

This is the journey of a boy, through a world riddled with war and travesty. Will he be able to find a purpose, or will he be consumed by the darkness surrounding him? Could he preserve his humanity, more importantly, what will be worth his humanity? Regular updates every sunday. Read ahead and support me; pare0n. com/drkest

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74 Chs

Chapter 47

Chapter 47


Tsunade jumped as she avoided another one of Danzo's laced shuriken, punching another enemy as he tried to attack her. Her body was covered with blood. The old man had been putting up a fight; something surprising but more surprising had been the other arm that he had been using.

Though it was still covered in bandages, it did not sit right wither her. While regrowing an arm was theoretically possible, the chakra she was sensing was not normal. She ducked as Orochimaru attacked her once more, bones protruding from his body. She tried to kick him, but he sprouted another bone from his abdomen, blocking the blow, but he was pushed off.

Kakashi had engaged him once more, attacking him vigorously as he dodged and killed more of the surrounding shinobi. The number of which had been reduced to single digits.

"Hiruzen has trained you well," came the voice of Danzo, and Tsunade frowned as she heard that.

Danzo was in front of her, and Tsunade ducked as he tried to attack her once more, but Tsunade was faster, and she punched him in the gut, hurling him across the field.


"But he failed to teach you the most important thing. He failed to teach you the most important thing fact about being a shinobi." And He was standing up once more. But this time, he was undoing the bandages on his arm.

"Heeheee. So, you are finally going to use my masterpiece," came the voice of Orochimaru as he landed next to him. Orochimaru turned to face her as he spoke up.

"Oh, Tsunade you are going to like this," said Orochimaru. And Tsunade frowned at that.

But her eyes went wide as the bandages came off. The gruesome sight sent made her gut wrench in disgust. Besides her, Kakashi appeared and was speechless as well.

"It ca--- that can not be. But—" and Tsunade was disgusted as she saw the swirling red eyes. Red eyes that were treasure of a great clan. But she was more disgusted by the barely recognizable face visible on the shoulder.

"Did you know that the First Hokage's cells held such vitality? With just an arm's worth of cells, they produce enough yang energy to offset so many Sharingan." Orochimaru began but stopped at once.


Tsunade lost control of her chakra. And the ripples were violent, and she could feel her chakra stir as it replied to her rage. She could feel it snarl, just brimming to be let go.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT!" and she began to make handseals. And she unleashed the technique she had perfected.

"HUNDRED HEALING MARK: UNSEAL!" and she felt the vast store of chakra spread through her body. Her cells were lush with all new vitality, and she vanished as she appeared right in front of Danzo. The old man's eyes went wide at her sheer speed, and then she clapped her hands in front of his face.


The huge impact upset him, but he retaliated as he shot wind bullets from his mouth.


Pain radiated through her as the bullets passed through her, but she simply walked towards the old man who was still disoriented due to her attack.

"You dare desecrate the legacy of my grandfather. Of the man who built Konoha itself." And he tried to get away, but Tsunade just crushed his leg, with a stomp.


"You spit on the legacy of Konoha. You are nothing more than scum. May you rot in the deepest parts of Hell!" and with that, Tsunade punched his head with all her might. Might that was said to shatter mountains?


Blood splattered on her face as the headless form of Danzo collapsed, and then her eyes narrowed on her next target. A target who was still engaged in a fight with Kakashi.

"I had never thought that you would fall to such a level Orochimaru!" she snarled as she jumped toward him. And she attacked him, but he kept dodging, his new abilities combined with his experience allowing him to outmaneuver her.

"OHHH! Tsunade, wasn't it the Second himself who developed Edo Tensei himself."

And Tsunade felt her anger rise at that. Bringing up her granduncle.

"I am just following in his footsteps," and Tsuande just let one of his attacks connect.

SPLOSH. Orochimaru's arm went right through her chest.

She held his arm with her hand.


Breaking the bony protection he had tried to erect into pieces. And just as she was about to chase him off, her senses screamed at her.

Years of training came in handy as she ducked, and her eyes widened as she saw a huge wind style pass right above her.

"He is right. As I said, Hiruzen failed to teach you about the most important shinobi creed," and she turned her head to look at a man that had no place to be there. Her eyes filled up with surprise and bewilderment as the supposed dead man continued on.

"SACRIFICE!" Danzo spoke.

He stood there as if she had not just bashed his head into a pulp.

"But how?" Kakashi spoke as she felt him flush his system, suspecting a Genjutsu. Yet this was no genjutsu.

"The village will mourn your loss, Princess!" said Danzo and began to make a slew of handseals.


And the whole area was covered by the shadow of a huge mammoth-like summon. And Tsunade saw it open its mouth, sucking in vast volumes of air.

Then Danzo appeared behind her, a kunai laced with wind chakra in his hand as he attacked her.

She ducked as Kakashi intercepted the attack. She began making handseals. It was time to even this out.

"I don't know how you are alive! But hear this. I will put you down even if I have to kill you a thousand times. YOU RABID DOG!"






Kakashi could feel his chakra levels drop below the halfway point once more before the assistance from Tsuande-sama's suumon pumped them up from such a level. If not for Katsuyu-same, he would have been in quite a pickle.

He looked up and saw the exhausted and broken form of Orochimaru. This battle had been ongoing for quite some time. Yet the man still remained as infuriating as always. He truly was a snake. Hard to kill.

He couldn't remember just how many times he had landed a deadly blow, yet the man somehow always got up. Speaking of deadly blows, he looked to the side and stared at the form of Tsunade-sama. She was struggling. He could tell by her labored breath.

Her Special Strength of Hundred seal had run out as well, evident by the blood dripping down her arm. In front of her stood the form of village elder Danzo, three Sharingan still gleaming in the light.

Him and Tsunade-sama had figured it out some time ago, but that did not make things any easier to manage. Alone they could have taken him out. But aided by Orochimaru, the attack had become complicated.

And they needed to end this battle quickly, one way or another. For if his fears proved right, this could become quite dangerous.

"It seems you are finally done, Princess!" came the voice of Danzo. And Kakashi saw him rush toward Tsunade-sama once more. He once more lamented the fact that they had not brought more ANBU with them.

But as Tsuande-sama had suspected, they couldn't risk the news getting out. Perhaps they should have formed a small unit. But they were all bygones now.

His Sharingan saw Tsuande-sama falter slightly, and so he shuunshined in front of her. Blocking the wind-laced attack with a lightning-laced one.

"Hatake! It seems you still have not seen the truth till now," Danzo commented.

"Just like your father." He added scornfully, and Kakashi felt his temper rise at that. But before he could reply, there was the sound of someone landing behind him.

And his senses went into alarm as he felt his fear materialize.

"What is that?" came the very familiar voice of his student. And Kakashi could hear the ripples in the voice, and he looked back and saw Sasuke standing there, staring at Danzo's arm.

Besides him, Shinso was surprised as well. And had stopped as well. He saw the shock morph into alarm, and the alarm transform into a rage as Sasuke's chakra rippled across the area.


"Heeheee! Wouldn't you want to know? Perhaps I should tell you the truth that has been hidden from you?" came the slithery silky voice of Orochimaru as his broken arm reoriented itself.

And Kakashi had not missed the widening of Tsunade-sama's eyes.

Could it really be as he had expected?

"SHUT UP!" snarled Tsunade-sama. And he saw her struggle to her feet as she pushed herself toward Orochimaru.

The distraction would cost him, and Kakashi was kicked in the gut.

"Yes, I actually only made the connection recently. But it all makes much more sense," Orochimaru continued as he avoided Tsunade-sama's attacks. Kakashi rushed in as well.

"What are you talking about?" came the broken voice of Sasuke as he just stood there.

"It seems that your brother did not kill your whole clan on a whim?" and he could see the color leave Sasuke's face as he heard those words.

"Do not utter a single more word?" shouted Tsuande-same. He saw Shinso trying to rush in, but he was engaged with Danzo.

"He was working on the orders of the Hokage!" and there was complete silence as Orochimaru confirmed something that Kakashi had always suspected.

But this meant that Itachi killed his family… And Kakashi felt bile rise up. Sasuke was shaking now.

"It can not be true. He told me himself!" and with a shaking and desolate voice, he addressed Lady Fifth, who stood there as she took in glumps of air.

"Tell me this isn't true? Tell me!" he shouted desperately. But when no reply came, he saw Sasuke fall to the ground, his Sharingan blazing as blood dripped down from the gleaming red eyes.

"Your brother did that because your clan was traitors! Traitors. And in a compromise for your life, he killed everyone ending their plan of a coup once and for all."

Came the voice of Orochimaru as he smiled sinisterly.

"Impossible. Impossible. I refuse to believe this. I REFUSE!!!!!!!!!" and Kakashi saw Sasuke reach for his sword.

The Fujin sword.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" and then as Sasuke unsheathed the blade, with blood dripping from his eyes, Kakashi saw Sasuke's eyes spin once more. The irises morphing into a different shape.


And then he felt the world around him shift. And Kakashi felt as if the color had vanished from everything. It was as if the whole world had lost its color.

All the world except Sasuke.

Who stood there breathing heavily as he held the black gleaming fujin blade in his hand.

Kakashi tried to move, but he couldn't move. He looked around and saw that everyone was stationary as well.

Sasuke's hand went up to one of his eyes as tried to keep himself up. With shaky legs, he stood up and faced everyone stuck in the colorless world. Though this time, it was not a regular three tomoe Sharingan that was spinning in his eyes. It was something else.



A time-space manipulation ability that allows a person to stop everything in space-time as per a set condition involving truth of his choosing. For any lie told on a question, the user could inflict upon the liar a thousand years' worth of pain.


Sasuke has awakened his Magekyo Sharingan. I explained one of the abilities.

I had been thinking about how to deal with Sasuke. The truth is that what happened to Sasuke was tragic. And his desire for revenge against Konoha in Shippuden is a justified response.

But how will this end?

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