
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Komik
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384 Chs


[ Senju Hashirama: Hearing this, the monkey is really wronged in this matter! ]

[Senju Tobirama:...]

What should I do if my big brother is in a mess?

[ Senju Hashirama: But does it take so much trouble to do Hokage?

I've never done what the monkey said!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Because I did those things for you!!!

When you were Hokage, you didn't do anything at all!]

[Senju Hashirama:…]

[ Senju Tobirama: @ Sarutobi Hiruzen, your explanation seems reasonable, but there are loopholes!

First, who revealed Naruto's identity can't just listen to you!

Don't worry, Danzo will be down with you soon!

It's time for you to confront each other!

Second, in order to consider the villagers, the life of Naruto, the son of the hero, cannot be guaranteed!

Is this the will of fire that you learned from my brother and I?

You are clearly blinded by power lard!

And you let Orochimaru go, he arrested Konoha villagers for experimentation, why don't you treat them equally!

Disregard Konoha's law for his own disciples!

Where is your will of fire!!!]

[Third Raikage "Twenty Three" Ai: @Sarutobi Hiruzen, what else do you have to deny?]

[No Second Tsuchikage: @Sarutobi Hiruzen, what else do you have to deny?]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Whoever believes in is skinny!

@ Senju Tobirama @ Senju Hashirama!

@ Namikaze Minato @ Uzumaki Kushina!

Do you believe it?]

[ Uchiha Madara: Humph, nonsense!

Nonsense! ]

[ Senju Hashirama:

[Senju Tobirama:...]

Third Generation felt like I was breaking out in a cold sweat!

It's too troublesome to fool people in this group!

Can only be half-truths and admit some mistakes!

Sorry bro Danzo!

Only let you bear the blame again!

After all, brother, it is for sale!

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: Sorry First Generation Second Generation, my will to fire is not strong enough!

I failed your training!

I'm also a person who cares about reputation so much, that's why I do the next wrong thing!

And I really can't bear to shoot at my apprentice!

I feel for Orochimaru as much as you two feel for me!

I am your only direct disciple, you should be able to understand me! ]

[ Orochimaru: hum hum hum!

Is it because I have such a high status in Mr. Sarutobi's heart?

Really flattered!

When you passed the Hokage position to Minato, it made me angry for a while!]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:…]

[Namikaze Minato:.....]

[Senju Hashirama: You can be forgiven for saying so!!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Are you a fool? What do you believe in what he says! ]

[Senju Tobirama:....]

Seeing that Third Generation is so tongue-in-cheek, it clearly pushes its own responsibilities!

Second Generation is also coming!

Don't nail Sarutobi Hiruzen to the pillar of shame!

[ Senju Tobirama: @ Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if what you say is true, you can't be too nice to Naruto in order to take care of the emotions of the Konoha Villagers!

I didn't kill Orochimaru because of the master-disciple relationship!

Then you explain the demise of the Senju clan!!!]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: Speaking of this, I feel so wronged! ]


Why are you still aggrieved?

My family was destroyed by you, and you are still wronged!

Who is the victim??

Everyone in the group is a little confused at this time!!!

[ Uchiha Madara: @Sarutobi Hiruzen, please start your show!]

[ Senju Tobirama: I would like to hear your grievance! ]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: As we all know, Nidaime chose the rear to block the pursuers, and when he was in danger, he appointed me as the Third Hokage!

Despite Nidaime's orders, I actually didn't succeed at all in becoming Hokage!

I was very young at the time, and the Senju clan didn't believe my words after leading my teammates back!

Our position at the time was Second Hokage's Elite Guard!

The duty is to protect Second Hokage-sama!

As a result, those who need our protection die to protect us!

When I went back, I also said that Second Generation was dead, and passed on to me the position of Hokage! From now on, I am the Third Hokage!

There is no suicide note, and there is no proof, just a verbal agreement!

Would you believe me if you were the top executives of Konoha?

For the Senju clan who came out with two Hokages, don't believe me!

To become Hokage!

I can only spread my power and win over the Shimura family and the Ino-Shika-Chō family! ]

[Senju Hashirama: So what does this have to do with the demise of the Senju clan?]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: The Senju clan has always been opposed to me being a Hokage, and they have always been opposed to the village!

At that time, the Senju clan had already become a destabilizing factor hindering the village!

Just like the Uchiha clan back then!

During the war, Danzo proposed to let the Senju clan fight against the troops of various ninja villages!

Because of this, the Senju clan gradually withered away!

Later, Danzo experimented with the Senju family in an attempt to restore Wood Style!

It was too late when I found out about it!

I really don't know about Danzo's experiments. During that time, not only the Senju clan, but every ninja clan and even ordinary people disappeared!

So I failed to stop the decline of the Senju clan!


Shodai and Nidaime!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Then tell me, how did the Uzumaki clan get wiped out? ]

[ Uchiha Madara: Yes, don't say that you Konoha don't know about the destruction of the Uzumaki clan!

Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that Uzumaki Kushina was brought to Konoha!]

[Yagura: The Senju family has become a hindrance to Konoha, which is a bit funny! ]

[Second Tsuchikage No: Why are you so similar to the Uchiha clan? (Xie Laugh.jpg)]

[ Third Raikage Ai: @Sarutobi Hiruzen, explain quickly!]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: +1!]

The melon eaters on the side can't wait!

And Senju Tobirama's anger is not let out, he will wait until Sarutobi Hiruzen explains everything before spraying him hard!

Spraying him doubts life!

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: You guys got one thing wrong!

The Uzumaki family are not on good terms with Konoha!

It's because they have a good relationship with the Senju family!

Since the Senju clan's position in Konoha has changed!

The attitude of the Uzumaki clan towards Konoha has also changed!

The relationship between Konoha and it gradually became awkward!

Even the vortex village has become one of the threats to Konoha!

So when we found out that several forces wanted to destroy Vortex Tide Village,

Konoha chose silence,

Approaching in the dark!

Finally, take away the Uzumaki Kushina!

After all, we cannot and have no position to save Konoha's enemies!

This is the truth about the genocide of the Uzumaki clan in Uzumaki Village! ]

[Yagura citrus: You've done a great job of throwing this pot!

Don't mention your own responsibility at all!]

[ Uzumaki Kushina: Since then, Konoha has also developed a lot of sealing techniques!

It is estimated that there are many from the vortex village! ]

Yang Hui feels that part of Third Generation's words is believable!

At least what Third Generation said is logically self-consistent!

Also explains why the surviving Uzumaki people don't go to Konoha!

But Third Generation deliberately weakened its presence and responsibility in these events!

Pick yourself up clean!

It can be said to be half true and half false!

[ Senju Tobirama: @ Sarutobi Hiruzen, do you think I can't see your words?!

You can lie to my big brother!

Lie to me, don't even think about it!

Your words highlight Danzo, hide yourself!

Find all kinds of reasons to justify yourself!

As a Hokage, you don't see any manifestation of the will of fire, no wonder the governance of Konoha Village is declining!

The villagers also don't see the simplicity when they were first established!

In the above incidents, although you have deliberately weakened your influence, you cannot deceive me!

Decentralize power, let the Senju clan die, take advantage of the fire, disregard the law, and make Naruto the object of Konoha Village's rage!

One after another, it all reflects how incompetent your Hokage is!

You've made Konoha Village your own, doing anything for your own power!

4.8 Nasty!

I also shamelessly say sorry for Bo sympathy here!


[ Senju Hashirama: Disgusting! ]

[Namikaze Minato: +1!]

[ Uchiha Fugaku: +1! ]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: I am not, I am not!

I'm aggrieved!]

[Third Raikage Ai: You are wronged ass, spicy chicken!]

[No Second Tsuchikage: Spicy Chicken!]

Soon, Third Generation has been sprayed to the ground, and dare not show up!

Because no matter what he says, no one believes his nonsense anymore!

And will taunt him wildly!

What 'I'm wronged!','I'm wronged!','It's all done by Danzo' and 'The teacher and the apprentice are deep' and so on!

Every time Third Generation speaks, the group is full of joy!

Sarutobi Hiruzen feels like he is dead!

Not only was he beaten alive, but his reputation was not retained in the end!

If you die, you will be questioned by Second Generation!

And accept the ridicule and ridicule of the people!

Third Generation's whole person is not well!

' Uchiha Yang Hui, you are such a devil!"