
The feverish woman slaughter

Naruto quickly turned his face at the direction that had been pointed by Lin Ruoxi, beside a rock that several meters away from them, a silhouette of a human could be seen laid facing the sand. The body possessed an ears length hair and wearing a bit loose shirt with a pair of long black pants. Half of his or her body got flood repeatedly by the sea wave, but no respond whatsoever from them.

Lin Ruoxi grabbed his shirt and worriedly said to him, "Naruto..."

He wrinkled his eyebrows for a while, then he left the beach cliff's wall and approached the body while carrying her on his back. He knew that the person is still alive because he checked on his or her aura, albeit it's faint and weak but still had a hint of life force on it. He previously had a thought to just go and didn't bother with it, but it seemed unknowingly how, Lin Ruoxi can know his line of thinking. Under the gaze of a pair sad crystal eyes, Naruto couldn't carry on with his initial idea and now he is several inches away from the body.

He put down Lin Ruoxi from his back, the beauty CEO gently set down then walking to his side, Naruto crouched as he observed the wet and sandy body. His hand reached forward and held the body left arm, he pulled it as the body turned over their back.

Both Naruto and Lin Ruoxi widened their eyes at the sight of the master of this body's face. Although is not exceedingly beauty, but she had quite a bit charm with that cute small eyes, delicate nose, and little cherry lips. Mixing it with the pale tone of her skin and slim outline of her body, she resembled a white rabbit with pair of red eyes and two upfront teeth. Naruto didn't have to check on her pulse or heartbeat since he already knew she's alive, so he carried on to the treatment on someone who just got drowned.

He opened the woman's mouth by touching her chin then pinched its side, his head leaned down and his thick lips quickly covered her little one, a line of hot breath quickly invaded her stuffy chest as he leaned back and pressed her chest in certain pressure.

Ruoxi felt a bit jealousy seeing Naruto kissed another woman in front of her, but since she's not unreasonable, she knew he did that in order to help her recovering.

A few minutes of unceasing treatment had passed, the fainted woman finally coughed out few water from her lung then she went to lay on her right arm. Naruto wiped her back to ease her cough until she finished and returned to lay on her back while gasping heavily.

"Huff... huff... huff..."

Her eyes closed and knitted in pain while she greedily suck on the fresh air around the vicinity of the beach. The couple could hear her low pitch tone under her hoarse gasp, and they shared the same idea that the woman's voice is rather pleasing to hear.

"Where... where... where am I?" she surprisingly spoke in Russian.

Ruoxi wrinkled her eyebrows at the thought of this woman identity as a tourist or immigrant, but it's rather rare to see a Russian people in Zhong Hai's city. She thought about responding to her in English and inquiry her previous question but Naruto's following words made her greatly surprise.

"You are in Zhong Hai, China, side road shore line..." he said in a fluent Russian.

His ability to speak such a language in a smooth manner like a flow of water caught her off-guard, but then again, he had been going around the world before thus it's not really strange matter if he also can spoke for a couple more foreign language.

The woman peeked one eye to see the person who responded to her in her nation language, it only eased her feeling a little bit since the person just capable to speak in Russian, and not their local.

"How... can... I be here?" she said weakly.

Naruto shook his head, "I don't know, we just found you laying here, drifted by the waves..."

"Are you... the one who help me?" there was a hint of doubt inside her tone. He answered it by a mere nod. She closed her eye again and said in a relief tone, "thank you..."

Feeling a little left out from their conversation, Ruoxi crouched beside Naruto and pulled his shirt, she said in English, "Hey, let's take her to the hospital for a better care..."

"No... no hospital... I can get better by myself..." she said in the same language.

Ruoxi turned her face at her, her face expressed a great concern, "But you require a proper treatment, at least several medical attention."

"I am a medec, I know my own health, just... leave me alone... please, and thank you for saving me..." she hurriedly say.

Ruoxi turned to Naruto and expressed her awkwardness how to proceed in this situation, Naruto smiled softly, he held her hand and glanced at the woman, "There is no way of getting out from this shore without some assistance from special ladder or climbing gear, let me help you reach the side road and we can go our separate way."

The woman went silent for a while, then she nodded helplessly.

Naruto waited for her to be ready, then he put both hands underneath her body and lifted her up as if she weight nothing, the woman seemed surprise at how easy he picked her, although she is a light weight, but she still close to one hundred pound. They turned around and about to walk to the wall but Naruto immediately ceased his steps. His face grew serious and said to Ruoxi, "Get behind me..."

"Um?" Ruoxi doubtfully stared at him.

"There are several people's who approach this area, quick, get behind me..."

She startled but heed his words, she took a few steps to his back. The woman on his arms had her expression became grim, she worriedly stared at the view ahead then glanced at Naruto, "We have to get out from here, fast!"

"What's the hurry?" Naruto wrinkled his eyebrows at her.

"Those people you mention, they come after me, please I beg you, take me quickly to leave this area..." a hint of desperation filled her tone.

Naruto went radio silent at her request while Ruoxi frowned her beautiful face.

"Please, I pay you no matter how much you request, even if you want me to pay with my body, I don't mind, but please take me away from here!" the tone she used to plead was very depressing.

Ruoxi's face became cold and her opinion toward the foreign woman greatly decreased, but she can sense the urge inside her voice that she terrified at whoever approaching them.

Naruto waved his head and lightly chuckle, "My beautiful lady, your offer is ludicrous, but I fear there is no way to evade them..." then his expression turned stiff, "because they already arrive..."

Not less than several seconds after he spoke, several blurry shadows jumped down from the side road and quickly stood before them.

Those people all are men with varied body figure, but they all wore the same clothing which is a black colored attire from the top of their body to the bottom of their shoes. They face were all fierce and coldly stared at them, but more focused to the woman on Naruto's arms.

The man in the middle went forward, he had a slick up hair with several strands of red streak, his tone as if could freeze the air, "We don't intend on any harm, just hand over the woman."

Naruto didn't cower at his glare, his cerulean eyes swept all the men before him, observing their posture, the way they stood, which arms that slightly went ahead from another, and each of their aura. Then he focused his eyes back at the slacked up haired man, "Who is she?"

"None of your business, so long you hand her over to us, we promise to leave immediately," he said with no change in his tone.

Ruoxi who stood behind Naruto grew anxious inside her heart, she can feel a great shift in the atmosphere as soon as their arrive and it suffocated her. Thankfully, Naruto lean posture that guarded her in front provided a great deal of sense of security to her and she couldn't help but lean closer, even almost pasted her curvaceous twin peak into his firm back.

Naruto's expression also didn't lose their coldness compared with them, after several minutes of long staring and glaring, he slanted his lips and said: "OK, take her."

He stretched out his arm and offered the woman to that man, the Russian woman face immediately became desperate and a bitter disappointment filled her heart. But she couldn't do anything in this circumstances, even in her best condition, it was impossible for her to defeat the black attire men, much less in her current one.

The slacked up haired man nodded in satisfaction, he curled his lips a little, but if one are observant, they can notice a flavor of sneer and disdain, combined with a mild arrogant in that lips. Both Naruto and Ruoxi were people with a great sight and good at reading people's face, thus they noticed this and felt discomfort inside them. While Naruto quickly ignored it, Ruoxi in the other hand, clenched her tiny fist tightly as if she was unwilling her man to be mocked like this. But she also considered that Naruto's action was the best solution that he could do, instead of sprang into a useless fight, it will be better to end the conflict peacefully, it may shame them in the beginning, but it will not create an additional future problem that may or may not bring them a great headache.

Despite the Russian woman begrudging eyes directed at him, Naruto still put on careless expression and that man had approached him in close proximity, about to pick her from his arm.

In this moment.

"Oh, what is this? Am I late for ceremony or something?"

Out of nowhere, a seductive female voice resounded in the shore, waking up everyone from their silence state and immediately raised up their guard.

Out of those people, Naruto is the one who had the greatest change on his face. His sixth sense to detect the surrounding area is already extended to the point that a slightest wisp of aura wouldn't possible to avoid his detection. In his careless state, he could still feel a living force so long they strongly emitted their aura. The area he could cover also went beyond the word 'large' if he was focused.

But the possessor of this seductive voice managed to slip by his detection as he didn't detect her arrival at all. There were only two possible explanation for this amazing feat she done: one, she used special ability or item to hide her presence, or... she far stronger than him.

They immediately searched for the one who responsible for that seductive voice and quickly found a woman in red attire leaned against the cliff that led to the side road. She put one piece dress that covered her entire top and halfway covered her tight. Followed by a long red stocking that led into a pair of timberland boots which also came in a red colors.

Her entire frame akin to a blurry figure of flame that could grow a heat inside anyone guts and intensified the furnace of their desire. Her fringe hair that also covered her left eyes increased the seductive charm the woman possessed that one look from her enough to attract a dozens of men to swarm their passionate gaze at her.

Naruto even when absentminded for a while, not only he was surprised by her sudden appearance, but he never see such a seductive woman before, he thought Liu Ruyan already hot but this woman is in the entire different league. He immediately felt a strong pinch of his waist, Naruto laughed bitterly inside his heart as he knew the perpetrator of this fierce martial arts.

The rest of the male as if charmed by her figure, the slacked up haired man is the first one to recover after for some time, he angrily said: "Who are you?! This is a private business, get lost!"

His men also chased away their dirty image of her and restored the fierce appearance on their face.

The feverish woman ignored his roar, instead she spoke in a language that only the Russian woman and Naruto who understand it, "Rabbit girl, since when you have so many admirer flocking around?"

The Russian woman who seemed is recognized by the feverish woman didn't have any happy face filled her countenance, the one that previously grim and full of hate now turned into terrified and full of horror.

"Q... Q..."

She was so deep in stuttered manner that she not even capable to finish the sentence.

The slacked up haired man felt humiliated as this is the first time he was being ignored like this, with his authority and family influence, no one dare to mock and belittle him, much less dare to ignore him. He stepped forward and stood in front of his men, coldly gazed at the feverish woman, "I warn you once again, this is a private business, scram immediately or I will force you..."

"Ooh, so dominant and arrogant, how are you going to force me leave, Mr. strange hair?" she crossed her arms in front her bulging chest and curled her enticing lips.

Strange hair? You dare to jest me?

The man twitched his lips, "Who are you? What do you want here?"

"Yes... that's the one million dollar question isn't it?" she tapped her finger on her elbow, "let's see, who am I? Maybe I am just a bystander, who got nothing to do with all of this, maybe I am hobo who search a place to stay for a night, maybe I am hooker, who look for rich and competent man to prey, or maybe..."

She glanced downward and faintly smiled, "I am just a woman, who seek for the meaning of life..."

Then she faced them again with a chuckle, "As for what I want. Pfft, what a woman didn't want? Channel, Victoria Secret, Ferrari, iPhone, shoes, night romantic dinner, a caviar, luxury apartment, jewelry..."

She threw her seductive eyes toward them and licked her lips amorously, "A satisfactory sex..."

They could feel their animal behavior almost pulled out from their deepest inner desire, the thought to dominant this feverish lady before them become too enticing to ignore. Even the slacked up haired man gulped his dry throat and felt a great deal of discomfort on his private part. His mind immediately thought how to defile the woman ahead as soon as possible. The dirty notion rose the lecherous smirked at the corner of his lips.

"It seemed you are an acquaintance with her, perhaps you are one of her colleague, in that case, I have you to follow us back into our place, we promise we won't treat you..." his eyes swept her entire body from top to bottom, secretly ogle at her curvaceous part, "harshly."

"Oh? You want to force me to come with you? You think that I am that easy?" she laughed lightly, her tone enough to intensified their already crazed hormone.

"Follow us in your own accord, you will get the best treat, decide to disobedient, well..." he wretchedly smiled, "let's just say, not even dog can bear it..."

"Ah... I like this kind man, arrogant and cruel, dominant and alpha, you think you can act whatever you want and take whatever you need, such a simple and boorish thought, a high level of thug if I must to say..." she raised her arms and stretched out her alluring figure, revealing all the curve for these men to feast, "but to conquer me, you at least, need to have the capital to do so..."

She hooked her finger and beckoned toward them, "Come here if you dare, seize me if you want."

These men laughed inside their heart in a mocking and disdained manner. Who are they? they are part of the group that even the most influential family in China need to bend low their head in the front of their group, fear by many other association for their big prowess and ruthless leader. For so long, no one dare to invade China recklessly because the very prestige of their group that shackled those invader and bar their feet.

The slacked up haired man glanced to the man beside him, "Take her along with us, if she dare to rebel, you know what to do."

The man nodded and rushed toward the feverish woman direction, his steps even filled with excitement and hoped the woman actually rebelled.

Everyone watched how the woman didn't react or try to run away as he approached her, their face filled with pride and delight, knowing soon a heavenly pleasure shall befell on them.

Only Naruto, the Russian woman, and Ruoxi that stared at the event with different expression. Naruto watched their interaction with interest but dignified face. The Russian woman breath suddenly went rough as if she felt the greatest fear impacted her inner organ. Ruoxi gazed with crinkled nose and disgust at the feverish woman slutty gesture. The way she provoked these male desire is too overbearing and filled with blatant seduction. Her fingers kept on pinching Naruto's waist so he couldn't get seduce by her too.

The man arrived and reached out his arm, his hand as if aimed toward the feverish woman's arm that placed underneath her bosom, but in truth, he actually want to seize those prominent twin peak.

In the nick of time, the feverish woman who just stand in careless manner suddenly grabbed the man's wrist. She twisted his hand, then slammed his entire front to the cliff's wall beside her.

Her act is swift and decisive, not a single second waste with unnecessary movement.

In the middle of act, the woman pulled something out from her back, a glinted cold light reflected on the stuff she fished out.

These people unable to anticipate the sudden change of event, they couldn't even notice she took out something from her back, but Naruto, who focused his eyes on her movement, immediately changed his expression, he glanced over his shoulder and shouted, "Close your eyes!"

Lin Ruoxi startled at his sudden instruction but she didn't dare not to obey, she snapped close her eyelids then glued her face toward his back to further block her vision.


Without any warning, at the back neck of that man, its surface had been embedded with a sharp steel in a form of blade belonged to a dagger held by the woman's right hand. The movement is smooth and unrestricted, prove she hadn't done this for the first time.

"Argh..." the man choked on his blood and his eyes went to the back of his head, soon the luster of his eyes began to fade as his life had gone from the existence.

The slacked up haired man and the rest of his team went shocked as they finally realized what just happen. They couldn't believe this weak and concubine appearance like woman actually such a ruthless killer.

"Oh..." the feverish woman sighed in lamentation, "such a quick to finish? I am sorry, but I prefer men who can last longer than me..."

"I guess you just not my type," she pulled out the dagger from his neck, she didn't bother wiped the blood and sheathed the small weapon back. Then she took out another stuff and this time, is far longer and fiercer than the previous one. A black hilt katana.

She brandished it for a while, then pointed it toward the rest of them, she said while licking her lips, "Dinner time, Mary."

"Kill her!" the slacked up haired man roared, and his men rushed out from their position.

They all launched many variation of attack, from punches to kicks, palms and knees. Those fierce and strong attacks aimed to one direction only and if the feverish woman didn't put up any way to guard against those attack, she inevitably will suffer a great injury, perhaps an imminent death.


Under Naruto strict observation who now enlarge in surprised and shocked, the feverish woman banished her body from the existence and she manifested into the back of one of her attacker, in a swift move, she slashed her katana horizontally, creating a large crevice appeared on her target back as blood splashed out from there.


She reappeared on the side of one of her attack and thrust out her blade, stabbing him from his left armpit, pushed through toward his right shoulder, his heart had been long severe into two.


She beheaded two of them.


She chopped one of these people legs.


She separated one of her attacker upper and bottom part of the body. Less than three minutes, a total seven men excluding the slacked up haired man, were now completely laid on the bloody sand, only three of them that still had their body intact, while the rest either lost one limb or two of them. The feverish woman stood amidst the blood pool, her black hilt katana constantly let out a strange glow as these people blood smeared its blade surface. The slacked up haired man fell into his back and trembled uncontrollably. He never been a strong fighter before and like to bully people with his authority alone. Thus, watching a lot of his men being slaughtered like a pig making his innermost feeling grew dread for the feverish woman, he couldn't even prevent small leaked pushed through his male part.

The feverish woman glanced at him with half-lidded eyes, she stabbed her sword in the middle of pool of blood then minced toward the slacked up haired man.

A scent of blood quickly lingered in the air, making the Russian woman's skin turned pale while Ruoxi almost cried as she held Naruto's shirt tightly. She didn't know what happen but base on these people scream and many splash sounds, combined with the reek of iron scent that assault her nose, she figured out a worst scenario in the turn of event.

She never fond of blood, not before, not ever. She went panic at the sight of nosebleed, and anxious at a mere splinter.

Only Naruto's face that remained steady, in fact he no longer paid attention to what the woman would do to the slacked up haired man, he just observed the black hilt katana that strangely let out a ghastly glow in the middle of blood, and his ears caught this weird hum came out from it, as if a creepy moan of an animal just resounded in the area.

The feverish woman kept strolling toward the man who hunkered on the ground.

"P-please, p-please don't hurt me! My family have a strong influence in China and our organization, if they ever know you kill me, they will commence all of the force to hunt after you..."

Typical silk pant young master, battering his enemy to death with a bunch of bull shit threat.

The woman ceased her steps, a hesitation appeared on her face, "Really? Your family influence is that fierce?"

"Yes, yes, so long you let me alive, I promise I won't tell anyone what just happen here and pretend didn't know anything!" sensing his threat worked, the man immediately felt a great sense of joy.

"You do that for me?" the woman moved toward his direction again, her face filled with anxious and a hint of nervousness.

"Hehe, in my entire life, I never fail any words, trust me, let me live, and we shall forget anything!" the man curved upward the corner of his lips and smiled comfortingly.

"I see... I like men who can keep their promise..." she stopped in front of him, put one hand on her back as she bent low her body, the heaving breast that defy the gravity strongly presented in front of the slacked up haired man eyes, he swallowed his own saliva, if not for the dangerous circumstance he currently in, he already felt up those jugs with his hand.

"But..." her finger gently traced the surface of his face, "I trust a dead man far better."


"Wa-gack!" In the nick of time, she pulled out the dagger from her back and slashed the man's throat, without any concern or remorse on her eyes, she just easily took out a man's life.

The slacked up haired man grasped his throat and stared in terror at the feverish woman. His mouth occasionally parched out, letting a mouthful of blood trailed down freely from the corner of his lips. Several moments later, he fell into his side while his eyes filled with red vein and everlasting sorrow.

The feverish woman stood up, sheathed the dagger back into its place. Her playfully manner had gone, replaced by a cold stare toward the corpse of the man, "Pathetic fool."

"Every silky pants like you deserve to die."

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