
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Komik
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58 Chs

Chapter 36

Human World - Japan - Kuoh City - Hyoudou Residence .

In this you can see the only son of the Hyoudou Family and the current Sekiryuutei, Hyoudou Issei, slowly go down the stairs to the downstairs to eat his breakfast and prepare to go to the Academy.

The brunette yawned as he went down and let out a tired sigh.

Issei [ Another day and more and more the Girls are moving away... they no longer give me time and I don't even think that Buchou or Akeno-san have come to sleep, since I woke up alone ]... - thought the somewhat apprehensive brunette wanted to that things were like before with Him waking up next to the Girls, They fighting for Him and his attention, He misses that.

"Let's go Xenovia-san."

The brunette heard Asia's sweet voice that made him open his eyes in surprise and he quickly went down the stairs finding Asia-chan and Xenovia-san near the door where Última is putting on her shoes or trying to do so.

Both of them are already dressed in their Academy Uniforms and seem ready to leave.

Issei:Asia... - The chestnut tree called the Ex-Nun who turned to see him with a soft smile that filled the chestnut tree's heart, he had not seen her smile for a long time.

Asia: Issei-san... - the blonde greeted the brunette who approached both girls, while

Issei: where are you going so early? There's still time left... I look at the clock on the wall... 40 minutes until the Academy opens... - I tell the two girls with curiosity and surprise as to why they got so dressed up. early and they already seemed like they were going to leave.

Asia: Oh, that... is that Xenovia-san and I are going to see the Mass that is given in the nearby Church from afar before going to the Issei-san Academy because we are leaving early and I am sorry for not being able to Accompany you to the Academy today... - The beautiful blonde told him and apologized for that to her friend.

Issei [ it's been since we returned from the Underworld that you won't accompany me ]... - The chestnut man thought with Irony and slight sadness that he didn't show in The Outside.

Issei realized something.

Issei: but you know that we are prohibited from approaching...

Xenovia: no,... She interrupted him ... that was before the Alliance treaty... although we cannot enter a Church because of what we are, we can approach it through the blessing of Michael-sama and Besides, we will only see and hear the Mass that we are already late for, Issei-san... if you'll excuse me... - The beautiful blue-haired girl told him after explaining to him while she opens the door and begins to leave through Est with her bag in hand.

Asia apologized and quickly followed Xenovia leaving Issei standing there as the door closed.

Issei: What... what's wrong with them?... - The brunette whispered with Apprehension and also noticing that to Hoard it Like Asia but they don't do it.

Draig in Issei's Mind who had seen everything, denied, Apparently The God Boy was a great Impact on Those two Ex-Nuns, Now the hell it seems that Now they pray for Him and pay more Attention to Him every day Pray for Him He has to pay attention to his Companion who begins to notice him and the Gremory Girl and her Queen are also distant, everything is so problematic.

Issei lowered his head and walked back to the kitchen, lost in thought.

Kuoh Academy - Occult Club - Upstairs - Bathroom.

In this you can see the beautiful Rías Gremory submerged in a bathtub with the Water covering her entire beautiful naked body in the company of her Queen, Akeno Himejima, and both are sharing the bath while chatting with each other.

Akeno, who is sitting in a small van completely naked, pours water on herself with a small bucket, wetting her entire beautiful body while removing all the Este Soap and Shampoo from her hair before noticing her president who seems lost in thought.

Akeno: "Rías"... - The Fallen Half called to the demon who seemed to come out of her Daze and blinked when she heard her Queen calling her.

Akeno: What's wrong with you? You seem to be in the clouds lately... - He told her, pointing out that fact that he has seen lately in his King, while he runs his hands through his hair, taking out the little shampoo that was left in this one.

Rias smiled softly and looked at her Queen with a somewhat dreamy look.

Rias: I can't help it Akeno... - She opened up to her Friend and Queen who paid her curious attention about what her King is going to say.

Rias: I can't get Naruto out of my mind, the one who appeared when we went to deal with Loki... it's explained... He just won't leave my mind Akeno... he looked so big, so tall... so ... Unattainable... he smiled ... he had never seen someone like this before... A little like Issei when he fought Raiser I thought his determination and strength was cute... but this... This Naruto was so... Unreal, I don't know if this was Love at first sight... but I can't stop thinking about Him and how He descended that time from Heaven like a true... A... - She told him, showing a nice blush on her cheeks. and a dreamy look missing Explaining the Last.

Akeno contemplated that, Rias apparently was super captivated and it seems to be true, since they haven't even seen her face but she has Rias like this...

Akeno actually didn't know what to say, since even she liked this Naruto... she was scared and liked it at the same time, how he dominated her with his mere presence and shook her entire being that shuddered with fear and anxiety. , Adrenaline and Excitement, all at the same time, no one had ever made her feel like this, much less with his mere presence and she has not seen his face, only his clothing that covers it but... seeing it was like seeing Something That Is There but you felt and knew that you would never be able to reach or touch him, who knows, it was a little disappointing that he made you feel that way but at the same time it still excites you,... she's just confused with everything.

Akeno: I see... - was the only thing she responded when both remained silent although Rias continued daydreaming.

Both Ignorant who were their demonic and fallen primitive Sides, Those who are dominating them and making them feel attracted to Him who Rises above their races, The pinnacle of the Three Great Biblical Factions whose face is not necessary to see to know that It is He who is above You.

Kyoto - Omiya .

Several blocks away from the Yasaka Shrine , you can see Satan with Princess Kunou and Shirone, since they had separated from the other Girls who went to other stores and places to see the beauty of Kyoto and what it can offer them when The Trio of Children noticed the change in the environment and the barrier that was raised until 5 teenagers appeared in front of them wearing some uniform from some academy.

Kunou looked seriously and somewhat nervously at these humans who gave off Magical presence and a strong one from what I noticed.

Shirone and Satan looked calm and curious while they both ate their respective sweets, since each of them has a small bag full of these that they had bought earlier for free.

The Children and Teenagers looked at each other in silence until One of the Teenagers began.

"Children, come with us and we will not harm you... but Mira, none other than the Kyubi's daughter... CaoCao will like this."

One of the Teenagers commented in a funny way looking at the Children and Kunou specifically got hurt, They know who She is.

Satan stepped forward, forming a calm but bored look shining in his disturbing crimson eyes.

Satan: Looking at you closely... you are not that Interesting, you are not worth my time... I see weakness in you, but also a little satisfaction because you do not see us as a Threat, but as a reward... Congratulations to you from his weak Leader... - he commented simply when one of the Boys frowned and the Others snorted, amused by the words of the foolish Boy who wanted to become The Brave.

"You have a dirty mouth there child, your parents...

Satan narrowed his gaze quickly, Which could not match that of a Child.

Satan: my parents... you dare mention them in your dirty mouth ... - He growled at him with his voice changing to a deeper and more demonic one that froze the 5 Teenagers in their Place.

The teenagers opened their eyes surprised and somewhat scared when they did not see the child standing, otherwise, a monster that suddenly appeared... A red-skinned being with impressive musculature stood with large black horns but curved towards up and his eyes... his eyes... Deep yellow with a pigmentation similar to a line in These similar to those of a Frog and...

That being tasted his Lips with his Long and Creepy Tongue.

"Who will be my first Appetizer."

The being asked with a voice so deep that it made the boys' hearts accelerate with horror and fear, pure fear, which grew more and more as they noticed that they could not move, nor could their mouths to even scream, they could not close either. their eyes, there is only Standing and seeing with Helplessness, fear and horror how They Are at the Mercy of that being... That Monster taken from Hell that sees them with those disturbing Eyes.

The Teenager who had Tried to make fun of the children at the beginning began to shed Tears of pure Fear, he had never seen anything like it before, not even the rebellious demons that they murdered on his way were so disturbing and grotesque... This being,.. He looks like the real devil was ever described, This Monster actually scared him, he was scared, he just wanted to go home, he was scared, very scared, he doesn't want to be here.

"Do you cry? Oh, no... don't do it, We're just... getting started."

That Monster that the Boys see said in a mocking way and they did not see it when it disappeared, it was only an Instant, everyone moved their eyes everywhere looking for it when They heard a growl come from one of Them next to them, Which froze and hurt them. worse, The cold sweat ran through them, but the forced curiosity in them made them force their eyes to one side and they looked, something they never wanted to see, since they could not take their eyes and gaze away from what they see..., like That Monster Opens his mouth in an Abnormal and bizarre, almost bestial way and He grabbed the head of one of His Friends who is letting tears fall with his two Hands as claws, keeping him still longer than He already is and... He began, I took his mouth Abnormally large for his head and he began to literally swallow it as if he were eating an Anaconda.

One of the Boys felt a weak pain in his chest when he saw that and everything was suddenly Dark, he had suffered a cardiac arrest.

The three remaining Boys continued to watch in horror as their Friend's Head disappeared into that Thing's mouth... the Tears just didn't stop falling. What was happening? They didn't know, just a second ago they thought there was captured those children and now.


The Boys saw how their Friend's body fell to the ground without his head, bleeding there, while the Monster showed a large lump on his neck, abnormally bulging, being nothing more than his Friend's Head, which he began to force to swallow to Their growing horror and fear of witnessing such a bizarre act, no, they couldn't is much.

Outside the Illusion, Satan calmly looked at the 5 paralyzed Boys who shared lost glances.

Satan: let's go, they're already dead... - he said calmly and began to walk along the boys' side followed by Shirone and finally a Kunou who didn't know what was happening. They simply stayed there when they appeared and that's it? Weren't they going to attack them?

Kunou followed her "Friends" quickly, looking back at the Boys who were surrounded by fire and began to burn alive, which made her look away and wonder what happened.

Yasaka Shrine - Meeting Room .

In Esta you can feel great tension on the part of the Invaders who apparently have come for Yasaka and did not wait for any of those present who are with Esta.

Amaterasu and Odin from their Seat looked with calm and curiosity at those who dared to attack The Place where their Meeting is held, although Odin narrowed his gaze when he saw a certain spear on one of those Boys, A dangerous Spear.

Irene [ Their luck ]... - The Dragon thought with amusement at These Invaders and her luck of having Naruto present.

Naruto was not disturbed by the spear, or by anything, he just looked at them calmly as he began to get up in an impossible way, carrying Yasaka with one hand when they were both left standing, just like Artoria, Jeanne and Irene, who felt the Hakuryuukou in the room and literally saw him in that silver haired man, of course his wings are spread.

Vali, I don't expect this, actually I don't expect it.

Naruto: CaoCao, Heracles, Vali, Siegfried and Albion... - He mentioned the name of each one calmly, looking at the Four Boys a few meters from him where Vali shivered slightly, how does he know his name.

CaoCao narrowed his gaze for a second, since He hasn't introduced himself but well, he can start from there.

CaoCao: you know us, I feel flattered... - I comment with a funny grin looking at this stranger although his clothes describe him as...

Naruto: Oh, no, I don't really know you, nor have I heard from you or your friends... I don't know how flattered you are... I just saw you, I am God after all but I don't pay attention to little things ... - He said calmly to the Anger of the Mentioned for being reduced to small.

Vali started to break out in a cold sweat. Strangers, I knew that he feels a little scared to see Him here, but what is the reaction of his body that wants to tremble?

Naruto felt a movement next to him and saw how Yasaka with her cloudy eyes grabbed his arm while showing him her sharp canine teeth and "I attack him", or well... that's what it seemed like.

Amaterasu opened her eyes in surprise.

Yasaka !​

The Goddess called to her Friend who had hung on the Boy's shoulder and bit them over her toga, if only it were Bite... She is marking him as her Mate, I never expect it.

Naruto only felt a shake in his robe and a small but tiny pressure on his shoulder.

Naruto: as it continued... - said, ignoring Yasaka's movement, who after a second left Naruto's shoulder with a satisfied smile.

Naruto: you have a nice spear there... give it to me... - He offered his hand calmly to CaoCao when a small shadow appeared in the Room shot in his direction.

Naruto saw her, Amaterasu saw her, Odin saw her, even a stunned Yasaka saw her when a human with a Sword raised Approaches in slow motion in the direction of Naruto but at the same time, Artoria appears next to him lowering a sword. Golden sword in slow motion towards the Head of the Attacker who did not see Her.


It was the slight sound that Naruto heard when Artoria's sword connected with the human's skull, telling him part of its face, followed by his arms and Artoria recovered her sword in a millisecond.


A rush of wind hit everyone in the room as the weather returned to normal and the sound of a falling body was heard.

Heracles, Siegfried and CaoCao opened their eyes in surprise at that but the latter kept his surprise in a contemptuous grimace.

Naruto: Thank you Artoria and don't worry, He is already suffering in Limbo, his Soul for all Eternity... - He said calmly to his partner who nodded with a nice and returned to his side.

Odin [ is not an Ordinary Warrior ]... - thought The Father of Asgard having Analyzed the movement of the blonde and found her of the Lethal type.

Siegfried: Artoria! He shouted, He had heard that name before... like that Artoria that Arthur spoke of... The Invincible Queen who never lost a single battle or Fight and Oh, hell... - Mormuro The Boy looking with some nerves, Fear and seriousness at the blonde who doesn't look older than Him, but rather He looks like The Eldest, She looks like... 15 years old?

Artoria Ignored her possible Fan.

Artoria: You, let go of that spear... I like it... - The pendragon ordered the pendragon cutely in Naruto's eyes, closing the case having stated that the spear will be his, was what Irene contemplated.

Jeanne frowned in disgust as to why these blasphemers did not kneel as soon as they entered the presence of their Lord, little did she know that Naruto did not allow it because He wanted it that way,...The Invaders are Ignorant that they are at His Mercy also because that is how he made them see them.

CaoCao frowned at the words of that Girl and these Four Leaders present who could hinder his plans, He did not expect the Leader of the Asgardian Here and even less the Goddess Amaterasu, Two powerful beings by their own Merit that He does not believe he can with both at the same time, or rather he could only hold against one for a few minutes, much to his displeasure.

And now the being that...

Naruto: give me... the Spear... - He ordered when CaoCao, Vali, Heracles and Siegfried felt the entire weight of the World on them, they could not move even Albion inside Vali to the surprise of the Dragon, he cursed himself Not having kept Vali away from all this, this was the bad feeling I had before... and wait... why hasn't Vali run away from the beginning?, ...or hell, they can't and it didn't even occur to them when it should be the first thing his Instincts would alert him to do.

Naruto smiled softly when The Dragon caught that.

Jeanne: My lord,... I call Naruto's attention ...if you allow me, I would like to personally take care of one of them for their failure to kneel in his presence as soon as they saw him... It is a great mistake not to do so before God... - The Ex-maiden said and asked Naruto who tilted his head with curiosity, since He was the one who took that away from Them but He nodded, withdrawing his slight presence that could suffocate Them.

Naruto: Oh, good... You can also participate Artoria and Irene... it doesn't matter, although you... The boy who smells like Lucifer, I'll talk to you later well... Lu will be very happy to see one of his descendants... he told her that in a Mysterious way ... and don't worry if you die I will revive you so fight with everything and entertain my companions or I will take care of you personally, well... - he said calmly in general as if The Invaders were not a Threat, nor a danger, in fact he told them to entertain his Girls well or they would entertain him, such a way of putting them down did not please those present at all and...


CaoCao whispered as he appeared a few meters away from Naruto with his spear, already descending where Naruto's heart should be.


"Oh,...No, no, no... He shouldn't have done that."

Naruto shook his head "No" when the Spear stopped a few centimeters from his body in the Air to the surprise of CaoCao who tried to use force and nothing, his Spear did not advance to his disbelief.

Albion[ Idiot ]... - The Dragon thought because of the Child's Arrogance.

CaoCao tried to retract his Spear and could not, much to his disbelief and surprise.

CaoCao: What?!... - he shouted with Disbelief and Uncertainty before seeing the Being he was thinking of going through with It.

Naruto: You won't answer, but tell me... what made you believe that the Spear that murdered the weak Jesus will do the same to me?... - He said while raising his hand and the Spear appeared in it, to CaoCao's surprise, as before. that I could say something gasp.


CaoCao coughed uncomprehendingly, as he looked down at his... his... his Spear that...

Naruto: well, it will be your Friends who entertain... Vali, he's not going to run away so don't move, fine... - He said to the silver-haired boy who looked at him with horror and fear, not to mention his Dragon, they have Entered the Wolf's den and cannot escape.

Naruto: As I told him again,... I look at CaoCao who still looks surprised and in shock for having his own spear stuck in his chest. Specifically, his heart does not beat but he is still alive ...his friends will entertain him. my companions and you are no longer necessary well... I will destroy your Soul for raising your Hand to me, although I allowed you not to see me as a Threat and kneel before Me, you do not want to say anything... - He finished telling the black-haired man that He began to see how everything is trying to darken for him, this... This is the cold of Death?, his ambitions and desires end here?... no... no p...

CaoCao stretched one of her hands towards the front in desperation for Someone to Grab her and nothing,... she didn't feel anything... touch, voice or anything else, what scared her the most and was full of desperation.

"...po... f... v..

Naruto: Goodbye... - he said goodbye shaking his hand, which filled Vali and those who remained like Heracles and Siegfried with horror, since only 5 came for the Yokai Leader, which should not be a problem for any of them, while The Others Attack Yokais in Other Places as a Distraction.

Odin was slightly shaken by The Shivers at seeing that, saying goodbye so... Childishly to who he had just Murdered.

Heracles and Siegfried, Now they saw how that Boy was Imposing himself, he began to Grow in a way that makes them look like ants, no, less than That and... God.

Artoria pouted.

Artoria: Now how they look, they are not worth it... - commented the Pendragon who saw how the black-haired Murderer, her partner, turned into Ashes and the Three Boys who remain more The Corpse of the person than Her Murderer, They are frozen and They show scared faces.

Jeanne nodded, She saw challenge for a second but it quickly disappeared. Same, Apparently the Boys had not Focused well on their Lord and when they did they lost their will and Now you see him because of how big and Tall he is.

Naruto: Eh... too bad... - Mormuro without Interest.

Naruto:This is Artoria, the Spear you wanted. .. - He gave his companion the much acclaimed True Longinus to the surprise of Odin and Amaterasu who could only watch without believing that He... God quelled a possible fight of the two Sides so easily almost as if he had not really tried it to do but it happened.

Artoria looked in her hand at the surprising Spear she has won, she could feel that it is strong and not at all easy to break, it is the Spear that Murdered Jesus no less.

Naruto: Now to you... - he said, facing a frozen Siegfried who gritted his teeth in horror.

Siegfried: and...and...and... no... God... Mercy...

Naruto: huh?... - he said while grabbing the chin of the trembling Knight and making him see... his toga, since he couldn't see under it.

Naruto: That God cannot do this? You repent and ask me for Mercy... he said what the Knight could not say in coherent words ... I am a different God... - He told him when Siegfried's Head exploded in a "poff".

Heracles began to tremble when the blood only stained him and not the one who murdered his... Comrade.

Naruto: disappear... - he said when Heracles was surrounded by golden flames that swallowed him without giving him the chance to even scream.

Vali froze and his mind shut down when he felt an arm go around his shoulder in a hug.

Naruto: As I said before, Lu will like the arrangement... and so will you... Dragon... - he said when Vali disappeared from his place as if he had never been there.

Naruto: Jeanne... you can tell the others to Eliminate them all... I will drop this barrier when they finish and don't worry, They can't leave the radius... - he said, implying that the Invaders did not lock them up. with Them, no, They Locked themselves in with Them.

Jeanne nodded at her Lord's Order and disappeared in speed.

"They didn't give you Fight, not even The Hakuryuukou or The Boy of the Spear."

Odin suddenly commented drawing Naruto's attention to him.

Naruto: It would be strange if they gave it to me... I am God... - Magnanimously replied.

Amaterasu [ yes, He is not Normal and even less of a Game... practically They came to his Death and He did not show any degree of mercy or kindness... A different God ]... - the Goddess thought because of the danger of This ... God.

Odin still saw how this God grew and showed himself imposing.

Naruto: come yasaka... I'll touch your tail a little longer...

Underworld - Grigory.

In The main and Central Kingdom of the Fallen Angels you can see These come and go like any normal day in their territory, being a normal day early in the Morning when Some Fallen began to notice flashes in The Blue Sky something that made them stop in your tracks and contemplate that.

Several Fallen Ones began to see the same thing as several flashes Appear in the Sky and from these come out... Angels, Many Angels with their white Wings begin to Appear in the sky and... A Light appeared blinding them for a second...


A powerful explosion followed.










Yes, the Hero Faction Literally Entered the Wolf's Mouth.

The part of Satan Inspired by the Devil's Colony, The 2011 movie and it was an Illusion, He has powers yes and everything but like Naruto, These Invaders are of no Interest.