
Naruto : Invincible Uchiha

Not every Uchiha can reach their full potential. Sasuke's twin brother, Shinnosuke, will show just how strong a competent Sharingan user can become.

ImagineMaker · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Guy saw Shin looking at the demon brothers and a split second later they bowed their head.

" Hmm? "

He was a little confused as to what happened in a fraction of a second for them to do this, but then again, what can happen in a fraction of a second.

Tsukuyomi, that's what, would be Shin's answer.

But sadly for Guy, Shin wasn't very much into explaining his powers.

Getting up from his crouching position, Shin went to Guy as he asked.

" What do we do about them? I interrogated the brothers, seems like the S class missing nin Zabuza and his partner Haku are also ahead of us. This mission is at least S class sensei, the land of waves is also involved in a political struggle at the moment. "

Guy widened his eyes as Tenten looked a little scared, while Neji was to the side looking serious.

" S class? It's much too soon for you children to be taking on a mission of this calibre, we go back, take the client with us, misreporting mission so badly is enough to terminate the contract. "

Guy spoke seriously, he was very caring about his team, so he took a decision which was necessary and good for his team.

" I see, alright sensei let's go back. "

Shin decided for his team after thinking for a while, nobody had any problems with that, this was what everyone wanted anyway.

Who would persist to complete a misreported mission unless they had some serious mental issues.

Team Guy had done missions for a whole year now, they knew what a fight beyond their abilities meant, it signified death.

" Phew, thank goodness you are here with us Shin, without your Sharingan we would never have known what was waiting for us there. This old man wants to kill us or something?! "

Tenten was incensed, this damn drunkard was about to kill them.

Neji nodded as well.

" Byakugan is truly no match for Sharingan in these situations. "

Hearing this from Neji was enough to convince everyone but Shin.

' Byakugan is bad? Please, you guys just don't know how amazing the byakugan powers of Otsutsuki are. '

Shin mumbled, he was about to leave now, not with his team, but alone, Zabuza and Haku won't just present themselves to his service.

Putting everyone in a genjutsu, Shin slipped away leaving a shadow clone.

" Just tie these brothers to a tree, Mist village hunter nin would take them away. "

Guy explained, as the three did their jobs.

Meanwhile Shin was running through the forest, trying to find the duo.

" They should be around here somewhere. "

As he was running through the forest he finally found a few traces of the duo with his Sharingan.

" Residual chakra. "

Some demonic feeling chakra was scattered around a few trees.

Zabuza was called demon of the Mist, his chakra wasn't clean either.

* Wish *

Dodging a senbon thrown his way, Shin looked to the side.

" Ho? Is that you Haku? "

The person sitting on the tree flinched slightly but as soon as Shinnosuke was about to say something.

* Slash *

A great sword slashed through his neck, Zabuza was behind him silently.

* Puff *

" A shadow clone? "

Zabuza looked around, while Haku was sweating bullets.

" Hush "

Because behind Haku was a kunai, which was held by Shin.

' I didn't even see him coming. '

Looking at Zabuza who had seen the situation, Haku was wondering if this day was the last day with Zabuza.

" Who are you...? "

Asked Zabuza, he didn't attack straight away, not only was Haku in Shin's hands, Shin was incredibly dangerous as well.

It wasn't wise to attack him head on.

But Zabuza didn't understand why Shin was looking at Haku's neck, around the decorative collar.

" Do we have to fight? "

Asked Haku in a soft voice, attempting to break the situation, but Shin didn't reply, he simply continued to check, until he found what he was looking for.

' Those are some thick chokers and heavy clothes. '

From this close, Shin didn't need to check anymore, he found the spots where any hidden weapons could be located.

' Is the thick clothing really only to hide weapons? Doesn't it get uncomfortable to move in? Eeh whatever. '

Shin decided to not care about it, it was pretty obvious from their various actions that Haku and Zabuza were true definition of ninjas.

Giving everyone false information was the smartest thing to do, not all ninjas played nice, just look at Karin.

" If you think Haku will stop me from cutting you down, you are mistaken. "

Zabuza had enough stalling, as he eerily spoke with a massive torrent of murderous aura emanating from him, a usage of chakra that was a mark of a true S class Shinobi.

But Shin didn't care, he had already sealed Haku's chakra points, he didn't make a gentle fist version for Sharingan without a reason.

" Yet you still don't attack. "

Hearing Shin's comment, Zabuza was immediately about to strike, he will try his best to not cut Haku.

But before he could flicker away or use his hidden mist justu, he saw it.

" What is this? "

The last thing he remembered seeing was red Sharingan eyes, and now he was back in his childhood.

Before he had decided to kill everyone in the graduation ceremony.

This was the day, he as a child who never learnt in ninja academy, decided to put an end to the bloody graduation ceremony with his own power.

" Why show me this? "

Zabuza was frowning, but Shin didn't care, Zabuza and Haku were about to understand what a dark version of Infinite Tsukuyomi felt like.

" Now let's see who compromises first. "

Shin was sure it would be Haku, Haku was a very soft person, being mother's carbon copy.

The only thing Haku ever wanted was to help Zabuza, with a nature like that, it is easy to understand the reality of a situation.

" I hope Zabuza isn't too stubborn. "

But Zabuza, Shin had full hopes of him being tough to the end, but Shin had the infinite Tsukuyomi on his side.

Everyone has something that convinced them, he just had to find what made Zabuza tick.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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