
Kage Bunshin training and Hamsters


Jiang Wei jumped into the air, with upside down position, she threw four shurikens into the dummy ahead and nailed three of them into the surface of the dummies.

Under the braved sunlight that closed to reach its peak, Naruto observed her action with serious eyes and crossed hands in front of his chest.

She landed on the ground then rolled to her side, her unsteady legs proved how she unable to maintain her post-landing figure. Her breath spoke a stuttered sigh, she shook her head after looking at the result on the dummies.

"It seems three shuriken is your limit, give it a rest, there is no benefit in forcing yourself into an over-exhaust situation."

Naruto approached her in a relaxed gait. Jiang Wei hesitated for a while before she eventually nodded. Naruto was her master, after all, he knew what limit she currently could reach.

"Now, let's review your shadow clone progress," Naruto brought up his hand and wipe Jiang Wei's forehead with a cloth.

"Ok," she took a deep breath as her master retreated several steps. Jiang Wei joined together her hand, her mind focused on controlling the chakra circulation inside her system. She could feel the energy, flowing in their path while prospering the sore within her muscle and rejuvenate her stamina. She knitted her eyebrows, despite the shadow clone technique chakra's cost condition, but the process of making the clone actually required a proper built so the chakra that had been used don't come in naught.

For example, in order to summon one shadow clone technique, it required half percent of your chakra but it not necessarily mean the clone would perfectly manifest in an identic form of the user, like the clone face's attributes in a complete mess, the skin tone including its clothes diverse too much, and other else defect.

Using jutsu required a proper timing of release like pressing a button in one of those games, if you pressed it too soon, you get a normal score and if you pressed it too late, you get a bad score.

But if you managed to press, right on the cue, a golden score would pop out in the screen.

Along with the passing of time, Jiang Wei let out a shout, "Shadow Clone Technique!"


Another woman that closely resembled her figure appeared in the midst of smoke, she wore the same clothes and shared the same feature, her natural lips and dainty nose, Height and body figure, the t-shirt and the training pants. But unfortunately, there were several parts that still different from the creator herself, instead of a pair of onyx eyes, the clone had silver instead, her skin also a bit paler and not rosy enough, and so did many other features.

"Good enough to trick people within a dim environment or bad observation skill, kept training until you could make them perfectly the same as you," Naruto said while rubbing his chin.

"OK!" she smiled with both hands behind her back.

Naruto moved his neck and cracked his fist, "Now the clone, let's test your endurance!"

"Eh?" Both the original and her copy flabbergasted, the clone pointed her finger toward her face, "you want to fight me?"

He prepared his stance, "Clones initially had one-tenth endurance from their original, but believe it or not, if they tend to receive a blow, their endurance can be upgraded!" Naruto then shook his head, "But it won't be a large margin, at most, it will stop at three-tenth."

"Besides, it can also be considered as the user to determine his or her endurance perimeter!"

Jiang Wei and the clone exchanged glances, the original young lady finally gave out her consent as she stepped back and made a certain distance with them.

Both Naruto and the clone faced each other with one-meter range separated between them. The clone bent her body before she dashed forward and lashed out her right leg. Naruto swiftly raised his left hand while proceeding forward, the moment her leg arrived at the target, it got block by Naruto's hand, at the same time, Naruto punched the clone's face and tackled its standing leg by hooking it with his right foot.

As the clone plump ass and smooth back hit the ground, Naruto turned around, clutching its leg and with a snap sound, he broke the leg.


The slender limb within his arm instantly gone, along with the rest of other limbs and its whole body. Leaving only a lingering smoke in his near vicinity.

With a shocked expression, Jiang Wei couldn't believe that Naruto was so ruthless against her clone, despite it only a figure based on chakra, but it still got her look and bearing. Yet he did not even hesitate to wound the clone.

"Create another," Naruto turned around and face her with a light smile.

Jiang Wei abruptly fixed her posture and summoned another clone. It braved forward and fought another battle with the blonde man. They traded punch and kick for two round before Naruto dodged its incoming uppercut, he punched its right waist, grasped its hand, twisted it around as he threw the clone into the ground.

Naruto bent the clone's hand as let out another broken snap sound!


WIthout a single change in his expression, Naruto said:

"Another one."

One clone appeared in a cloud of smokes and they soon entered another sparing session.


This time, the clone didn't have enough movement before Naruto rushed forward, punching the clone right cheek, threw out a jab right on the face, and he finished it with a strong kick in the chest. The clone instantly disappeared.



For the whole five minutes of unbalance match, Naruto had slaughtered innumerable clones as they kept spawning from Jiang Wei side. If the first two battles at least required four or five seconds for him to kill them then the rest of onslaught perhaps not even reach two.

Naruto jumped on the air and kick a clone face, he turned around and swept his leg on another clone, as he rolled in the air, he plummed his elbow toward one of the clone head.

Smoke after smoke clouded the area as the immense killing spectacle occurred, his punch and kick knew no bound, unleashed without restraint. His attack no longer intended to knock down or injure but to kill his opponent as fast as he could.

While usually, a woman would be proud of how strong her lover, Jiang Wei instead have her face darkened, she also didn't know how many clones she had summoned, at first she created the clones per his instruction but now, without even wait for his call, she already summoned one, hell, she even summoned three of them at once.

She no longer cared whether they had the same look with her or not, she just summoned them, more and more.

Her mind foreboded with anger, eyes glared at the blonde with annoyance, and hands joined tightly.

Why they are so weak?

Why he killed in a cruel and heartless manner?

I am the same as her, we share the same look!

Gritting her teeth as she saw Naruto grabbed one of the clone's neck and easily snapped its bone. Her breath became rough, her voice panted, and mind swirled in desperation.

His indifferent face and attitude, making her bore fear inside.

With mind getting heavier, she closed her eyes and attempt to summon another clone, but she immediately felt a hand grasped hers and strong arm pulled her into a warm embrace.

She, who usually smile in glee or hum in satisfaction being cuddled by this body, now struggled, she moved her hands and legs in agitation, thrashing around as they hit upon the person who hugged her.

"No, don't kill me anymore! Please let me go! Don't kill me!"

Her face flushed in red and lips shivered in a strong wave. This strange behavior of her only survive for a short time, a warm aura coated her gloomy one and they blend into one, blue flames washed the speck of dirt away and made it shone, returning its original blue color. She no longer felt the distress and murky mind inside her brain, it's like entering a sauna, both reflexing her body and purified her mind.

She became peaceful, with great feeling reigned inside her guts, she opened her lids and saw Naruto faintly smile at her.

She startled immediately but no intention of leaving his embrace, "W-what happened?"

"What do you remember?" he whisked the strand of hair on her face.

"I... I remember that you spar with my clones, you killed every single one of them, and I felt this... disgusting feeling inside of me, like anger and... and... fear toward you, as if you are my greatest enemy in the whole world, I... I even bore the thought of killing you..." her face became pale and tone filled with anguish.

"That's not originate from your own mind but influence from every clone that I had killed..." Naruto simply said.

"Eh? Are you saying, the clones are capable to bear such an emotion and have their own thought?"

"Yes, they are but not each of them, the clones it's like one body that has many hands which could do all different tasks. All emotion, knowledge, experience, and many other, they all combined into one and transferred toward their creator after they dispersed."

"So, this clone... they all fear and hate you?" Jiang Wei frowned.

"MHmm," Naruto nodded, "but it won't last long since after they transferred all of them toward you, they will back to normal again, like a clean white sheet."

"Oh..." She let out a relieved breath, leaned exhaustedly in his embrace, "I am so fearing what I felt before was true..."

"I am sorry that you have to go through that..." Naruto shook his head, "but this is one of the ways to train shadow clones technique in order for them to yield out more function."

"What function we are talking about?" she wrinkled her eyebrows.

"The most basic use for shadow clone is that for creating a confusion and distraction for the enemies, unlike normal clone, they have bodies, chakra, and can fight too. Albeit they possess a low number of attributes and not really as good as the original but with a frequent training, they could become strong, it required both the clones and the user effort to do that.

And what I mean strong is that not just they could fight better, but they can think on their own thus capable to make their own strategy, what more awesome is, along with their growth, they can help you in chakra control training, after all, their knowledge and experience will be transferred to you, while your fatigue may be insufferable but that's one way to gain a better practice for everything."

"Uhh..." Jiang Wei rubbed her eyes, "it's true about the fatigue, I felt so tired now after everything calms down."

"Then let's tuck you in the bed," Naruto stood while carrying Jiang Wei in his bosom, he strolled toward her boudoir.

"You... won't do something weird, right?" her eyes glazed over, her crown leaned on his left shoulder.

"Huh, now you mention about it, the last deed only finished in two times, it's an even number, I don't like it..." Naruto curled his lips, and he licked it.

"Oh, might as well just kill me while you at it, go to your wife!" Jiang Wei snorted in a weak tone.

He laughed softly, "Alright, I am just kidding, I need to look for Mingyu anyway."

"Oh..." She nodded, she tightening her grasp on his neck, "send my best regard to her, as the same sweetheart cohabitant..."

Naruto shook his while bitterly smiled, they arrived at her bed, he put her soft body on the top and laid her head on the soft pillow.

The bedcover had been replaced thus their previous messy activity no longer had the trace, after making sure she's comfortable, Naruto kissed her forehead and he stood up from the bed. Walking through the door then he greeted the men and women who part of her group.

"Xiao Zhao, how's the society? What's the latest event that happened?" Naruto drunk a coffee while a young man with a look not older than him sip his beer. They both sat on the stool in front of the bar place.

"We received some new recruit three days ago, ransack several other bases, and gained several additional support from interested third-parties," Xiao Zhao gulped down the beer, the yellowish liquid spilled between the gap of his lips, he put it down, "many gangs prepared for the incoming Underworld Summit, rumors say there will be exciting events that would happen.. "

"I see..." Naruto rubbed his white cup, the fragrant smell breached into his nose, "Rose still intend to challenge her father?"

Xiao Zhao nodded, there was a bitter in that little smile of him, "Elder sister already make some preparation, she also had been training our expertise in firearms and melee combat, oh, she kicked our ass so bad..."

"I see..." the bitter taste of black coffee submerged his tongue but his face showed no hate for it.

"Big bro, are you perhaps... going to help us...?" Xiao Zhao said in hesitation, "despite our progress and elder sister insistence, in truth, we lack the confidence to beat her father, Situ Minghe's West Union society had been going for 15 years, his men and gears definitely far more superior than us..."

"Elder sister had been trying to make a deal with other gangs but so far, she only managed to convince insignificant people..."

Naruto turned silent, he lightly sipped on his coffee. It's not that he didn't care about Jiang Wei and her people, but a life like that wouldn't possible for him to walk through anymore. His current problem already gave him quite a headache, not to mention trouble with Xu Zhihong.

He wasn't kidding when he hoped for peace after coming into China, despite the recent piling trouble, he still won't give up on it.

Not to mention he had a proper job now, he realized that probably a mundane life like that such as becoming a normal officer perhaps most suitable for his predicament.

Looking at Naruto went all silent, Xiao Zhao bitterly smiled, Jiang Wei already commanded them not to bother Naruto in their underworld business, but he thought about facing Situ Mingze men and influence, he felt dread all over his guts, despite the man no longer in west but his influence was still strong in here, many eyes and ears still provided the man for any information, and bunch of hands, willing to work for him.

Naruto took another sip before he stood up, fished out his wallet and left a cash nearby the cup, "I must go now, thanks for the coffee." He turned and strolled into the entrance.

Xiao Zhao could only sigh as he watched Naruto's figure disappeared behind the door.


The metropolis Zhong Hai city brimming with liveness in the middle of the day, chitty chatter of a people in the city park, hustle of crowd in the trading center and cars that drove like the racing horse in a track. Somewhere in the central area, close to the border of north part of the city, a souvenir shop with brown roof and cream wall built among the other three-story construction nearby. Several merchandises had been placed in front of the shop, there were woman accessories, keychain, small toys, and other things,

A woman bent her figure in front of the stuff, her purple-orange streak hair fell gracefully into the side of her face, with a little smile like a clear blue sky, she tucked one of her hair into her left ear.

The stuff that managed to caught her amethyst colored eyes was a pair of hamster icon for any gadget's strap. It came in orange and purple color with each respective hamsters facing a different direction.

This will be good for congratulation recovery gift...

Without pondered much further, she grabbed the hamsters and strolled inside the souvenir shop. After a few minutes inside, she came out with a red plastic bag. She strolled into her left and walked along with other people on the pavement.

Today she wore white jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt, complete with black slipper under her sole, delicate watch on her wrist and white handbag on her shoulder, she appeared very relax and carefree.

After all, she just received a message from certain someone, if not for a bunch of stranger on her side, she already bounced her steps right now.

Today's weather rather nice for a stroll in a park, not too hot that made people broke out a sweat or too humid for causing someone to just roll on the bed.

With a rather quick step, Mingyu strode along the street, took several corners and crossed over few car's roads. Soon, she came by into an area with most of the building have four level of the floor. Few only have three floors in here. One building painted in bluish color stood among them and that's her destination.

A man with blonde hair, white jacket, and orange pants sat on a Subaru BRZ that parked behind three other cars that situated beside the pavement. Normally, people will get angry if saw a stranger sat upon their car, Mingyu not different either, but the person who sat upon it, not only she recognized him, he was the one who presented her the car, and also, her sweet golden haired boyfriend.

"You here!" Mingyu exclaimed as her amethyst eyes brightened almost in a second.

Naruto heard the soft roar and turned his face to the left, he raised his body from the car and approached the beautiful purple-orange haired woman with a faint smile.

She hugged him as they came into contact, since their height only a few inches different, unlike Ruoxi or Jiang Wei, she's unable to paste her face into his chest, instead their head went above into each other shoulder.

But that thing hardly bothered her mind right now, she only thought about his presence, it's real, firm body and warm sense, it's not an imaginary or hocus pocus illusionary, it's a real figure.

"I was worried..." she nudged his shoulder with her nose.

A soothing perfume invaded his nasal passage, it's like smelling aromatic herbs with a little flavor of vanilla inside. He raised his right hand and gently brushed her head, "I am sorry for disappearing like that, it's unfair to you..."

"Mmm, it's not your fault, I am so glad that you're fine, after hearing you got an accident, I wanted to visit you but your wife said you'll be returning in a few days, so I ceased my intention instead..." Mingyu said with a hint of sadness, "I am sorry if you think I am unsympathetic, but since your wife had said so, I don't have other choice but believe her, on the other hand, despite your wife said she's fine with our relationship but I don't want to irritate her, thus I decided to make a compromise."

"That's thoughtful of you, it's must be painful..." Naruto lightly smiled.

"Pff, a bit, but what can I do besides complying to her request and telling Chief Mo about your situation, everyone in the PR also worried you know, Zhang Cai didn't even touch her snack for the entire day."

"Oh, yeah, that nosy heroine must be exploding with curiosity about what happened to me," Naruto waved his head and sighed in bitterness.

"Yup, she's like the queen of gossips, but she genuinely worried about you, you should text her..." Mingyu chuckled.

They walked inside the building hand in hand, stepped into the chocolate-colored stairs and climbed the building. A lot of kind people they passed by, from a kid into an elder, ordinary face and remarkable one.

The building had three floors and each layer held six compartments except the second floor which had seven room. The pathway between the wall came in a bit narrow but at least it still provided enough space to move without having to lean your shoulder if you passed by other people from the opposite direction.

Mingyu's room on the third floor, a door with golden colored 18 number on its surface greeted his eyes.

Mingyu fished out her key and put inside the hole.


At the same time, a door behind them opened wide and revealed a middle-aged man that seems in his thirties, he had a lean body and quite tall, around one foot above Naruto and Mingyu. His hair was rather short with a pointy spike.

"Oh, Mingyu, you home!" the man carried a bag of trash. His deep-set eyes glittered the moment he saw the carefree yet hot Mingyu.

"Ah, Zu Liang, nice to meet you..." Mingyu lightly smiled, she stopped at her door's gate.

"Mingyu, I have two tickets to see Jody Chiang's concert tonight, how about you come with me?" he excitedly closed the door behind him and faced Mingyu, his eyes as if not seeing the appearance of another man beside her.

"Sorry, I have work tomorrow," Mingyu said in an apologetic tone, then she glanced to Naruto, "besides, I have a boyfriend now so I don't think it's appropriate for me to go alone with another man."

"What?!" Zu Liang's face turned ugly, You got to be joking, right?! I have been chasing after you for many years, silently endured your chatty about that long-dead boyfriend of you, and now you suddenly have a boyfriend?!

He had seen Mingyu former boyfriend's picture before thus he knew that the man in front is not him.

His cheerful face became bit darken, his eyes observed the blonde beside her, he admitted this man indeed handsome especially his cerulean eyes, that combined together with his blonde hair made him looks like a western person but the making on his face had Asian people feature.

Maybe he is a mixed race?

"Yeah, we become a couple just a few days ago, you weren't here, so I don't have any chance to tell you yet," Mingyu nodded.

Zu Liang greeted his teeth, his face looked dangerous as he glared at Naruto before facing her again, "Mingyu, I can't accept this! I forbid you from making any contact with him again!"

"Zu Liang, please be sensible, I don't need your permission to make my own future," she shook head and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Mingyu, how can you do this to me? I have been chasing you over the year, and all I got is 'thank you' for the dinner or 'thank you' for driving me home!" He clenched his fist.

"The dinner it's your birthday party that you pleaded me to come, and driving me home because we live in the same building!" Mingyu retorted, "Zu Liang, I never consider you more than a friend, please don't make things awkward between us, you are a good friend, and I respect for you that..."

"Hahaha, friends?! After all of our interaction, you considered us just a friend?!"

"Please mind your words, there is nothing weird between our interaction, if you considered happy morning greeting and taking care your dog while you went away as something special then please, refrain yourself from continue thinking that way!" Mingyu also failed to remain stoic, she glanced at Naruto with a bit scared eyes, feared if he got any misunderstanding.

Naruto who previously just silent, after he understood the current predicament Mingyu face, he turned his body to the man before him, if he had to admit, this man with Zu Liang name actually quite handsome, with that body build he possessed, he certainly could get any woman he wanted, it's sad to think that, the woman he after only kept him behind the door yet he thought she gave out a sort hint about to open it.

Naruto didn't face with him with a threatening face or hideous expression, Mingyu considered this man as one of her friends, thus it will be more appropriate if he approached him with a friendly manner, offering his hand, Naruto said: "Hey, I am Naruto, Mingyu's boyfriend, it's good-"


"Take that dirty hand of you back, I don't need your pretend good face!" before Naruto managed to finish, Zu Liang slapped his hand away.

'Oh, well, at least I try...' Naruto inwardly sighed.

"Zu Liang, how can you insult him like that?! I will never consider you as a friend, anymore!" Mingyu's face darkened, with a snort, she grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged him inside her compartment.

"Mingyu, you better mark my words, I don't accept this situation and I will have my due!"

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