
Organisation Day

Author's Note: This is an extra chapter since I missed yesterday. As usual JOIN MY DISCORD: dis cord.gg/wkhPUDrmyU . Remember to leave good reviews and powerstones. Thanks for reading!

-End of Note

The sun had barely risen to signal the start of a new day, however, Shinji was already up and busy cramming the Shadow clone technique he had stolen from Naruto the day prior. It wasn't long before Shinji felt he could now put it into practice. "Here goes nothing," Shinji said, taking a deep breath. He began weaving the hand signs and with a puff of smoke, a clone identical to him in both presence and physical attributes appeared. "Success!" Shinji rejoiced. After having created two ninjutsu on his own, he found it much easier to learn other techniques that weren't too complicated. "Great job," the clone said, smiling at Shinji. This startled Shinji for a moment; he had forgotten that these clones could talk. "Yeah, thanks. I'll be getting rid of you for now though," Shinji said as he dispelled the clone, making it disappear into a puff of smoke.

Feeling satisfied with his progress, Shinji had a shower, got dressed, and began sitting on his bed, waiting for Sakura to barge into his room as usual. "3…. 2…. 1…."As soon as Shinji completed his countdown, his energetic sister burst into his room, "Wake up, it's time to-... Hm? You're awake?" Sakura questioned. Shinji stood up and patted his sister on the shoulder as he left the room. He poured himself a cup of milk and sat at the dining table next to his father. "Hey dad, today is the day we officially become genin," Shinji said. Kizashi ruffled Shinji's hair and said, "I heard you did well as usual, good job." Sakura began storming to the table "Dad! I passed too!" she moaned. Kizashi's face changed from a genuine smile to an awkward expression. "Yes, yes you did well too sweetie," he said with a nervous chuckle.

Shinji quickly drank the rest of the milk and stood up, ready to leave. "Let's go Sakura," he said as he left the door. Sakura reluctantly followed along, "I should be the one saying that…." she mumbled. On their way to the academy, Sakura began fantasizing about the possibility of Sasuke being on her team. "Shinji, I really hope Sasuke is on my team!" she exclaimed. Shinji looked at her and feeling slightly mischievous said, "Who knows if you're lucky enough, Naruto will be on your team instead." Shinji was aware of who would be on her team, but it was too hard to not tease her. "Don't you say that again!" Sakura shouted. Shinji raised his hands up, flagging his defeat.

Before long, they had arrived at the academy and entered their class. Sakura made a big fuss about Sasuke having empty seats beside him, but as she was about to sit there, the rest of the girls began arguing with her. "Just like the show," Shinji thought, as he went and took a seat in the row in front of where Sasuke was seated. As he waited for Iruka to arrive, Naruto propped himself up onto the desk in front of Sasuke and began staring him down. The girls began threatening to hurt Naruto if he attempted to do anything to Sasuke. "I almost forgot about this part," Shinji thought, while laughing to himself.

Instead of letting the student beside him do it, Shinji pretended to accidentally bump his hand into Naruto, leading to the infamous kiss. Shinji suppressed his laughter, as the girls erupted into a blazing fury and began pummeling Naruto. "I would've saved him from that if he willingly gave me the scroll," Shinji laughed. After the beatdown was complete, Iruka entered the room, making the students quickly take their seats. "Today you will be assigned to your squads," Iruka announced. Iruka began going through the squads until he finally reached the last three. "Team 7's first member is Sakura Haruno, second member is Naruto Uzumaki-" before Iruka could finish, Naruto began rejoicing and Sakura gave Shinji the death stare. "You cursed me!" she mouthed.

Shinji let out a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head. "The final member is Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura, upon hearing Sasuke's name, stood up and punched the air in victory. On the other hand, Naruto looked as if his soul was taken from him. Iruka continued "Team 8 we have Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame. He then got to team 10, "Team 10 is Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi". It was finally Shinji's turn to hear the names of his teammates. "Finally Team 11. Shinji Haruno, Masakuro Yotsuki and Sel Aburame. Shinji, It seems you've been paired with two older genin who have failed the genin exams a few times," Iruka said in a confused tone.

Just as Iruka finished disclosing the teams, a knock could be heard at the door. Iruka opened the door and there stood a man with a long black coat, a bandana headband, and two large diagonal scars that crossed his face, parallel to one another. "Ibiki Morino? What's he doing here?" Shinji wondered. Iruka stepped outside for a moment to have a talk with Ibiki. "Man, it sucks to be you," Kiba said. "Looks like I wasn't the cursed one... Your teammates are going to be a bunch of Narutos," Sakura said in a sympathetic tone. Naruto put his arm around Shinji and said, "If they're anything like me, you'll have an easy time!"

Iruka and Ibiki stepped back into the room and Iruka cleared his throat. "Ehm. Shinji, it seems your instructor has arrived early and your teammates seem to already be here too," Iruka said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Ahh Man, that's your instructor? I take back everything I said, you're in for a hard time," Naruto said, letting go of Shinji. "Shinji Haruno, correct? Come with me," Ibiki instructed. Ibiki left the room, and Shinji stood up to follow.

Choji came down the steps and handed Shinji his bag of chips, "At least you can have a good last meal," Choji said in a solemn manner. "I'll be fine, you guys are overreacting," Shinji moaned as he headed for the door. "Good luck…" Sakura whispered.

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