
Naruto SI:Started from nothing

Naruto Si after retrival mission

Oden_490 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 3

One week later:

Shadow clones are the ultimate cheat if you want to master something fast shadow clone it.

Using shadow clones I learned the Mystical Palm Jutsu, I learned the wind release chakra flow and also my sealing justu ablity increased significantly and I am now able go make sealing scrolls and paper bombs on the fly, and finally the shunshin which basically uses tenketsu in your legs to rocket you around.

I also found out I have sensory powers the old Naruto must not have been tested for them but I have them and intend to use them.

The curse mark has also helped me greatly in my training in refilling my chakra reserves when I am low I guess the Kyubi got rid of the bad parts about the curse seal and made it into a good thing.

And, my training with Kakashi had been going good I can not track his movements speed but not keep up with it I estimate it will take a couple more weeks before that.

"You can come out now." I said breaking my chain of thought.

"My my you really have gotten better haven't you gaki." Said Anko.

"What are you doing here?" I ask getting to the point.

"Well Kakashi went on a mission and he asked me to oversee your training while he was away." Explained Anko

I immdately shunshin away from her and draw my chokuto.

All she did was throw some senbon at me and I deflected them with my chokuto.

She then speeds towards me with jonin level speeds and threw her arm out and snakes appear from her sleave.

I run wind chakra through my chokuto and slice through them and thrust forwards at Anko.

Anko dodges to wind chakra charged sword and she draws twin kunai and goes into a stance.

I just wait and when she charges at me I prepare for her to get closer.

I attack her with an over head slash and she tries to deflect the blow but my chakra flow easily cuts through the kunai and I strike for her heart.

"Your really a scary kid aren't you." Said a voice from behind me.

The Anko infront of me turns into mud and I feel a kunai at my neck." Your strong kid but your awareness is trash you should have notice me replace with a clone."said Anko from behind me.

She then removes the kunai from my neck and shoves me forwards.

"Kakashi already told me what you need to work on so we'll be following his plan for you, also we will be training in the forest of death." Said Anko.

"Okay Anko-san." I said

She then shunshins away and I go back to my training.


Seven days later:

My training with Anko was fruitful I learned how to seamlessly replace myself with a clone and logs with no handsigns, and she helped me with my sensory ability and just regular senses in general also she helped my clones with bukijutsu.

I was broken from my thoughts when Kakashi appeared in the clearing while I was doing pull ups by sticking myself to a tree.

"Well you certainly weren't slacking off." Said Kakashi but the suprising thing was he had a his fathers chakra saber on his back.

I jump from the tree and walk over to Kakashi and said "Why would I be slacking off."

"I thought you'd take a break or something." Said Kakashi.

"Nah I rather train instead of slacking off, besides between my healing factor the mystical palm and the curse seal I can train longer and harder." I explain

"When you put it like that maybe I should increase your training." Said Kakashi.

"I am up for anything." I respond.

"We'll thats reassuring to hear." Said Kakashi "Anyway I think it's time to get to brass tacks." He then draws his chakra saber.

I in response draw my chokuto a leaf hits the ground and we fly at each other slash met slash and we blade lock each other I back off not wanting to get caught in a stength match against a superior opponent.

Kakashi then attacks with kick to my stomach and a tries to slash at me but I turned into a log replacing myself and Kakashi slashing the log.

I then appear behind Kakashi with a stab with a chakra coated chokuto.

He sidesteps the attack and spinning back kicks me and I go sailing through the air.

When I regain my balance I had to put up a block to stop a sword strike and I pull back and slash out with a front kick.

Kakashi moves out of the way of the kick and slashes at me I then block and channel wind chakra through the blade and push back but Kakashi wouldn't budge.

After a few seconds he pushed me back and got into my guard hit my hand with a strike knock my blade from my hand and pointed his blade at my throat.

"Haha looks like I lose." I said

"It appears that way." Said Kakashi back and sheath his blade.

"Kakashi sensei what level would you say i'm at elite genin you could be a chunin level in speed if you take off the weights." Analyzed Kakashi.

"Thank you for the feedback." I said.

"No need to thank me I am just being honest." Said Kakashi"Also I have somethings for you."

He then tosses two scrolls at me they read"Wind Style: Gale Palm & Earth Style Hiding Like A Mole."

"Those two should be easy to master and should be useful for you in the future." Said Kakashi.


Walking from the clothing shop from which I bought grey long sleave shirts with the Uzumaki swirl on the arms, black cargo pants and, black ninja sandals and gloves over my hands.

Admiring myself in the mirror I look like a copy of Minato since the Kyubi possession marks were gone and i've been gaining height and muscle.


One week later:

I've been relearning to do the summoning jutsu l have summoned Gamakichi and Gamatatsu but I don't have enough chakra for Gamabunta or Gamahiro.

In other news my chakra capacity is at high Jonin thanks to the absorbing the curse mark chakra into my base form.

I've also mastered the Earth Syle: Hiding like A Mole Jutsu and the Wind Syle: Gale Palm, i've also learned the headhunter jutsu which is easy after the hiding like a mole technique.

Sparring with Kakashi has also been going good i've adapted to his low chunin level speed and he has upped the intencity of our spars.

My weights have also increased to two- thousand four hundred pounds, six hundred on each limb my physical stats have grown thanks to using the mystical palm and my Uzumaki healing factor to get gains instantly .

My chakra sense has also upped I can now sense at longer distance and more precisely.

All in all i've had some good training the last week.