
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

New Life (2)

Have you ever thought about getting reincarnated

You know having a second chance at life

Who am I kidding we all thought about it but never did we ever think it was going to ever happen

Well ladies and gentlemen I'm here to say that I have been reborn


'It's been 3 months since I got reincarnated'

I stared at the ceiling while racking my brain on how I got here

At first, I was in shock, This is unscientific, impossible, but here I am

Although its been 3 months I'm still trying to figure out how I got here or Who sent me here

I read lots of isekai manga and read a number of fanfics

I should have met God or a R.O.B, who will then give me wishes and send me to my new world

Or that's what I originally thought. I met no God or a R.O.B

I just got reincarnated

No system

No wishes

Not even a sexy Goddess who will be my wife and protect me while i grow my harem

I had nothing

I was depressed for a while but I quickly got over it

I got a second chance at life and I had a family now

Why should I complain, I should be grateful

While we are talking about family

Those giants that I saw were actually my current parents and relatives that came to visit my current mother during childbirth

Glad they weren't demons, thought I was gonna get sent to the shadow realm

"Kazu it's time for lunch"

The sudden voice of a woman broke me out of thoughts

Before I could react I was already in the woman's hands

"Who's my handsome baby?"

"You are, You are my cute darling"

*Sigh* here we go again

I look at the woman that's holding me while talking in some language I barely understand

(MC can't understand them at the moment I thought it would be unnecessary to put random symbols for speech since it didn't matter)

This woman is my mother

She had Blond hair and Blue eyes, looks around 5'7(170cm), and had an appealing body

Even though she looks like an idiot talking to a baby she had an aura around her that made you feel safe and dependable

My father is a lucky man, If she was in my world she would be a famous model

I watch her tease me for a while then proceeds to breastfeed me

I didn't hesitate and just get right on to business

At first sucking the breast of a random woman was weird but I didn't complain

What can I do I'm a baby after, Why reject the best source of nutrients

I continue to drink natures milk while enjoying the moment

Ah being a baby is nice I don't know what those guys in the fanfics that I read were talking about

I sleep, shit, eat and get to do whatever I want, and no one will blame me because I'm a baby

This is life

"Akira, where are you"

The relaxing moment was disturbed by the voice of a man

" I'm in Kazu's room honey"

it didn't take long for the man to enter my room

"There's my little K"

I look at the man who came into the room with a smile on his face

He was tall and really swole and had dark color skin, with blonde(white) colour hair

This man is my father

"How was work today"

"It was ok the borders weren't having any troubles today"

I watch as my parents have a conversation while I continue to absorb the purest nutrients

I didn't really understand what they were saying

Well it was expected I am in a different world, the language barrier was a given

But it was kinda familiar

'*Yawn* Feeling sleepy again'

I yawned and rubbed my eyes ignoring my parents making weird sounds

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep

*Sigh* One of the disadvantages of being a baby


(3 months later)


Well it's now 6 months since I came to this world and a lot has unfolded during this period

First of all, I'm not in another world I'm actually still in my world or an alternate version of it, just different country and era

I'm now in Japan, Probably around early 20th century, I'm not completely sure

The language that my parents speak was quite familiar but I never thought about it too much until I start crawling and eventually taking my first steps

I started to observe the house I live in, I didn't have the ability to do it at first because I couldn't move a lot but now that I can it, looked very much like a traditional Japanese house

With the familiar language and some historical knowledge

It didn't take long for me to put 2 and 2 together and figure out where I was

This revelation didn't get me discouraged

In fact, I was glad didn't want to be in a dangerous world

I had some future knowledge and from what I have observed my parents are wealthy

Maybe I can become a billionaire in this era

A smug smile crept up on my face as I dreamt about having billions of dollars while having beauties around

Calm down now let's take things slowly

Other than that

I also started to get used to this life

I could now walk and talk

Yeah I know, praise me

Walking wasn't difficult but talking was, learning a new language was quite the challenge

If I couldn't do it before I died why expect me to do it now

Although it was a challenge, it was one I overcame

I think it was because I heard Japanese every day I slowly started to understand it

I can now talk Japanese a bit but writing is a problem

"Are you ready kazuto"

I heard my mom's voice outside my room

"yeah mom I'm coming"

Fun Fact my new name is now Kazuto

My dad originally wanted to name me B for some reason guess it's some family tradition as my dad was named Z, luckily my mom was able to overrule him and name me kazuto but my dad calls Me K

I exited my room and went to the main room to greet my parents

"Are you ready to meet your uncle, K"

"Yeah I'm so excited"

I replied to my dad with a huge smile on my face

"Haha I'm sure you are"

said my dad as he picks me up in his arms and hug me

soon my mom came in to join us and we were ready to leave

I'll admit that I like my current parents, who are I kidding I love them

I had never experienced this feeling before, and for this feeling, I'm grateful to whoever reincarnated me

My parents and I exited our house as we head out

I wasn't lying when I said I was excited

After all, it was the first time I ever left the house since I got reincarnated

'Noting can ruin this day for me'

At least that's what I thought


How is the book so far


This is just an intro Mc doesn't know he is in naruto yet if your wondering


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