
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Komik
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58 Chs

Chapter 20

Underworld - Unknown place.

Far from any civilization, be it demonic or supernatural, in some large mountains of a dark aspect that could be seen at the peak of the largest mountain in You are a large castle of Ancient Aspect hidden between You are with a small figure that could be seen sitting on the top of said castle observing the blue sky with curiosity when a deformation appeared behind this unknown figure who did not flinch at all and continued turning his back on this fact.

"Who did this?".

The small figure suddenly asked with curiosity in his voice when three young boys emerged from the deformation and looked at a small black-haired girl who wears a gothic Loli outfit, being none other than their Leader and the Leader of the largest terrorist faction currently in the world. Supernatural World, The Khaos Brigade, being that the one who manages said Faction as Leader is none other than Little Loli in front of them, but don't let that confuse them, since she, even with her appearance as a girl, is one of the most powerful beings in the world. , no less than The "Dragon Goddess of Infinity, Ophis Ouroboros" Herself.

Vali, having heard his question, decided to answer his Leader who turned his back on him to find out if he knew anything about this new player called "Naruto", who has Albion nervous and to a lesser extent him.

"To both Acéptalo".

Vali pushed his companion's statement to the back of his mind.

Vali: A supposed Naruto who calls himself The first son of God and father of Demons did it... - He responded seriously to his Leader.

Ophis nodded, contemplating that without turning to see him while Arthur and Bikou remained silent listening to their Leaders speak.

Ophis: create a sun and a moon for The Underworld in just seconds... said Admiring The sun ..., its power is Interesting and Naruto?... no, I haven't heard much about Him... son of God. .. hmn... I think I have heard ramblings from little deserters centuries ago who were afraid of meeting him or a certain Queen... - he murmurs, trying to remember for a second before leaving it there, since he doesn't remember more about that event that was centuries ago but son of God and with these abilities.

"He has a presence similar to that of Elohim, it even made me confuse him with Him, I don't know if he is lying or if he is Elohim, it is somewhat confusing but there is no doubt that he is strong."

Albion gave his opinion to The Dragon Goddess to everyone's surprise, to a lesser extent than Ophis, since The Celestial Dragon never showed Interest in having a conversation with Her, without her knowing that it is because The Dragon Himself fears her and does not want Ophis. destroy your Soul if you Offend it in any way done by Him who is always silent in your presence and leaves it up to Him to deal with it.

"And he also shares similarities to yours and "Great Red" in the way of not presenting his Aura although without that... He... He is truly Imposing as a Dragon."

Albion revealed to Ophis that he calmly listens to the Opinion of the Dragon, being that he understood why he did not feel this Naruto, since the powerful ones like Her or Great Red himself, Turn off their Auras so as not to cause havoc in The World due to their vast oppressive presence that surpasses with You grow any Aura or normal presence and can cause a mass genocide that does not come close to their powers to withstand their presence.. Made by which Great Red, can pass through any Faction with his gap without causing destruction or Unnecessary Deaths being that He does not release her Aura or presence, nor does She do so or even Vali and his group could Stand at Her Side because of her power that They cannot bear.

In addition, the Imposing figure in his Dragon form of Great Red, makes even the bravest retreat without even doing anything or even looking for Intimidate, it is a simple fact that he is strong and that's why he can travel through any faction without problem.

Ophis also contemplated this revelation of how strong this Naruto could be and if it would serve him, since it is not normal for him to be able to hide his Aura to that level that she could not feel, not even those who believe themselves to be strong can do that, since of course They escape slight traces of their "great power" that they hide as if it were dangerous for others and believe themselves to be true powerful beings when the powerful are the ones who keep their power and Aura at their and Great Red's level, so as not to Crush Them but Well.

Ophis: "As you put it, it makes me curious about Him"... - she commented calmly with her empty and emotionless voice, since Albion knew that it was obvious that She would be curious about This being for her goal of returning to the gap. and if it can serve your cause.

Vali frowned because it seemed that his Leader did not have any useful information about this new and powerful player. He once lamented the Death of God and the strong ones he could have fought, but now one appeared that instead of Thrilling him for Fighting against Him makes him nervous and he doesn't like that at all, much less not knowing anything about Him or even his way of being.

"He also felt oppressive to me, even though I am a soul, plus he has "Supremacy", my own title and also Draig's "Domination", if I think from my point of view... Now there is a Monster free that his mere presence is enough to subdue the weak.

Albion finished commenting, earning a frown from Bikou, He didn't feel anything in that boy and even if they had arguments as to why, he wasn't as Interesting as The Leader of the Angels isn't, that Michael who doesn't look strong.

Vali, frowned at his partner's words but did not deny it, That Naruto just by being a few meters away from him with his mere presence subdued him something that neither his grandfather nor Azazel ever did even when he was a child, scare him. and Intimidate him a little, both yes, but just by being present someone would subdue and paralyze him, never, that never happened and He is not weak.

Arthur didn't think much about it. He had his own Monsters to fight and he didn't want to do it at all, being those Artoria and "Mordred" herself. The latter was coarser and more brutal than his Mother and a true Master of the Sword. which he doubted he would ever be able to defeat, due to his vast Years of Experience.

Ophis: I understand... - he said simply and looked at the blue sky again, while silence began to reign in the place.

England - Pendragon Mansion - Artoria's Office.

Now silence began to reign in the Pendragon Office due to the sudden appearance of the group of women unknown to some and shocking to others due to their way of dressing and appearance.

¡ Naruto!

The silence was broken by the excited and happy scream of one of the beautiful women, this being Eva, who quickly jumped into Naruto's arms, who raised his own, capturing the second Woman and cushioning the Shock that could have occurred since Artoria moved a little. little to one side for the same reason but he didn't move away from Naruto.

Artoria [ This must be Eva ]... - The pendragon thought, since Naruto had told her centuries ago about his other companions that he had locked in his two necklaces, their names and personalities, Eva being the most Lively and happy of all like this as something reckless.

"~ Heh ~ I missed you, did you miss me?!"

Eva excitedly exclaimed her question while rubbing her soft cheek against Naruto's while letting out a funny and innocent giggle at being next to her partner again.

Naruto, who has Eva held with both hands by her soft and wide waist, allowed her to climb onto his lap, something that some saw as a very compromising and indecent pose except for Artoria and the newly appeared ones, although Jeanne had no opinion.

Naruto let Eva rub her cheek against his and he also let out a soft giggle that shook the hearts of those present.

Naruto: Yes, I missed you and all of you... - he said softly as he passed his hands around Eva's waist and pulled her into a soft hug, and the beautiful blonde responded strongly. The hug crushed her soft breasts against Eva's chest. Naruto.

Naruto looked over Eva's shoulder at Lilith who smiled at him as did the others, happy to see him again and be free again.

Satan smiled as he saw his Mother again.

Lilith: well, Eva hugged a lot already... it's my turn... - said seriously the first Woman who took a few steps in Naruto's direction while Eva took her face out of Naruto's neck and turned to see Lilith with a pout that Lilith didn't buy it and gave him a sideways look.

Naruto: don't worry, I won't leave and you can both sit down, I hugged you... - he said calmly while he placed Eva on one of his legs and Lilith took the other before leaning her head against Naruto's chest and letting out a sigh of relief. satisfaction being that Artoria did not stay Outside since Naruto attracted her with his hand and attached her to Lilith in a big hug.

Mnemosyne beat Belial who was going to move and claimed Eva's Side, and Naruto also grabbed her with his other hand before letting out a little of his presence to surround his daughters which made them happy, and later they could hug a lot. to their father for El Momento they would let their Mother have it.

Naruto: Is everyone okay now? .. - he asked calmly and his companions nodded as did his daughters who went to the last unoccupied chair with Belial carrying his little sister Hanna although they both shared the same height and the Sisters smiled at him in recognition. to his brother "Satan" who is the Greatest of Them and the others.

Irene, Tamamo, Morgana and Guinevere just watched the entire Interaction with curiosity.

Kuroka whistled internally, surprised by the large, firm breasts of that black-haired woman who was sitting on her future partner's lap.

Shirone and Jeanne were just silent like Aphrodite but they were curious to know who these new guys were.

Irene: this... sorry... but are they?... - I curiously ask the doubt of the majority of those present.

Aphrodite shared curiosity, seeing that there are more beautiful people in The Place but none compare to That Boy with Exotic golden eyes.

Naruto: Oh, that... This is Lilith, the first human woman to exist, and this is Eve, the second human woman, both of them are my companions... he introduced the beautiful black-haired and blonde girl, and the latter smiled innocently at them all. while Lilith looks at them cautiously because she does not know them... She is Mnemosyne, a Titanides daughter of Uranus and Gaea, The two little girls you see in that chair are Hanna and Belial, my daughters and Satan my son... - term of introduction to the surprise and disbelief of several of those present and more so of Irene and Tamamo.

Irene: Lilith... like Lilith the Mother of Demons and Eve... The Mother of humanity?... - stuttering, not something very normal for Her, but damn, there were many surprises and revelations.

Lilith raised an eyebrow before frowning at his words.

Eva tilted her head curiously, Ella, Mom?

Naruto looked calmly at the Dragon.

Naruto: I would appreciate it if you didn't combine that title with my partner... The "Demons" as you call them are or were our children that Lucifer corrupted and not... it suits us well that you associate our names with that a lot, well... - He said calmly and Irene nodded when she wanted to say something completely different but better. She chose not to comment on it, since apparently it didn't make the couple very happy to talk about the "Demons."

Guinevere [ Father of Demons? How did he make them? ] ...-she asked herself curiously.

Naruto: well and about Eva... this is the Original... The Eve they call Mother of humanity is my daughter... I created her so that she would stay with Adam while I took Eva to see the World. .. - He responded calmly to everyone's surprise at seeing The Original Eve of the Bible who smiled at them beautifully.

Eva: Yes and it made me very happy, going out to see The World... there were so many beautiful things... - I say with a big happy and innocent smile.

Irene[ What ?]... - she asked herself surprised, Nothing about that was mentioned in the story.

Tamamo thought the same as Irene but that did not mean that she is not surprised to meet such a Biblical Exponent, Eve Herself, for Amaterasu-sama and Wait, He changed her for a doppelganger ? He At least knows what could have been caused or what the hell happened in those times? The Bible and history does not speak anything about that and even less about this beauty of Naruto, The Yokai denied the Last but damn, He is handsome.

Naruto: well finishing the presentations, now I see that some of those present have their bodies in Ecstasy while their consciousnesses are the ones that are currently in operation and order their sleeping body... - he commented noticing that and Morgana nodded, since she She had done it to herself and Jeanne along with Guinevere to live longer as they were not Immortals like Artoria or Mordred, since the only thing they had to pay for was their magical energy that they possessed in addition to not being able to eat or drink anything, since well They are in Ecstasy and their Magic is what Maintains them as well as their body, since if they give it some food it can trigger a series of bad internal reactions so the Magic Takes Care of everything.

Naruto: Let's fix that... but first, do you want to be Immortals or return to managing your normal functional body?... - I ask Morgana, Guinevere and Jeanne with curiosity, knowing why they put their body to sleep with that spell since it was to accompany Artoria who was in search of her liberation and Another for the same thing but more to see Him being This Jeanne.

Morgana and Guinevere opened their eyes in surprise. Like everyone present with some exceptions, could he give Immortality?

Irene: you say you live many years, right?... - She asked Naruto who looked at her with an eyebrow raised in curiosity and denied.

Irene bit her lip, even denying that he is cute, because of how his beautiful hair moves, She never thought that someone could make her react like this in this way.

Naruto: don't you hear me? Immortality... I said, they will live forever just like my companions... they will stay with their current appearance forever... - he said calmly and Artoria nodded in agreement although she wanted to age a little more in Instead of always having her teenage figure, although it is more out of curiosity about what she would look like with her more developed body.

Naruto: I can also age as much as you want, Artoria, but you will remain Immortal... - He told his partner for his thoughts and Artoria smiled in agreement but that is for later, since she was not surprised that He heard her thoughts. , He did it since before being sealed with Her that it became normal to sometimes not physically speak to each other and only think or speak mentally.

Naruto: well you...

Jeanne: please start with me My lord, I wish for Immortality so I can serve you all my life!... - she said with a strong and passionate voice that startled Satan by the scream.

Eva smiled happily for the excited girl.

Naruto:Oh, good... - he said before snapping his fingers and... Ready.

Naruto: Ready... - he responded as Irene and Tamamo saw him without understanding something that Naruto caught.

Naruto: I could make a Light Appear for the process but it is not necessary, She is Immortal now you...

Morgana: She humbly accepted... - she said quickly, She is not going to waste this Opportunity and Guinevere followed her by lowering her head as a sign of respect and Accepting the same as Naruto snapped his fingers and they are also Immortals.

Morgana felt how her body began to function normally, her heart pumped blood normally and Ella could already feel thirsty.

Guinevere was the same, Impressed.

Aphrodite smiled happy that her Friends will live longer.

Mnemosyne doesn't think so but she still looks askance at that blonde with big breasts who smells faintly like her father.

Irene couldn't fit and didn't understand how He could possess such an ability outside of Logic but she must have Expected it from the Firstborn of God, a total Monster or being of power in regards to The supernatural World, A new and powerful Player.

Naruto: no one else? Well... I told you that I would bring your Mother... - he said now looking at the two Nekoshou sisters.

Kuroka averted her blushing gaze to the same as Shirone, that's too much for them to bear, it's too cute.

Belial settled better into this Strange thing noticing that it is soft.

Irene opened her eyes again surprised, ignoring how Morgana admired her own body as the last wonder of the world.

Tamamo: y...you can't do that... h...there is a Balance between life and Death... - Naruto stammered, still assimilating the Monstrous powers and abilities he possesses, "What the hell? What's wrong with Him?!"

Naruto looked in her direction as Kuroka sighed now calmly and went back to contemplating whether bringing her Mother back to life was good or not, or if at least He doesn't lie to her to win her over or something like that.

Morgana quickly looked at Naruto, bringing someone to life, he couldn't possess such an ability could he?

Jeanne smiled, it's God, obviously He can revive the Dead.

Naruto: Didn't I say that I could revive her? .. - He asked her with curiosity and Lilith nodded in support, that's what her partner said, then how could He not revive her, if He said that he could do it?

Tamamo: and... I... can you revive the Dead?... God...

Naruto: That's me... I'm God... - He answered calmly.

Tamamo looked at him.

Tamamo: look there is a Balance between the living and the dead that must be followed and...

Lilith: according to whom?... - She interrupted him with curiosity, removing her face from Naruto's chest, Now that God is gone, there is no one capable of ordering them.

Mnemosyne raised a curious eyebrow thinking the same as Lilith, without The Monster of God there is nothing.

Tamamo: What?... - I ask without understanding.

Lilith: Who said there is a Balance? Why should we follow it?... - She asked him with curiosity and Naruto nodded, leaving the Kitsune with her mouth open.

Irene: the Dead must rest and...

Naruto: I don't understand,...sighed... They supported my partner so in gratitude I will bring them their Mother... it's that simple... - he said calmly while his eyes shone in gold and a Sphere of Light It suddenly appeared in the center of the room as it dropped a naked body that made Kuroka gasp when she saw it, and the Sphere disappeared.

Kuroka:Oka-sama-Nya... - he said, getting up from his seat and took a few steps towards the fallen body that... breathes... and... God.

Irene and Tamamo began to feel how their heads were turning and, unable to bear it, they fainted in their seats. This had been a lot, since they could not handle such a shocking revelation that although it will not affect them, it was simply a lot.

Naruto calmly looked at the beautiful young black-haired girl that Kuroka cradled in her arms, being no Other than her Mother while Shirone hesitated to come closer.

Artoria smiled softly at the little Nekoshou who instead of going to her sister and Mother came in her direction and hugged her confused.

The pendragon placed a hand on little Neko's head and held it in support.

Morgana and Guinevere followed Irene and Tamamo, fainting. Shocked, reviving the Dead was a lot even for the Magician who practices the Dark Arts.

Aphrodite licked her lips at the hot Naruto, This is interesting more than her monotonous days as a maid, at least now Artoria seems more Inviting and open than before.

Mnemosyne:Naruto... - The Titanides called to her companion who looked at her curiously.

Naruto: yes?... - I ask with curiosity.

Mnemosyne: Do I want to go see my house?... - He told his partner who nodded in understanding.

Naruto:Oh, good... Right now or?... - I ask curiously.

Mnemosyne: It may be later when we gain a little more knowledge of the Present... - She told him and Naruto nodded calmly, not seeing why not visit Uranus and Gaea after so many centuries.

Jeanne saw in wonder what her lord had done, He revived Someone, This is so Exciting and surprising, he did it before her attentive gaze.

Kuroka smiled, happy to have her Mother in her arms, it is... so surprising to be able to feel her breathing again, close to Her.

Naruto noticed that and wondered who had tried to stop him from taking The Soul? Although he didn't have the strength to Oppose Him, he felt it and it was something he would try later, perhaps, after Freeing Gabriel which he would do later as well.

Naruto: Now, Artoria, what can you tell us about this current era?... - He asked her curiously, turning to see his companion who was at his side.

Artoria looked away from Jeanne, who now seemed a little more unbalanced after watching The Power of Naruto in Action, and decided to respond by turning to look at him.

Artoria: well let's start with The Supernatural World... - she said calmly while Lilith settled better into Naruto to now see the Pendragon who looked calmly into her beautiful deep purple eyes.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Supernatural world sounds fun."

Underworld - Party Room.

In this one could see the Maous who had sent the young heirs to their homes with strong warnings not to speak anything about what they had seen or they would be sent to the Maximum Prison of the Underworld for treason, since the Maous did not wait for them in the living room. Party was also transmitting what happened with Loki and the subsequent arrival of This Naruto, at least the entire demonic population did not know about this but how are they going to explain that it now has a Sun, a Moon and a fucking sky similar to that of the World human.

Serafall commented that She would take care of it but several of the Demons who were present at the meeting that ended an hour ago, are worried about this new player in the Supernatural World and not least its creator and the damned son of the God of the Bible who looks like more to the God of the Bible, than the God of the Bible Himself or that's what Michael said.

Ajuka, Sirzechs and Fallbium watched as the Gremory and Sitri group appeared in the center of the almost empty room with Odin Rossweisse's Escort, and Sirzechs quickly ran to see his sister who seemed lost since she is the only one who is kneeling. on the ground next to an unconscious Issei, although it seems that the vritra bearer is also unconscious.

Michael and the other Leaders who left the room still approached the two groups noticing Sirzechs shaking his little sister who seems lost.

Azazel grimaced at that knowing how Siscon The Crimson Maou is and the last thing he wants is This Angry at Naruto when they are going to try to convince them to join Them.

"Rías, Rías, are you okay?!"

Sirzechs, who was kneeling next to him, asked him, worried about his little sister. He had lost sight of her because of the shocking arrival of that Angel, but if he did something to his little sister, he would pay dearly, no matter how much of a son of God he is. No one comes out. He goes unpunished if he hurts his sister.

Rias seemed to come back to herself and Mormuro.

Rias: E... E.. The... God... - he said, making a grimace, just like the Demons present, even Sirzechs felt it to his surprise. The pain included Azazel, something that Michael noticed because of his grimace.

Michael [Apparently he did not come out of his seal weakened at all]... - he thought, he had assumed that his brother was weak because he had not yet received any news of Him looking for Gabriel in Heaven, but it seems that he was wrong and still has not He went looking for her because something caught his attention momentarily.

Ajuka[What?]... - he asked himself, feeling pain since that had never happened to him before because of how powerful he is.

Sirzechs: no, he is a simple Angel... Rias-chan, tell me, did he do something to you?... - I asked him worriedly and Michael, who is behind him with the other Leaders, had no opinion, but he almost wanted to make fun, simple Angel. ?, Sirzechs is taking Naruto and what he represents very lightly.

Rias: He... no... Issei... He took his Sword from Issei... - he pointed to his Unconscious pawn and Sirzechs frowned at that.

Michael: he recognized it as one of Father's Weapons... he sighed... At least he didn't kill him... - he commented calmly although that would be something Gabriel would do or well, seal it.

Azazel: later he will get her back, don't worry about that... We are talking about bringing him to our side... He is not Evil..., he is just a little confused, since he was sealed by, The one you should not mention. .. - He told the Gremory group who nodded slowly understanding Just like El Sitri although Sona did not buy that, That Angel killed the God Loki in a millisecond without any doubt and the way in which he asked for the Dragon Killing Sword from Issei, it wasn't in a very kind way to say the least.

Asia: He... is... Ka... Mi?... - I ask Azazel, cutting the words so as not to feel pain, something strange but I wasn't thinking well enough to ask Lord Michael about that, otherwise She has her mind on God, She saw him Just like everyone else.

Michael: something similar... - He told her when he saw the biggest and most excited smile he had ever seen on Irina before.

Irina: God, He is with us again... - said Ignoring that it gave a severe headache to the Demons and Fallen Angels present.

Xenovia smiled slightly dejected because she had abandoned him and He is now back in The World, "What could I do?"

Rossweisse:Odin-sama... - he said surrounding the Gremory group before reaching the Side of his Leader who nodded to him.

Odin: I saw everything, don't worry, you couldn't have done anything... - I mentioned the father of Asgard and Rossweisse sighed with relief that the guilt did not reappear in Her.

Michael: I think there were many things on this day and we must rest so I'm leaving, come Irina... - he called to his follower who was already at his side in two steps.

Azazel noticed this and raised an eyebrow curiously before speaking.

Azazel: Wait, she's with the group and...

Michael: don't take Naruto's arrival to Light Azazel, I know him a little better than you... just don't point out anything as something that He would do or that an Alliance would take... I tell you that Gabriel's Madness was not in yes from Herself if not from Naruto, She was his Apprentice and if she came out as you say Xenophobic where do you think that came from first?... - He told him while a Light Illuminated him and he disappeared with Irina from the Place.

Tsubaki: p... but we have Sirzechs-sama, if something happens right?... - she commented nervously about the actions of the Leader of Heaven.

The Leaders did not give their opinion but Odin would secretly seek to see this Naruto, based on the description that Michael gave him, He is a powerful little Elohim with abilities similar to those of his father, completely unknown and Monstrous, being that one of the actions by Him. He never Faced Elohim, nor did any other Faction show his face in the Biblical War, they did not want to earn the Anger of the Monster who created his own World, made by which Odin rejected the Alliance that Lucifer asked of him centuries ago and now there is Another Elohim loose because there is and how powerful he is portrayed.

The father of Asgard stroked his beard, The days ahead are going to be Interesting.

Odin: We're leaving Rossweisse... - He called his Escort that he thought he would leave with the Demons for a more solid alliance with The Dragon Child, but This new Exponent looked more capable, powerful and someone that perhaps you should not have as an Enemy in case he hates demons although he didn't kill any, only his stupid son who appeared at the wrong time.

Rossweisse: h...hai... - he said, following his Leader as they walked to the exit, leaving the Fallen and Demons alone in The Place.

Shemhazai, sighed, he would have to tell his companions about this, keeping Naruto's Apparition a secret made no sense, his brother never hid from anything, nor did anyone just hope he wouldn't start floating among humans and reveal the supernatural world, But again, who could stop him from doing it?

Shemhazai [ What a bother ]... - thought the Fallen One.










"Well first, Naruto is not weak or anything, he just slept in his seal and now he has no seals that Limit him."

"Can it revive and give Eternal life? Look at the prologue and you will understand."

The actions of Tamamo and Irene, both of them are simply shocked, surprised and disbelieving and even more so when they gave them a sample of the truth which made them faint like anyone else.

Naruto too powerful, everything will be explained and it would be foolish to make the first-born and closest to God weak, no less than he was a Monster with unknown and Multiple abilities, tearing out, subduing souls and powerful beings in secret Gear, that is what God could do.