
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · Komik
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20 Chs

How far would you go for freedom?

Kakashi looked at the Hokage, Hiruzen just smiled and said "No need to worry he must be exhausted", Kakashi just nodded as they all exit the room.

Naruto got home hungry and tired, he had enough self control earlier to stop himself from lounging at the people at the hospital and the ones he saw on his way home, so he decided to wait till night to have himself a feast as he fell asleep on his bed.

When he woke up it was already late at night, he quickly got up and Summoned a fire demon(imp) to shape shift to him and stay in the house pretending to sleep, the imp nodded and transformed to an exact copy of Naruto, also imitating his chakra signature, then he want to sleep.

Naruto saw this and was satisfied, as he transformed into countless bats, the bats made their way out the window blending perfectly with the darkness. The night was dark and quiet as nobody spent their night outside anymore in fear of the 'Blood Demon'.

He kept flying around and searching till he found three men by the forest of death about to molest a woman they tied up, it was the perfect meal that would satisfy his hunger.

The bats flew to their front as naruto assembled his human form landing in front of them with light steps, they notice him and quickly pulled out their knifes, one of them supposedly the leader by the way he acted said "H-hey what do you want, you know her or something, just leave and we'll pretend we didn't see you." but Naruto didn't mind them as he dashed forward at a blinding speed towards the man who spoke and bit his neck.

It took him a few seconds to suck his blood dry, he didn't wait for the others to run as he quickly hit the back of their neck making them fall unconscious, this time he sucked the blood of the second man more calmly, as soon as he finished it he moved to the third one and also sucked him dry.

Naruto looked at the woman who was tied up, she was a blonde woman in her early twenties, her cloths had been torn apart by those savages as they've jerked off white sticky substance on her face and her body also leaving residue's by her mouth signifying they also forced her to drink it, they were about to start taking turns to rape her when Naruto showed up.

The Woman seeing Naruto stare at her with his red glowing eyes and his bloodied fangs, she was beyond terrified as she frantically tried to scream louder and escape from her bondage but it was all useless as Naruto slowly walked to her.

When he reached her, he caressed her hair softly as he spoke to her in a whisper "Shhh shh don't worry lady I'll free you now" he said with a smile on his face that could be the least thing comforting in the world as his bloodied fangs and shining red eyes almost made her heart stop beating.

As soon as he finished took an handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sperm and tears away from the woman's face, once he finished he leaned closer to her and said "Thank you for the meal" as he bit her neck and sucked her blood dry killing her immediately.

He got up and was about to leave, but heard a sound, he summoned a bat and asked it to scan around until he found a figure running away at genin level speed not even daring to look back, Naruto smirked as he turned into bats and began pursuit.


"*huff* *huff*" 'I won't stop till I have revenge on the main branch for what they've done, even if I die I'll get rid of this curse mark.' a boy around the age of sixteen thought to himself while punching a training dummy harshly, the evening sun fell on his sweaty pale white skin, the boy had long black hair but the most striking figure was his white eyes.

"Neji-san, Hiashi-dono asked me to fetch you" a man around his forties with the same white eyes as the boy, said and turned around to leave signalling Neji to follow him immediately.

"Hiashi-dono" the man knelt by the door and called out the Hyuga clan leader in a soft voice, Hiashi hearing this said "You can leave, let Neji come in", the man complied and left leaving Neji who slid the door open and got up from his kneeling position, he walk sharply till he reached in front of the clan leader and knelt down once more.

"Hiashi-sama" Neji said in a low tone, Hiashi hearing him raised his head from what he was doing and looked at Neji as he said "I heard you are making progress in your gentle fist training", "Yes sir" Neji replied bluntly.

"It's such a pity you were born in the branch house, if such a genius was from the main clan maybe the Hyuga clan will regain some of it lost prestige again." Hiashi said shaking in head in pity as he looked at Neji.

Neji kneeling down didn't fail to notice the pity in Hiashi's voice as he clenched his fist tightly, Hiashi continued saying with a stoic "I'll speak to the elders and let you get the position of a gaurd to the clan head after you become a chunin, So work hard".

Neji replied bluntly "Yes sir" as he stood up and left, as he was on his way out of the clan leader house he saw the person he hated more than anything in his life. "N-nej-ji-nii" The daughter of the clan head and Naruto's classmate, the ever nervous Hinata Hyuga said, Neji just looked at her with hatred in his eyes as he bowed and said "Hinata-sama", he didn't wait for her to continue speaking as he walked away.

As Neji reached his room he couldn't calm down, he always felt so angry towards the main branch, he hated when people pity him especially the people who put him in his predicament. He felt lost, hopeless he didn't know what to do as he got up and went out of the clan's compound and walked, he kept walking till a scream woke him up from his thoughts.

He looked up and saw it was already so dark and late at night, he then followed the screaming and saw a woman getting assaulted, but as they were about to start the process of raping her, he dashed forward planning to subdue the men, in the process he could also relief his pent up anger.

Before he could reach there he saw lots of bats flying toward the men, the weird thing was that the flew collectively as it they had a hive mind, he turned on his byakugan but he didn't see chakra flow, it was as if the bats didn't exist.

As the bats got closer he stayed a while to observe the creatures but the bats suddenly merged and turned to the boy he saw this afternoon "N-naruto" he said under his breath. Neji decided to wait and see how Naruto would take them down, but to his surprise Naruto disappeared from his position and reappeared next to the one who just spoke to him and bit his neck sucking his blood dry.

Neji was frozen in fear as he saw Naruto finish the other two men, he watched as Naruto approached the woman to tell her something, he thought that he would let the woman go but his thoughts were wrong as he saw Naruto bite her neck and sucked her blood also killing her.


He stepped on a twig, oh no he messed up, he looked up and saw a bat leave Naruto's suit, Neji didn't wait as he started sprinting out of the forest of death.


Naruto sprinted and caught up to the dessert that ran away, but he was surprised when he stopped the food from running, he saw the Neji whom he met this afternoon. Neji who was on the floor was scared shitless as he looked at Naruto's glowing red eyes 'Sharingan? No the tomoes aren't there.' he thought to himself but quickly shelved it as he was in danger of dying.

"N-naruto I promise I w-won't tell anyone" he mustard up the courage to tell the demon in front of him, Naruto looked at Neji intriguingly and recognised the will for freedom in his eyes, "huhu" "huhuhuhu" Naruto grinned and said "Neeji Nneji Nejiii, what shall I do with you?", "Please let me go, my mouth would be sealed, I won't say a word to anyo.." before Neji finished talking Naruto put his hand on neji's shoulder.

He felt an undeniable determination from him, impressed he asked "What do you want?" , "Please let me live", Naruto eyes became serious as he asked "Neji tell me what YOU want?." There was silence for a few seconds as neji's mind was running at maximum gears trying to process the question.

He looked up at the red devil asking him, he bowed down and said, "I want FREEDOM", "Ha","HaHa","HaHaHaHa", naruto laughed in happiness for a while, he bent down and lifted Neji up and said "So Neji, HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO FOR FREEDOM."