when kaguya shot 5 all killing ash bones making the skeletons decay.

Those things are very dangerous dear, don't let them touch you.

Ok mommy.

Time skip 5 minutes later.

So this is the people my master wanted me to get.

Who's here?

They don't seem that special, but orders are orders.

Where are you?

Yariko and kaguya soon heard footsteps and they looked to see a girl in black and red dress, pail skin almost like she was not alive, red eyes with a vertical blacksplit in the middle followed by 2 older woman with long black hair, a necklace on her forehead, dark black eyes and red pupil with a white dress.

I'm Kaguya Otsutsuki . This is yariko otsutsuki…

And you are...?

Oh so this is what we're doing, how cute.

I am shalltear bloodfallen servant of the supreme one, and he has ordered me to bring you to him so I shall do that. Hopefully you will put up a fight.

Will naruto senpai be there? Yariko asked

You mean naruto sama yes he will be there why do you ask?

Ok then take us to this great one of yours.

Wait… you're not even gonna try to fight me?

No, if Naruto senpai is there then I shall go there and if my daughter is there then I shall be there as well.

She sighs quickly, unhappy for not getting to fight as she would tell them to follow her as they would make their way to the throne room.

Throne room

Ainz was sitting on his throne in his skeleton form with the staff of ainz ooal gown With naruto and the floor guardian exception of victim and gargantua at his sides.

Soon shalltear came in along with kaguya and yariko.

As they entered shalltear bowed down but yariko and kaguya didn't not really know who or what ainz really was.

On your knees!

As those words reached kaguya and yariko's ears they were forcefully pushed down to the ground in a bowing position making both their eyes go wide as they tried to resist but failed miserably.

Demiurge let them stand.

You are free to stand!

So what are you guys? I know you are not human so what are you?

I am kaguya otsutsuki the goddess of chakra bunny goddess and the mother of the sage of the six path and hamura she said the last part with a small amount of dislike in her voice and also the mother of yariko here the princess of chakra bunny princess sister of the sage of six path and hamura.

Hmm… I read something about this sage guy. He was some kind of god for this world but he was only level 60 at most as far as I can see.

But that is still impressive for this world.

Why is it that you 2 came here?

Because my naruto senpai is here and i wanted to be with him and save him as i saw him getting the 9 tails taken away from him.

W-wait w-what do you mean? You're here for me? And if you saw everything then why didn't you help me? Is it because you were cheering for the demon to die like all the others?

"No naruto kun it's not like that" yariko said with a sad tone

The reason why me and my brother couldn't help you was because many years ago my brothers sealed mother away on the moon using the fact that when she was about to give birth to me that she was weakened so when I was born we were both stuck on the moon and we were stuck until yesterday.

Ohh ok but why, why do you call me "your naruto senpai, naruto kun?"

Hmmm well you see i've been watching you and i love you and want to be with you so that is why i call you that. Yariko said with a blush on her face.

Really so you didn't hate me for having the 9 tails?

No actually I admire you for it as the 9 tails is actually a part of mothers chakra.

But you know if you want to be with me you have to join the tomb of nazarick.

Ok i'll join if i can be with you.

So what will you do? I know you care for your daughter and don't want to separate from your daughter so what will you do? Ainz said, looking at kaguya.

I plan to join as well and plus i know you are very strong and respect and take care of your subordinate and allies i also wanted to be with you receiving a glare from albedo, shalltear and aura.

Ok you are now under the protection of the great ainz ooal gown and as for your offer we will talk about it later.

Time skip

ainz was currently in his demon form sitting on his throne as he looked down at his loyal subjects.

Today I have a great announcement to make. I have decided to pick who shall be my wifes.

Hearing this, all of the girls almost jump in excitement.

I have decided to be with Yuri, Lupusregina, Solution, Shizu (cz), Entoma, albedo, shalltear bloodfallen, aura bella fiora, kaguya otsutsuki, rubedo, Zesshi (she is in the tomb don't ask me how she just is)

The girls all looked extremely happy.

Now as I know you're wondering, who will be my main bride?

My main brides will be albedo and shalltear.

Now that this is over with aura, mare i want you to go and welcome our guests and make sure they get here safely, entoma continue your mission.


Skip to an unknown location, outside of the tomb in a clearing.

Tazuna's carriage had just stopped in front of a forest and tazuna stepped out of it to look as they heard something he started to look around seeing that there was nothing out of the ordinary he started to act tough as he had meet up with the princess of the land of snow so he was trying to make himself look good.

Aura and the mare were currently inside of the forest and Aura, seeing what was happening, decided to mess with him and she made hamski run at them.

Tazuna saw all of the birds fly away as they felt a small earthquake.

W-WHAT IS GOING ON!!! Tazuna screamed very scared and started to shake.

The bushe moved and something came out of it and landed in front of him BOO hearing this he screamed loudly.

Hahaha you almost shit yourself. a childlike voice says.

Tazuna slowly opened his eyes as he was shocked to see a dark skinned girl with 2 different colored eyes with a long red shirt and a white top and long white pants.

What are you doing here brat you scar- no i mean you almost made me beat you up accidentally.

Waid you want to fight, really let go. The girl suddenly pulled a long metal wipe and suddenly a giant hamster as she jumped on it making tazuna go pail and pass out.

Hahaha he really fainted and to think he was hitting on me like that before koyuki tough to herself as she picked up tazuna as she smiled(tazuna is a bit younger and koyuki is older)

So you are the people sent to escort us? Shion said as she looked at aura and mare.

Yes we were sent by lord ainz to escort you to nazarick safely.

Well you don't look very strong but even if you're not I should be able to protect us. Said natsui mare and aura didn't give her any mind as they continued to walk.

Soon they were ambushed by a group of bandits who were brutally killed by Aura because they threatened to take her while she already belonged to her lord ainz she then let her beats eat them alive.

Time skip throne room.

ainz and all the floor guardians were there except for aura and mare as ainz was watching albedo and shalltear fight while he was just drinking some tea.

Lord ainz they have arrived. Demiurge said

Let them in!

End of chapter 4

Will ainz get any new wives?

When will Naruto get his revenge?

How will the meeting between Ainz and Naruto's allies?

How will the konoha's team plans to invade waves go?

How will Danzo react when he hears about nazarick?

Find out next time on djdijsfoijsojdiojviojfoidsjoisijsdoivjvoisvjdsvjovdov!!!

I mean on ainz ooal gown visits the elemental nation!!!