5 Hiko Seijuro - 1

Since then, it took him days to find the right mountain. Even with his speed he still had a hard time locating the cottage in an area he had never been before. It isn't like there are road signs or direction because it is one single cottage and the only man there want solitude.

However, once he got there he immediately knew it was the right place because it was the only building in the whole mountain. Besides the man before is definitely a swordsman, thanks to his previous master he's sensitive to sensing sword-ki. It also helps when you are constantly on the road and need all your senses to stay away from danger. Anyway, the man may not have a sword now nor looked anything other than a potter.

Since he was given permission, he entered the house and kneed before the man. The man calls Hiko Seijuro can only raise an eyebrow at his guest but said nothing. However, the blonde had caught his interest he can sense the making of a swordsman's energy and another unknown. Still, he had said nothing, he wanted to see what the kid would do.

In the brief meeting of one another, both master and student had already learned what they want from one another. Since Hiko Seijuro is not only the best swordsman known, he is also the 13th Grand Master of an ancient style "Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu", thus his keen observation skill is of no surprise. As for Naruto, having been taught on the road by a so-called prodigy swordsman and learned to gather the information he is somewhat proficient in judging others.

He recognized a sarcastic if not egotistical master but thanks to his previous master and his experiences he is more patient. The pain of losing someone can do more to change someone. His life experience as well as his time spent on the road with Sojiro taught him many things. To Naruto, the most important thing is learning swordsmanship and acceptance and he had stared into the man's eyes to show him his determination.

In Hiko Seijuro's point of view, the child was very determined but he also came with the eyes of sorrow. The Grand Master had seen s few of such children, his disciple Kenshin was one of them and this kid is no different. However, the most annoying thing was the kid kept a friendly face the entire time.

Aside from the earlier brief glance at each the kid showed a little of his eyes, he kept his eyes shut with his stupid smiley eye look. Making him bloody difficult to read as even the Grand Master like him had to give him another look just to be sure. It did, however, give him another impression of him as he had heard about one of Kenshin's fights where his opponent had zero emotion because of his past. Without another word, he ignored the child and continued what he was doing since then the two had not said another word.

For the whole day, the swordmaster just does what he does and ignores the kneeling and smiling blond. Seijuro had thought the kid would have thrown a tantrum but he just remained in his position. On the next day, Seijuro was again surprised the kid had not moved an inch from where he was yesterday.

Without even taken a drink or eat, the five-year-old brat did not even look at him. He had tried to get attention by eating loudly and drinking in the corner but was ignored. On the third day, he was worried because he wondered if the kid had already been dead. He sat in front of the blonde and ask why he was still there. However, to his surprise, the kid answered he was waiting for his reply.

The funny part was when Seijuro asks why didn't he leave or eat. His response was he didn't have anything on him and he was used to hunger and learned to move forward anyway. He was still here because he wasn't kicked out so he still waiting for him to make his decision. Curiously he asks what he would have done if he had rejected him and ask him to leave. Naturally, he would wait outside he changes his mind or gives him another destination.

Honest to himself, the 13th master of ancient art had been quite intrigued. Both the boy and his answers piqued his interest. As they exchanged tales, Seijuro found the kid even more interesting and eventually ask him why he was really here. Holding nothing back, Naruto told him it was a suggestion from his other master Seta Sojiro.

Hiko Seijuro had remembered that name from his disciple because the speed used was even faster than their own school. Thus the Grand Master was quite curious if the boy had learned them. Thus the boy had learned them. Especially the "Shukuchi", the kanji actually means "Shorten Steps". Just like the name itself, the technique itself makes normal steps cut short making the distance travel smaller. Hence, another translation would be "Shrunken Steps" and according to his student the technique utilizes a speed greater than "Hien Mitsurugi-Ryu". Since their school already using super-sonic speed as a base, thus it was a surprise to the Grand Master there was someone faster.

The other thing that caught the 13th Grand Master more was Naruto's goal to be the greatest swordsman ever. "Greatest" isn't a light statement in their profession, especially in the elemental nations where ninjas thrive while swordsmen were reduced to thugs. It didn't help, any bandits using the sword for their trade, making a bad for people carrying swords.

Finally, there is Mifune whom his student had fought along in the samurai wars but even he had raised to the position as General as he made his own country. He was still no match against the other five major villages, times change and now it is the ear for ninjas. Seijuro didn't doubt the boy, the kid had both eyes and shape to one day become great. He has both resolve and conviction both to succeed and become a legend. Who knows, maybe he could make his own samurai village like the ninjas did and take over Mifune's position.

The 13th Grand Master of one of the most ancient styles had never been this fired up for a long time. This boy was perfect, not only had he the built and strength for his style, but he also has the will needed just like his other student. It was, unfortunately, Kenshin was not physically built for this art thus each time he uses the style it put a heavy toll on his body. If not for his strong will, Seijuro wouldn't have augh him because of the incompatibility.

In the forthcoming days, Seijuro Hiko had never been so sure of his decision. Not only is his new student determined, but he was also persistent. No matter how many times he was knocked down, he would always get back up without complaint and he did it politely too. Sometimes he wondered if the kid's last master had broken him or not. Nobody still smiles after being struck by his blade, even it was the only blunt end of it. Naruto not only got back up but also bowed and resume in the same stances again despite his injuries. Having known not to hold back even for his young student, Naruto was beaten black and blue each day only to start again the next.

Aside from his normal everyday training, Seijuro often spars with him showing how effective the ancient was of training were by all-out combat. In the beginning, Hiko Seijuro had him demonstrated all he had learned from his previous master Seta Sojiro was Seijuro was thoroughly impressed. Kenshin was right, he never doubted him but he was a firm believer in seeing it in person than hearing from the third party. Still, he beat the crap out of Naruto, speed was useless if you can't fully utilize its advantages. The 13th Grand Master had both the experience and strength and Naruto felt inadequate even if he excels in speed. In their little match, Hiko Seijuro is truly a Grand Master of his style and his stances alone made his striking field double what a normal swordsman has.

Naruto had already lost from the beginning when he chose to run away with his speed. Both his decision to retreat first and think of a plan made his will weak hence easy picking for the experienced swordsman. His hope to avoid direct confrontation and strike from blind spot may work for ninjas but for a samurai, it is a coward's way. For a warrior, it didn't matter what reason you are retreating it would only count as an excuse hence Naruto had already failed his test.

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