

While Ryu was sleeping with Yasaka on the bed as they acted like they already knew each other for years.

In a meeting room somewhere in Konoha

"Anko tell me what have you found out these last few days?"

"Yes Hiruzen-sama! While I was investigating the borders of Konoha for more Hidden Labs of Orochimaru, I heard news about the Hidden Village of Sound"

"A New Village?" Asks Shikaku

"Yes a new Village, apparenty I heard its called Otogakure, while I wished to learn more about this village I decided to retreat and inform on how do we approach this Village since it borders Konoha."

"I want you to send a team of ANBU Old-man!"

"Care to explain Akemi?"

"Hmpf fine! If you can't piece it or you just want me to do it then I will!" Akemi said angrily.

"First off on why we need the ANBU is that they're specialized in it need I say more? Good, Secondly if we send Official Jonin then Otogakure will have their guards up or they'll be too welcoming which doesn't sit too well for me, Thirdly its a new village we don't know what the capabilities of their inhabitants are and lastly I think it's too much of a coincidence that its near with one of Orochimaru's abandoned lab and that's a huge red flag"

"Very well Akemi we'll do as you say, any Objections?" Said Hiruzen as he looks at the current collection of Jonin

"I do Hiruzen sama!" As soon as the voice was heard almost everyone was shocked except Hiruzen.

"May you also state your reason Anko?"

"To be honest, I agree with Akemi-san! But Other than me I know almost of Orichimaru's jutsu's and tactics if he really is there and thus I have a higher chance of escaping alive, alone"


"Kaa-san, please just this once, you know why I trained under Eiko-sama! I promise to retreat if things get too dangerous"

"Anko, judging by your actions this doesn't sound like you, you're more rational than this care to explain the real reason why?"

"Tch!" Anko clicked her tongue in annoyance as she knew she can't lie perfectly under Akemi.

"Lord Hokage under your permission may I bring one child back if not two?"

"So that's what it is huh Anko? Fine just this once and once your done you need some more tor- drilling under me again!"

"Why would you bring a child back? What if she is a spy? Or a Jinchuriki?"

"Lord Hokage she is unique! I believe she has a Unique Kekkei Genkai! I saw it with my own eyes! as for the other one well It seemed that he was alone and looked to be devoid if life and purpose other than that I saw myself in him"

"I'm more interested in this girl that you saw, carefully explain this unique Kekkei Genkai?"

"I can't explain it but I've seen blue shards wherever she walks by ! As to the extend and durability of the said shards I don't know, she heard and believed that by going to Otogakure she would be healed and purified of her curse! I believe she doesn't know her true abilities and that's why I want to go there as well as retrieve her!"

"Hmm, I know you have your reasons Anko, very well go and retrieve that Girl and whatever information you can find, If I'm not wrong the girl you have your eyes on may also have valuable information"

"Yes Lord Hokage!"

"Anymore Objections?"




As everyone dispersed Anko headed toward Akemi.

"Kaa-san" muttered Anko with her head down and a face full of guilt

"Anko, I think I don't need to say anything else"

"Ka-" She was suddenly hushed by Akemi

"Shush Anko, I know you'll keep your promise, stay safe and be careful" Akemi softly said while hugging Anko.

"Thank you Kaa-san" while she slowly formed tears in her eyes.

"Well since you're bringing in another girl, I expect you to take care of her right? And I'll see what I can do for that boy you saw."


"Oh looks like I get another daughter-in-law right Anko?" as Anko looked at Akemi with her signature sadistic smile that she has seen growing up.


"On a serious note Anko, when you arrive at the village border activate the messaging seal so I'll pick you up and then we'll go together to the Old-monkey"


"We don't want that girl weaponized by that Pedophile do we?"


Now how do I tell Gaki that I'll miss his first week? Oh well I already attended his first day its enough for me, gotta go.

"Kaa-san I also have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

Akemi was curious as she didn't know why Anko was emotional than before.

"That boy I saw, I actually didn't meet him in Otagakure, I met him when I was traveling to the Hidden Mist and I told him to stay there with the girl."

"So you left two children behind? And why were you snooping around the Borders of the Hidden Mist?"


"I know you're looking for traces of your father, in fact you're not alone but I think it's time to give up, he would have returned four years ago."

"I know, please tell Ryu I won't be seeing him!"

"This brat"

And with that Anko left Konoha and Akemi went to find Hiruzen since she wants to discuss serious matters with him and ordered a clone to fetch Kushina from the hospital since Tsunade had already left to go do her Gambling Pilgrimage.





While the meeting was happening Ryu was visited by a crowd of children namely, Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji and new playmates Kiba and Akamaru he even saw Hinata and Neji from afar.

"Ryu! I'm opening it! Come on guys don't be shy, Aunty isn't here yet and I know she won't mind!" Naruto said laughing happily that he finally has more friends

"Jin!" Ino run toward said while running towards Ryu and happily hugging his right arm.

"I hope you don't mind us Ryu, oh we brought in a new friend as well His name is Kiba! And he has A Dog!" exclaimed Naruto with all his might

"Hello Ryu! My name is Kiba Inuzuka, this is my Ninken Akamaru!" "Woof woof" (lmfao)

"Hello Kiba" Ryu exclaimed as he was still half -asleep

While Kiba was introducing himself he noticed something on Ryu's head

"Uh, Ryu is that your Ninken?"

"Ugh, Ninken?"


"Ninken....Ah Its Yasaka!"

While Ino was watching this exchange she noticed Yasaka earlier and grabbed her

"CUTEEEEEE" she hugged Yasaka with all her might like a stuff toy after awhile she pampered Yasaka.

Needles to say the Fox liked being pampered and was happily staying in Ino's arm

"I guess Yasaka likes Ino?"

"Don't worry Ryu! Ninken are always like that, they'll come back to you eventually"

"Oi Ryu when did you get a Ninken? I want one too!"

While Naruto thought if this 'll tell Mom later'

And this is how I started my Days for the following months, training in the morning while playing in the afternoon and spending time friends.


"So you mean to say Anko stayed within Otogakure without suspecting anything"

"Yes Sir"

"Are you sure? Knowing Anko she will always do something extra in missions"

"Yes sir! Aside from staying there and enjoying food she stayed with a Child?"

"A child you say?"

"Yes sir!"

"Any noteworthy characteristics of said child?"

"None sir! She was just an orphan looking for solace in Otogakure"

"Hmm, dismissed"


"Orochimaru, I hope you know what you're doing, the time is near to set the plan in motion, That Akemi brat is on to me I have to do it soon without giving her enough evidence! as for Anko I doubt she can do anything for now."


"Achoo! Hmm I wonder if my Ryu is bad mouthing me again? Anyways Old-man we should do this program now!"

The Old man sighed as he heard what Akemi and Kushina told him

"I'll present it to the council on a later date"

"You know how dangerous your friend is, knowing he wants power who knows when he'll strike, I suggest its time to purge ANBU."

Kushina then handed Hiruzen a handful of documents.

"You've changed Kushina."

"Stop making this about me and tell me what you want to do now."

Akemi and Kushina looked at the face of the Old-man who sighed once more, they knew that the village could prosper more if he wasn't Hokage, they wouldn't deny that he was one of the greatest ninja but a leader of a village wasn't one of them in fact most of the village knew they just didn't dare voice it out.

"Why aren't the two of you Hokage's?"

"Because It's too tiring."

"I won't have much time with Naruto and seeing Minato back then I'd say I hate it."

"All right I'll think about it more, I'm leaning it's just that it won't happen Immediately as the two of you hope it would."

"You leaning towards it gives us a sign that you're becoming competent."

Akemi left as she had received a message from a clone that children were in her estate.

"Nothing's changed huh."

Hiruzen said as she remembered Akemi from when she was still a teen, he remembered that she had no filter even if it offended the people, he then looked at Kushina, He asked himself how they got married.

"I'm leaving now, I don't want to stay in this place for too long."

"I hope you're doing fine Kushina."

Kushina didn't say anything as she went directly to the Minakami Estate as she had a feeling Naruto was also there.


While Akemi was preparing food for the Children in her house

"Aunty Where's the food!"

"Yeah! Aunty's food is the best!"

"Coming!, Hey Ino-chan mind helping me?"


Kushina then arrived, she saw how happy everyone was including Naruto, she then joined in on the fun.

"Hinata what are you doing there?"


Hinata ran towards the group to eat as she was embarassed, Kushina just chuckled and didn't say anything else as for all she knew she was still innocent.

I mean to those that have read this part from the first version well I don't know if you notice it but its kinda a spoiler already if you guys know and noticed about what's different.

OpSigcreators' thoughts
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