
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Komik
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58 Chs

Chapter 52

Human World - Unknown Location - Main Base - Khaos Brigade.

In the main meeting room of the High Command of the Khaos Brigade , made up of beings of different races who form their own Factions within the terrorist group, you can see these 41 Leaders led by none other than Rizevim Livan Lucifer , who is in charge. From the Head to Around a large round table that has in the Center is a large Magic circle that shows those present what is happening in the City of Rome.

All the main Leaders of the Khaos Brigade are silent with disbelieving looks marked on their faces and slight shock, both by what they see and by what they feel, A power outside of Logic that Alters their own senses and begins to slowly disappear as if , they could no longer feel it even though it continues to grow, the more it grows, it disappears.

Euclid gritted his teeth in fear, true fear, A true demon is afraid of those Angelic Monsters, I never hope that among Them there was someone so powerful and strong... not strong, That word is definitely too small for that definitive power that is He feels around the entire World, The World!, such an Explosion of pure power even with how far away They Are... he could even feel his skin crawl just by seeing that Intense and pure Light and thinking that his Leader and Master Rizevim- sama is a direct descendant of those monsters through direct blood from Lucifer-sama as he is his only first-born son created.

Shalba and Creuserey also look with Fear at that Intense Light that does not allow them to see anything but They know that There are two Monsters, they could feel The slight tickling on their skin... as if just by seeing that Light, they were already burning something truly terrifying.

The different Leaders of the Khaos Brigade also feel Apprehensive, They have Listened and Been Attentive to everything that happens in The Supernatural World with the Sky Faction but they did not take it into account thinking that they could act under the shadows without the Other Factions being involved. They would realize their Actions and so on until it was too late, but what a Mistake... after the destruction of the first Faction they must have had their eyes on the Sky Faction, very attentive to them and their steps in case they might be be a problem or a Threat like they are Now, since Nobody in The Supernatural World has the guts or balls to destroy a Faction completely because of the Consequences and prejudices that The Supernatural World subjected it to but the Angels did it and it didn't happen nothing..., there could not be more of a threat than that and there is the fact that the Angels have attacked their supply bases in their faces, without any fear or doubt, something of real concern for their organization and now this and they do not comment that Angels cannot see Other Supernatural beings, not even in Painting because They will Attack without any doubt.

The Angel Faction is a Threat!

But while everyone is worried about what they see and the consequences they may have in the future for not having previously subdued the Threat that is now the Angels, Rizevim looks at everything for the first time, without his usual mocking and amused smile.

The Demon that falls into the category of Super demon, contemplates and seriously observes what he sees on the screen, the Angels are truly a force... Entering Heaven could well be suicide with these powers and... Wait ...Wait... these powers are in the human world currently fighting and are not attentive to a possible surprise attack on Heaven and without them, that can result... while they have their attention on fighting with...

Slowly a malicious smile made its way onto Rizevim's face, Oh, this could turn out, He's going to get Gabriel, She's Who He needs and maybe he can even "look" at the Heaven system if he has time to divert attention as He completes his plans, if only Michael continued Leading Heaven He would not worry, nor advance his plans, and could even have sent Euclid along with a battalion to fulfill the task in Heaven itself with everyone the Angels present, but with the Current situation of the Supernatural World and with the Angels being the main focus of everything and true beasts, He knows that Now He personally has to move so that things turn out well and in His favor, since The Angels will not touch the Heart to attack, nor forgive... "devils"... first they will attack and then they will ask... but what could they ask a dead person.

Rizevim smiled at the Last with mockery, but quickly became serious, he has to take advantage of the room for maneuver he has here, so he moved his hand attracting the attention of Euclid who approached his Master before he began to whisper to him in He heard their plans with Euclid opening his eyes with some fear but putting on his bravest face while listening attentively with the others Ignorant of what is happening to see what happens in The Magic Circle.

But little did Rizevim know about the Monsters in Heaven, their change and The Guardian who guards the door to Heaven, he doesn't even know the real Gabriel who was anything but kidnapping.

Sky of the City of Rome.

In this you can see Elohim/God himself looking with surprise and some disbelief at his first-born son, while he looks at him calmly.

Elohim denied slightly, being somewhat disbelieving and in slight shock at what he witnesses before him, he simply does not know how it happened, " it should not be possible ", it should not happen, Naruto is a created being, not a real one... but Here... This is his first creation Entering the rank of true God where it is no longer possible for Other low level beings, to be able to feel it... Something that only He possessed and was one of the main deterrents for Other beings. Supernaturals and Entities that believed themselves to be "Gods" in their Arrogance did not take a step forward to Face Him, since in principle they would lose because they were weak and secondly, they do not know what He is capable of and everyone fears what is unknown, They don't know if they can try or die trying, so they wouldn't act stupidly in their presence but... but...

Elohim simply couldn't believe it, "Naruto reached that Level", even though He was not created to possess such a capacity let alone be his... fellow man.

Naruto: " I finished Contemplating "... - He stated but did not ask, with his deep and Imposing voice that shook Elohim slightly.

Naruto looked at his father calmly having waited for his father to finish going through his surprise of seeing God.

Elohim, he denied, is more than clear that He could have been the cause of making a mistake in the middle of Naruto's creation... an abysmal mistake from what he can see.

Naruto did not warn when he disappeared and appeared in front of his father, both seeing each other... "As Equals", beings that are considered a Threat to the Other although this Last part is unilateral from God, since Naruto does not see it as a Threat and less as an Equal, he simply sees him, as the one who is already below... since he is the strongest.

Suddenly Naruto and Elohim simply disappeared.


Multiple explosions similar to sound slings or lightning began to be heard around the sky, creating some catastrophes on earth due to the magnitude of the earthquakes created by the lightning that falls and winds that break the same earthly courtesy.

Naruto could be seen surrounded by his golden Aura, exchanging blows against his father who is surrounded by his own silver Aura now.

Naruto suddenly smiled and jumped back much to Elohim's curiosity.


A powerful Explosion resonated with Something Entering the Energy Dome created by both the power of Elohim and that of Naruto when Lucifer saw himself in all his Splendor at the side of Elohim that he denied, Lucifer Currently for Him, he is nothing... The sim...

God wasn't done when a surprise punch from Naruto caught him off guard and hit him in the jaw, sending him flying backwards, only to be greeted by a smiling Lucifer who with a powerful reverse kick hit him in the shoulder. He sent him down and although his Action did not harm him, it did surprise him a little that he could be Em...

God did not finish when he felt a sting of Threat on his Back and looking out of the corner of his eye he saw a smiling Gabriel who was preparing to return it but acting quickly he turned around to Incapacitate Her and see in Her... Error.




Elohim let out a scream in slight disbelief when something strong hit him in the back, sending him at greater speed against Gabriel, who connected a powerful fist to his entire face, pushing him back up where he saw Naruto with a sphere of power condensed in his hand. .




A gigantic explosion resonated, clearing the energy dome created by both Naruto and his father, and the "group" entered the smoke screen.



Elohim moved in this smoke screen hurt by the Action of his children but he did not finish thinking when he felt Lucifer and Gabriel coming from behind him.

Elohim surrounded himself with his aura and when he was going to launch his attack he felt something grab him by the feet.


God shouted looking down at Naruto.

Naruto: Pay attention ... - he said when he pulled his father down with superior force, turning around and releasing him towards the ground.



The powerful Explosion resonated cleansing the City of Rome in a large radius as large cracks were opened in The ground by The Shock.

Naruto concentrated power in his hand again but before he could he sent both his hands together calmly as he backed away from a Dark Power Sphere that was sent at him.

Gabriel reacted or tried to when she felt something come from behind her back, but she didn't have time when two large arms captured her from behind in a bear hug and without any hesitation, Angel threw her head forward before forcefully retracting it back. and...



God stepped back, releasing his daughter who instantly created a Spear of Light and sent it to him, and he easily dodged it and stopped Lucifer's surprise attack with his bare hand, stopping the ax of devilry.


Lucifer: old man ... - the devil greeted calmly, exerting strength when she brutally released her Aura, an Aura so vile and dark as perverse that one could feel that it was the beginning and beginning of all evils.

But even with the Explosion of power Elohim did not retreat only to feel something coming from his Back.


God whispered sadly.

"No, soy Naruto".

God's eyes widened when a foot collided with his face.



This time Elohim shot downwards releasing Lucifer's ax that recovered it.


A powerful explosion again resounded.

Naruto: They asked me for permission to participate, Act and... don't let him take Air ... - he declared softly when he raised his power like Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel who spread their Wings causing more tension in the dimension that was beginning to rise. tear apart while the powerful Auras saturated all of Rome and one literally overwhelms the Around the World.

Far from there .

Far from the battlefield you can see certain primordial Goddesses, see the fight that is unfolding.

Gaea smiled, they have begun, the Goddess thought when she saw the biblical Exponents disappear, although Naruto... He is in Another category, power, strength and ability.

Gaea, also saw it, Elohim is at a great disadvantage... the strength is Naruto, yes, but the others give him the required distraction before Elohim can do anything. While he is trying to concentrate on one, another pushes him and Naruto She finishes it off with devastating, forceful blows that break something because of The "Crack" She hears coming from Elohim as she receives each blow but moves again.

Izanami who is close to the Greek primordial also saw what He is noticing and seeing, Those Angels are pushing him, having fun with " God/Elohim ", because The young silver-haired man is strong, truly superior in strength and power to fight one against One against Elohim, but that would lengthen the fight but the way things are going, "the fight" may end soon... since Elohim tries to separate them without power, due to Naruto's strength and if he focuses only on him, the attacks will The Backs of Others can turn out to be deadly for Him, Taking them like those of that Angel Woman who takes seconds concentrating pure power... enough to hurt even Herself by the concentration of It and Izanami is not Arrogant, She knows that Elohim is a beast, look that making the effort and maintaining herself against that group more powerful than all her children combined, is something impressive and that she could not do, nor maintain herself.

Izanami saw the obvious, The raw power alone speaks for itself, She not even with Izanagi would be able to hold their own against that group, not with the brutality that They are showing and although they do not launch too many crazy attacks, they are very coordinated and powerful, practically They don't let "God" breathe but what is expected of them being the children of that beast they deal with.

Izanami moved her Hand passing it through the visible power that is around, a power so intense and condensed that it can even be visible to the Eye,... The Goddess smiled in denial, The Supernatural World after its Confinement Ignored the Monsters that are the Biblical specifically the Angel Faction with its Leader who Literally created The World.


With Elohim .

The father of everything literally came out of a screen of smoke, quickly analyzing his surroundings while presenting some cracks around his body.

God simply could not believe that He is Confronting His main sons who have gone astray.

God quickly noticed Lucifer who appeared in his range of vision, since Naruto's condensed Aura is altering his senses of perception, which is why he cannot follow the Location of his children, as He claimed... the Light Tilts closer to his side and begins to see him.

Elohim created a Sphere of power in his hand with a powerful seal included capable of Incapacitating Lucifer, since He does not seek to Eliminate it.

Lucifer also noticed his father with a serious look, since he had begun with his strategies to maintain control of the fight, of course it would work if the Naruto factor was not there.

Being that He Himself suddenly appeared in front of his father, grabbing him by the face by surprise and quickly went to the ground.


A powerful Explosion was generated before The Crash but continued, when the ground began to open and Naruto was seen running while dragging his father all over the ground until he released him along with a Sphere of concentrated power that he hit him at point-blank range.


Another Explosion rang out when the ground literally shook and the rocks Brutally emerged from the ground and began to Erupt as a shower of lava shot out of nowhere.

Lucifer smiled at the appearance of the environment, the ashes can already be seen falling along with lava and the sudden rain plus the rays that still resonate seem to give the appearance that the world is on its last legs.

Lucifer proceeded to take off, She knows it's not over yet, her father no matter how weakened he looks, He is not Someone who will simply fall.

With Elohim .

He came out gasping from the Last Attack that damaged him. Not being complete and forcing his body to do what it is not prepared for begins to take its toll on him and He knows it as he falls to his knees on top of a rock recovering some Breath, not even his fight. against Trihexa it was so... Intense and Exhausting and it didn't give her the chance of losing like Now that she doesn't see the chance of winning with her unhappiness...

" Have you finished ?".

Elohim opened his eyes in surprise when he heard that unmistakable voice and saw the feet... of his son... looking up he met his son's apathetic golden eyes piercing him.

Naruto calmly looks at his father who sees him from below on his knees, as it should be and that was what Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel saw when they came close after the latter two had been pushed by the Last explosion that their father sent them. although it did not affect them more than small damage to Gabriel's clothing and scratches on Michael's Armor.

Lucifer was the only one who opened her eyes wide when she saw her father kneeling before Naruto, not even she could perform such a feat before and not even now as her father showed that it was the true power but Naruto surpassed it, in the definitive and superior power. .

Gabriel and Michael did not flinch, what's more, Gabriel seemed to show slight delight and satisfaction at seeing his father on his knees defeated, " Let him feel what She felt when she was controlled by a Useless One ", "Helplessness.

Naruto looked at his father who was standing up and moved his leg hitting him in the shoulder making him fall back on the ground now on his back resting his hands on the ground and looking at Naruto.

Naruto: it's over ... - he declared forcefully.

Elohim looked seriously at Naruto.

Elohim:What ... Guahh.

Elohim gasped as he found himself held in a death grip on his neck courtesy of Naruto who lifted him up while Elohim grabbed his arm tightly trying to get Naruto to let go which didn't work.

Naruto: "Do you think I didn't see it? I am God...I know what you were trying to do and writing on the ground... Elohim opened his eyes wide ...sealing me again is not something I want...I have one." .. family, if that... to be with and A World to control... I wouldn't fall for your foolish play... - He told him calmly when Elohim began to release all his reserves of power when he saw that his plan failure but suddenly they just disappeared and...

Elohim clenched his jaw as he made a statement under Naruto's strong grip on his neck.

Elohim:"T... tu...

Naruto smiled and nodded understanding what he meant and asked.

Naruto: He was always at my Father's mercy, see... Now I am taking away the Light that he controls and part of his power that he possesses... since the one who controls the Light is me as his God... well it was you before but He detach himself from his Body, he also disconnected his connection with the Light, he could have recovered it and everything was normal if I were not clear and more so with The Other Michael who was of no use but as I am and as his like when I was free from the seal all that Light came to my service and Accept it as you see... I am the one who controls it above any being of Light even You... the same is with the Other domains that is why your range of abilities that you showed was limited... I also realized realize that... - He told him calmly with Elohim gasping for Air... He didn't need it before but everything that took off from his body left him in a bad position.

Elohim: A... so He... c... creating you was my... my... worst Mistake... and...

Naruto nodded calmly at his statement cutting him off.

Naruto: Exactly, if I weren't there... You could have easily recovered everything that was detached from you, since you would be God... The creator and that... but now I am... but don't be afraid... You will not die, nor will I destroy your body, surely Lilith will enlighten me a little about what to do with you, you see, my partner asked me to act like married humans talking between the two of us about some decisions and I plan to satisfy her so... - He told him when he landed a sudden blow on Elohim's face and he fell unconscious.

Naruto then released his father and proceeded to teleport him under everyone's Watchful Eyes.

Lucifer[ well shit, He... I knew he's strong and everything but against father... he defeated him and no matter how weakened he was, " He's father "... and Lilith, hell, that bitch... Wait, I don't care but what could she push Naruto to do, since she seems very intelligent to use the married couple thing with Naruto making the decisions together of course when Naruto wants and she takes advantage of it, since when he wants he makes the decision by himself Even without talking about it, there is no Opposition, or anything like that ].... - the devil thought with curiosity about what crazy Lilith could encourage her to do to her father. She is one of the closest to Naruto, so He. .. Devils.

Naruto let out a quiet sigh as his Wings disappeared from his Back.

Naruto opened and closed his fist several times, he could feel the power running through...

Naruto [ hmn, if he had been complete and not planning a countermeasure... perhaps, it could have been a good Training ]... - he thought calmly, unaware that his father was fighting against Him for the freedom of life itself and that His ways are Wrong, not to Entertain Him, nor Oppose Him to be God, no... God, I just wanted to stop Him and Fix Him.

Naruto: well, let's go see the Spectators... - he said when the quartet disappeared.

With Gea and Izanami .

The Goddesses had placed their feet on top of the rocks on which they were sitting when suddenly, Naruto and his group appeared in front of them a few meters away.

Naruto: Gaea... - He stated and the green-haired Goddess nodded with a smile.

Naruto turned to see the black-haired girl.

Naruto: Izanami... - He stated to the curiosity of the Shinto parent.

Naruto: To what do I owe them being present?.. - I asked them referring to Him, since it was Him whom they saw and observed.

Izanami: I'm leaving and... - The Goddess did not finish when she saw a pair of golden eyes pierce her while a soft hand held her chin.

Naruto: you have something that belongs to me, you looked too much... It's clear that you won't leave... right... - He said and whispered the last thing, looking at the Shinto girl who saw him imperturbable before a sudden and powerful blush will fill your cheeks.

Izanami: and... I... and ... -The Goddess stammered as to her disbelief she could not find her tongue to speak or form a word when her senses were suddenly overwhelmed by this Deity.

Izanami had not taken into account Naruto's beauty because he was far away and meters away, but having him at point-blank range was too much for the Cold-Hearted Goddess who began to sweat and blush while her heart beats like crazy and her mind tries to fight against submission to the real one.

Naruto: right?... - He asked, looking at the Goddess intently in the eyes and without being able to help it, Izanami nodded, totally captivated by the Unreal beauty, her mind was no longer completely her own.

Naruto turned to look at Gaea out of the corner of his eye.

Gaea: I submit ... - He told him simply and Naruto nodded simply as well.

Lucifer, swallow, Now that I noticed it, She hasn't looked him straight in the face... Terrifying, he already subdued that Goddess from what he could feel and truly strong.

Naruto: let's go back... in a few minutes Mnemosyne will give birth, I want to be present... - he commented when he called Gaia who approached him and they disappeared in a flash, leaving the City of Rome completely destroyed with an active volcano that was beginning to rise. commute.

Unknown place .

Among the Infinite Darkness a gigantic being could be seen moving.

" Light... term ...

The deep voice murmured, becoming softer and somewhat feminine.











"First I don't nerf... God is a beast and even Incomplete could be maintained but for the same reason he lost, since Naruto is also a beast but more indifferent, Naruto does not fight for satisfaction or joy or excitement, he just did it for the sake of it. .. He doesn't care.

Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer are strong yes, but it is God.

Why Lucifer was not lost, nor Izanami nor Gaea... Unconsciously they did not stare at Naruto and the Supernatural beings who are gossiping. They only see Light and figures of Light fight... they do not see the beings clearly but they know that It has to do with Los Angeles.

It was explained why the fight was, not so Epic because in principle it would be nerfed, God was not complete and in addition his plan was the objective that Naruto saw and he barely tried to become stronger after being discovered, Naruto did not give him the opportunity.